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Top ten necessary sequels

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I'll just comments on their list first.. What is GT's obsession with strider? I played this game and thought it was kinda Meh really.. EVen in the videos he looks slow and clunky to control what am I missing here. Screwattack even went as far as calling it the best megadrive game ever..........am.. no screwattack put it down.


why do people want kid icarus so bad....... Why because he is in smash bros brawl? It honestly wasn't THAT good.


I really actually kinda disliked this list actually.

i want


1: a true platforming sequel to donkey kong 64 or better still donkey kong country 3.... but I believe donkey CAN work in 3d


2: this might sound strange but another 3d mario title set in the mushroom kingdom would be nice. NO gimmicks just strange on 3d platforming.. Not on holiday or in space. A sequel to super mario 64 is really what i'm asking :)


3: I'm kinda afraid to ask for this one but a sequel to f-zero gx... I'm scared because i'm convinced nintendo themselves would wreck it.. Probably add steering wheel control and miis.


4: Another 2d metroid. Sequel to metroid zero mission if you will... Yes thats right never try a 3d one on the ds again! but i'd love to see a 2d metroid for the ds


5: Tombi 3: A fastastic ps1 beginning and a great sequel deserves another chance


6: A sequel to crash team racing that doesn't suck would be nice.


7: Another oddworld title: Nobody bought oddworld strangers wrath for the original xbox because people were too busy with halo and all it's overrated glory ( I went there) :)

but this was a refreshing take on the first person shooter genre. The company gave up on games after this because EA made a balls of advertising it.

Also a sequel to abe would be great too, but perhaps would be best suited to the likes of wiiware these days.


8: rayman: Oh what happened to you! The original rayman game was just as good as any platformer and had some of the best graphics I had ever seen on a 2d game. Of course if you played the gba version or whatever sucks to be you :D Jaguar, saturn or ps1 was where it was at. It was a very hard game too. I didn't like its sequel as much as others did and apparantly the third one is even worse but I wish rayman would return.


9: A sequel to resident evil 0. NOw hear me out here. I hated 0.. but it seemed like it was the last resident evil game that was made in the old style.

As much as I loved resident evil 4 a part of me wished it was a completely different series because its very likely that we'll never see an old-style version ever again. Shame because most of those old style games were better than resident evil 5.


10:silent hill 2: 3 was awful and 4 wasn't silent hill I mean wtf


I have quite a bit more to be honest.


again what are yours ?

Edited by mcj metroid
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Unfortunately all the games I mostly want sequels to will likely never be made due to some stupid camera.


I would really love Banjo-Threeie, Perfect Dark 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day 2, Jet Force Gemini 2, Blast Corps 2, Kameo 2 and Nuts & Bolts 2. Not to mention a proper Dinosaur Planet without Nintendo shoving Star Fox in the way (although as it's now Microsoft that own them, it would probably be a Halo spin-off).

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Yeah I don't get all the Kid Icarus hype, but then I never played it... however, Pit was undoubtedly cool in SSBB... just just based on what I know of the character from that, I'd like a game based around him (regardless of the NES title).


My List:


All the obvious Nintendo franchises... F-Zero, Starfox, Kirby, PilotWings, 1080, Waverace, Mario Tennis/Golf etc...


1) Shenmue 3 - Absolutely needs to happen!!


2) Diddy Kong Racing 2 - (Mario Kart Wii fun aside) DKR is possibly the finest racer I've ever played! Fantastic cast of original characters... backed up by the fact Banjo and Conker went on to bigger things!... something Timber was also capable of! Absolutely brilliant courses/track design, and great hub world...

And of course Karts, Hovercraft and Planes!! in races all at the same time... which added a whole new layer of depth/startegy and different routes/shortcuts for everyone to take, and somehow everything perfectly balanced itself out!


3) Powerstone - Outside of SSBM, this is the best, most fun and enjoyable fighting game I've ever played. The interactive/destructable 3D arena worked perfectly, the fighters were full of personality and character, the Powerstone collecting added to the frantic action and the Super Moves were brilliant!


4) Zelda: Wind Waker - yes we've had Twilight Princess, and yes the cel-shaded look has somewhat continued on to the DS titles, but a fully fleged animated cartoon Zelda adventure needs to once again grace the Nintendo home console at some time in the future.


5) Banjo and Kazooie 3 - A proper platforming sequel please!!



and perhaps not old enough to be on this list...

but Zack & Wiki and Little Kings Story, are two games perhaps unlikely to get sequels, that do infact need sequels!

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I was expecting a list of genuine one-off games - not one that is composed of series that they happen to want new iterations of that are more like the original. Why the hell was Star Fox 64 in there? Assault was the sequel... it just happened to have on-foot sections.


Anyway, sequels I would like are follow-ups to:


Zack & Wiki


The World Ends With You


Toonsylvania (guilty pleasure)


World of Goo


My Teacher Is An Alien (again, shameless pleasure, such a weird game)


In fact there's probably tonne of low-brow PC titles I got for free when we collected PC Ace that I want sequels to.

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Glad to see a few people not clambering for a new Kid Icarus. I never liked the original two and I'm in no rush for a sequel- I always thought I was alone in this! I really don't know why everyone else is as imo, it would really need revamped cos its just that shallow. There was never a Kid Icarus Snes or N64 game for a reason so lets let sleeping dogs lie.


They should make a sequel to Fifa 10.


Fifa 10-2? Would the World Cup game qualify...?

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Mole Mania could surely see a sequel. Surely the game has not run out of ideas.


I also wouldn't mind seeing a new Mystical Ninja game (one that wasn't Japan-only, I mean). Hell, releasing the N64 one for VC would be enough for me.


Elite Beat Agents too... I can't get enough of them :grin:

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Ahaha, join thread, expecting some Skies of Arcadia love, notice it is the preview image in the video..


My idea's for sequels that need to be done due soon, need some musing..


A proper sequel to Streets of Rage II is all I ask for.


... :hmm: What was wrong with Streets of Rage III?

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Well, here's my list of sequels they really do need to make:


A true Phantasy Star Online sequel

This game was the shit back in the day, and I'd be guilty if I said I don't play it any more. I hyped up Phantasy Star Universe like your typing Phantasy Star mother fucker, and what did I get? A pile of wank about Ethan Webber. Took it online and the story present there was also pretty crap, the setting was too colourful and more important, that shit was no universe.


Streets of Rage

III was awesome, wrapped it up brilliantly, you couldn't really do much with the story after that. But still, you crave more. SOR had a sequel in the making (Well, a tech demo) but nothing materialised. They had some game out on the Playstation by the team (or a fraction, can't remember) but was awful. We need a new one, but the fan made Streets of Rage Remake will tide me over til Sega get their asses in gear.


I'm at a mind block as to what other games I'd like, so I'm going to write the next one anyways, despite tormenting my mind as to whether it actually needs a sequel..


Burning Rangers

This is where most people reading this post realise I'm a bit of an old school Sega fan. This was an absolute gem on the Saturn, it was like finding a condom full of drugs accidentally flushed by a prison inmate in a huge river of shit. Absolutely amazing game, the theme song, the FIRE RESCUING, the back story of the team and the previous generation Burning Rangers.. Oh god, I think I'm gonna play it again today..

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Well, here's my list of sequels they really do need to make:


A true Phantasy Star Online sequel

This game was the shit back in the day, and I'd be guilty if I said I don't play it any more. I hyped up Phantasy Star Universe like your typing Phantasy Star mother fucker, and what did I get? A pile of wank about Ethan Webber. Took it online and the story present there was also pretty crap, the setting was too colourful and more important, that shit was no universe.


Phantasy Star Zero is pretty ace. Just a shame it's on the DS really.


Alternatively, you could just try the Schthack servers. I never got the GC version working, but I gave up pretty easily (you need the BB adapter though, which is quite hard to find/expensive. I got REALLY lucky finding mine). Can't comment on the DC version as I don't have the broadband adapter. I did get PSOBB working on the PC, but the game was buggy (not due to the servers, they worked fine).

Edited by Goafer
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Diddy Kong Racing 2. Diddy Kong Racing is my all time favourite racer, even more so than any MarioKart! It probably won't happen as Rare are no longer with us but we can always dream. When I think of my favourite Nintendo games, most of them are actually made by Rare.


a sequel to Donkey Kong 64 would be a dream come true but again, I don't see it happening. Nintendo forgot about Donkey Kong when Rare left. What have we had since? Donkey Konga which was fun but nothing compared to a full adventure.

Oh and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat which was good but far too short. Then, just to piss me off that bit more, Nintendo ruined Donkey Kong by giving him the most retarded voice ever in Mario Kart Wii.

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Phantasy Star Zero is pretty ace. Just a shame it's on the DS really.


Alternatively, you could just try the Schthack servers. I never got the GC version working, but I gave up pretty easily (you need the BB adapter though, which is quite hard to find/expensive. I got REALLY lucky finding mine). Can't comment on the DC version as I don't have the broadband adapter. I did get PSOBB working on the PC, but the game was buggy (not due to the servers, they worked fine).


Phantasy Star Zero could have benefited so much more with a console release, heres to hoping there's a V2 due


SCHTHACK is a brilliant server, I still play on it.

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Yes, a new Mystical Ninja starring Goemon please. That game was very appealing in many levels: quirky humour, solid 3D exploration in colourful and crazy Japanese locales, a memorable soundtrack that went from traditional Japanese tunes to funky jamming castles and fired-up theme songs, giant robot battles, a wacky cast including a guy who wears a hair moustache, musical antagonists flying in an enormous peach, etc. Hope there is a VC release someday, for this is an excellent game.


Well, a sidescroller would do as well, though I'd prefer a proper 3D title.


Have you tried the Snes Goemon? Its available on the VC.

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1) Shenmue 3 - Absolutely needs to happen!!


2) Diddy Kong Racing 2 - (Mario Kart Wii fun aside) DKR is possibly the finest racer I've ever played! Fantastic cast of original characters... backed up by the fact Banjo and Conker went on to bigger things!... something Timber was also capable of! Absolutely brilliant courses/track design, and great hub world...

And of course Karts, Hovercraft and Planes!! in races all at the same time... which added a whole new layer of depth/startegy and different routes/shortcuts for everyone to take, and somehow everything perfectly balanced itself out!


3) Powerstone - Outside of SSBM, this is the best, most fun and enjoyable fighting game I've ever played. The interactive/destructable 3D arena worked perfectly, the fighters were full of personality and character, the Powerstone collecting added to the frantic action and the Super Moves were brilliant!


4) Zelda: Wind Waker - yes we've had Twilight Princess, and yes the cel-shaded look has somewhat continued on to the DS titles, but a fully fleged animated cartoon Zelda adventure needs to once again grace the Nintendo home console at some time in the future.


5) Banjo and Kazooie 3 - A proper platforming sequel please!!


Definitely agree.


Also did anybody else play Poy Poy on the PS1? Such an awesome game.

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Streets of Rage

III was awesome


I couldn't disagree more :hmm:


Streets of Rage was fantastic and the sequel improved on it in pretty much every respect :hehe: The soundtrack, in both games, is also a highlight :yay:


Streets of Rage 3 was, in the opinion of myself and my friend, a travesty :eek: It was a complete let down :sad:


For years I would have agreed on wanting a sequel to the Streets of Rage series, but I now believe that I am happy to hold onto the memories of the original games and not wish for something that is unlikely to ever live up to what we played when we were younger.. unless they take a Mega Man 9 approach and use a Streets of Rage 2 style to create a new game :indeed:


My brother and I, however, would love a new version of Super Soccer on the SNES : peace: It remains our favourite football game to this day.. 18 years later :hehe:

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