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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Choze; I'm not a DIECORE fan of any game enough to go and join group masturbation sessions. I recognise that, ultimately, these games are just a means to an end -- that is, a way for the producers to get our fucking money. So why should I care that much?


Regardless of how much of the internet is covered in your grease, the point is that on this forum there's a certain way we run things. Firstly, don't presume that everyone behaves as you do. Don't assume that everyone knows what you do. This forum is about discussion and debate, not the measuring of various penises or pointing out/overlooking whatever smeg you feel is a tarnish on the penis that you'd otherwise suck.


The point is that you added nothing to this thread. Feel free to post things that back you up, and learn to be succinct. I don't understand why people ever argue the way you do - you're not going to convince anyone to change their mind with the way you argue, you're just going to make people think that you're a dick.


Not really arguing. Feel free to think what you like. Some people will like stuff like random spawning others wont. Heck look at the KZ3 beta. I prefer KZ2 gameplay but others like the changes. We are free to be critical.

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Jtothe7 just laid it down, so leave it now.


Kind of wanna go grab this now.


My brothers got in touch with me today asking if I was picking it up at midnight.


To be honest what will eventually make me get this will be for some decent multiplayer time with family.


CoD for me has become a tool for odd computer game bonding with my brothers.


We used to all sit around an N64 for some GoldenEye/PD.


Now it's scattered across the country with CoD.


It oddly holds a spot in my gaming heart next to GoldenEye and PD.

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The DLC for the game has been fantastic and adds even more bang for your buck.


Is there really any point in me praising this game though? you've obviously made up your mind already.


I haven't made my mind up, no. I tried it and "liked" it, it just didn't stand out as I'd expected it to. While it indeed is 250+ players, it never feels like you're playing with more than 20 people, which eventually renders the whole 250+ kind of useless.

When it comes to straight action, COD is better, when it comes to strategic "squad" action, Team Fortress 2 takes the prize and Bad Company isn't far behind, probably tied with MAG. As I've always played both those regularly, MAG was a disappointment to me (I was quite looking forward to it when it came out).


As for all the DLC, I obviously didn't try that so it's absent from my "opinion" of MAG.


But if you so solemnly insist on it's greatness, I guess I'll give it another more prolonged try. Seeing as it's so cheap now.


If you remotely enjoy TF2 you will LOVE MAG. Its insanely good. I joined late for the same reasons as I thought it was poo :p


Tesco time.

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Was 4th in the que at GAME, but the que ended up being huge, felt ace walking out with the game with everyone looking at me!!


Got a free poster, dvd, avatar item, double reward points and entered into a raffle. + Got this and Fallout: NV for £42 thanks to the offer and a £22 gift card! :)

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Was 4th in the que at GAME, but the que ended up being huge, felt ace walking out with the game with everyone looking at me!!


Got a free poster, dvd, avatar item, double reward points and entered into a raffle. + Got this and Fallout: NV for £42 thanks to the offer and a £22 gift card! :)


You have 56,000 G????? Jesus christ, you must be the least productive person on the planet! :eek:

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Sigh. It's completely borked on PC. Multiplayer has lag issues and severe frame rate drops with frequent server disconnects. Singleplayer has framerate issues too, and even the main menu interface has input lag/freezing issues. It's a real shame because when I actually managed to get a lag less experience, the game was loads of fun. It could be because the maps seem infinitely better than what MW2 had to offer but it's early days yet. Oh and it's not just me having problems. The people on the 5 different servers I played were complaining of the same issues, and the steam forums are full of complaints. I also read that treyarchs forums went down, probably because of the amount of people trying to voice their opinion.

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What do you guys think of it then?



Been playing for an hour or so.

-I like the new system of unlocking things

-Too many people are running about like headless chickens with SMGs and just mowing you down, no real tactics going on at the moment making it hard to get kill streaks

-Can't comment on the levels until I play them a bit more to get to know them

-The aiming feels a bit 'floaty' and less responsive than MW2. I got BF:BC2 and had the same problem but fortunately BO is much better than BC2 in that respect. Still, not as sharp as MW2 was

-Does the text really need to be that small?!?

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Lovefilm are sending me Black Ops so it should be here tomorrow. Tesco messed up in my area and ran out of PSN cards so people literally left to go Asda or GAME. :hmm: Though they have the deal online if anyone cares. Sainsburys is another good option if i have time as its a bit far.

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The online is a bit knackered at the moment. If you try to play player matches with your mates it keeps kicking everyone out of the party so you end up in seperate matches. It was doing it all last night and its continued to do so today.


I've had a few matches on Nazi Zombies and its as fun as always. Although I don't care much for the crawler type enemies that spew gas out. I can't remember them being in WaW.

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I love it at the moment, not played much but I did win my first gun match the one where it swaps weapons every time you get kill. Enjoyable just kept stabbing everyone think i stabbed the guy in first place to knock him one below me and i climbed to top in the last seconds, all in all I likey alot.


Shame the theatre mode is not working yet :( would have loved to have seen my first match.

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Bought this earlier but it had to remain in my bag while I endured a statistics lecture. Fun times.


Have had a go now, though, and as expected, I'm enjoying it. Just got up to the first mission in Vietnam (mission 4) and have to say, the second mission has so far been the best. Really liked that one. Had a go at DOA as well and it's great. Gonna try out Zork later on.


Had a quick jaunt online. Only played part of a team deathmatch game as the connection to the host was left after someone left, presumably the host for said match. So does that mean there's no host migration this time around? Would be stupid if it wasn't in there. Felt weird playing CoD online again. I had played Medal of Honor online but it's been 10 months or so since I last played CoD and it took about half of the time I got to play in that match to get back up to speed, although certain things like the guns firing online seem to feel different from what I remember.


So yeh, it's good so far. Need to play more to ably compare to MW2. Not really seeing it as GOTY potential yet, as some reviews have said, but then the calibre of games we've had this year has been extremely high.

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I fought my way through the first level on Veteran only to have the game glitch on me. I had to destroy an enemy vehicle but everytime I did it the game kept failing me for killing my allies! I sucked it up and started again.


After that I ploughed my way through the first 3 levels on Veteran but the game didn't give me my achievement. What's worse this CoD doesn't seem to track what levels you have done on Veteran, so I have no clue as to which levels the game has registered me as beating!


I guess I will have to start from scratch again so thats me done for the day, its killed my fighting spirit. :(

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Crappy glitch on the first level pretty much ensured that it's gonna be a while till I play the campaign. Why are all COD games terribly full of glitches at launch? Are they in such a hurry?


I fought my way through the first level on Veteran only to have the game glitch on me. I had to destroy an enemy vehicle but everytime I did it the game kept failing me for killing my allies! I sucked it up and started again.


Your actions caused your team to be killed, right? And they're safe and sound by your side... That's the one I got too... seems there's a lot of people getting it. Bah.

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Played it a bit at a friend's house last night, all good fun.

Felt that it was a very tweaked MW.


The RC is just all kinds of random fun and the extreme number of killing streaks have toned down a bit.

Really liked that you can get unique killstreaks with care-packages, the minigun seems like it is every kind of overkill.


Split-screen online worked much better then I expected, had not noticeable performance issues and joining games had no problems.

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