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How sickie-prone are you?


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I don't normally pull sickies unless I'm actually sick or physically hurt, but I don't exactly find it wrong if people take a sick day once in a while due to them not feeling on top though without actually being ill. We're all human, as you say, and if they're not abusing the system and generally doing their work well, I think it's fine.

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I'd love to know how you know that. Magic? Children as young as ten have fatty deposits in their arteries; mark my words, it's a ticking timebomb for everyone.


If you are a young person eating a healthy diet, no illnesses, your blood levels shouldn't be abnormal at all...


(not aimed at you sheiker just the first lazy-quote i could find :P)

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I'd love to know how you know that. Magic? Children as young as ten have fatty deposits in their arteries; mark my words, it's a ticking timebomb for everyone.


Usually check ups at the doctor can confirm this.


My blood work is usually ok, but I get told to stop stressing out so much. Go figure! :laughing:

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bloodwork is only ever abnormal if there's something pretty wrong with you - and even in some cases you can do shit all if they are abnormal


I've got a high iron count (go figure) and a high ESR count -thats inflammation levels- but there's nothing that can be done for either..


It's usually a diagnostic tool, not something that absolutely has to be perfect.

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I used to suffer quite badly from migraines when I was a kid. It's gradually got a lot better over the years. I seem to get ill at exactly the same time each year. Usually I get headaches and tiredness around October. When I was in school, I used to get bad colds, a chesty cough and runny noses whenever it came to exam seasons. But, I was never one to worry or stress out about exams, so I don't think that played a part. It would just seem to come on because it was that time of the year, heh.


So, on the whole I wouldn't say I was sickie-prone, but I wouldn't say I had an extremely great record for non-sickness. It's about in the middle.


About 2 years ago, I was working on a school placement and I had this incredibly bad chest pain. Literally couldn't stand up straight without feeling pain. I went into school anyway, but taught practically crouching over. The first day with that pain wasn't too bad, but the second day was awful. In the end, my mentor told me to get myself checked up. It was a form of Pleurisy, I think. Quite nasty, but I seemed to recover from it quickly after some good medicine.


Apart from that, I've been lucky. Never really broken anything, never had anything. Never had swine flu either. ;)

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O_W; you're teh sort of guy who dies aged 30 under iffy circumstances...


If I wasn't 23 and had actually acomplished anything in all these years, that would actually make me smile. But knowing I've wasted 23 years of perfect health on nothing but filler is a bit depressing when I'm faced with the possible reality that my life will end at 30.



I'd love to know how you know that. Magic? Children as young as ten have fatty deposits in their arteries; mark my words, it's a ticking timebomb for everyone.


That one is actually pretty simple, my mom owns a blood test lab (which I will inherit and pretty much guarantees I'll never have to work a day in my life, If I so choose), I get tested every single month because she insists upon it. And so far, I've always passed with flying colours.

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I've never taken/had a sick day during my whole working life (since i was 15). I just tend to go in and carry on as normal. I've had the flu, various colds amongst other things and they have never stopped me.


Not aimed at you in particular, but going in to work when you're sick doesn't make you a hero. You go in, infect all the other people, then they take sick days, which means your employer loses more productivity than if just you'd taken off a day.


I call in sick (different to pulling a sickie) when I feel unwell. It's mounted to a few days over the last four years. A couple of times I've worked from home instead as I knew the work would be a chore when I got back if I didn't do something.

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I think I've been sick (as in actually ill) one day in the last 8 years. I've also not visited a doctor in that time. Actually...I'm still registered at one in Wales (I've been living in Sheffield then Stockport for the last 4 years).


I feel fine and I'm slightly underweight, so I assume that I'm healthy. Although my insides are probably slowly rotting away.

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I've never taken/had a sick day during my whole working life (since i was 15). I just tend to go in and carry on as normal. I've had the flu, various colds amongst other things and they have never stopped me.


Why not give yourself a break though? I can't even imagine going to work if i had the flu. In most jobs you're working to make your superiors more rich anyway. So why bust your gut doing it if you're ill?


If quite likely that if you're working for a major company, they don't give a shit about you as a person. So why should you feel guilty if they have slightly lower productivity due to your absence one day? Employers do lots of underhand things to take advantage of their workers.


I suppose it depends on your job, and there are workmates to consider. But i can't relate to not doing it for the sake of the company. Especially a big corp.

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It should be noted that although I did work at my previous job for almost three years without taking a sick day, I haven't worked since I left, so really the last few months have been me on constant sick days. Making up for the lost time... off.

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Why not give yourself a break though? I can't even imagine going to work if i had the flu. In most jobs you're working to make your superiors more rich anyway. So why bust your gut doing it if you're ill?


If quite likely that if you're working for a major company, they don't give a shit about you as a person. So why should you feel guilty if they have slightly lower productivity due to your absence one day? Employers do lots of underhand things to take advantage of their workers.


I suppose it depends on your job, and there are workmates to consider. But i can't relate to not doing it for the sake of the company. Especially a big corp.


I think it depends on how you see your job.


For example I want to be a 3d modeller for a games company, I now imagine this job means long hours and not so good pay, but because I also imagine I'll enjoy my job, I doubt I'll have days off.


I do agree with the flu thing though, just because you feel able sometimes going in with something that can very easily spread does more harm than good. I went into my recent job half asleep full of flu because I wasn't allowed the day off, which is shocking given it was a children's play centre. :hmm:

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I don't often skive from work just because my Manager is so scary when you tell him your going to be off sick. He is so intimidating and then gets all sarcastic and asks if you've been out drinking, then says that I don't sound ill.

So in the 2 years, I've pulled a sickie twice because I can't deal with the dreadful call :heh:

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High-five fellow Crohnie!


Woooooo high five d00d!



I can't use the excuse of giving my sicknesses to people, most of mine are part and parcel of illnesses. BOO.


However I once came into work with a partially dislocated hip! My pain threshold is pretty substantial so I work with it.

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I had an operation last summer which made me take just over a week off, but I don't think I've taken an entire day off sick since then. I'll sometimes cancel my last lesson of the day if I feel tired or have a headache or whatever because I'd rather be alert and refreshed.


If I don't work, then I don't get paid. Sucks having no paid days off, but I make more than enough money to cancel a few lessons here and there without worrying about it too much.

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I cannot recall a time I've taken off sick.


Although, I once had to go to work at 12, girlfriend slept over so had to drop her off. Got in car, got 5 mins down road. Pulled over...sick. Turned around to go home to get the mum to take her..2 mins down road...sick. I didn't feel ill, it just all of a sudden caused me to go really hot, feverish and I couldn't stop myself!


Called in to say I don't think I could make it. Said I'll get some sleep see if its better. Slept for an hour, got up felt fine, went to work an hour late. And she STILL had a go at me! Ungrateful :p

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Speaking of...


My throat is so sore right now that it hurts when I breath, I've got a cough but I'm having to physical restrain myself from coughing because it hurts too much. Breathing through my nose isn't much easier...


Worst part of it all though is that I can't take the day off because someone else is on holiday this week and I'm covering her work as well as doing my own... today is going to be fun!

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When I lived back home in Inverness, I rarely got ill...heck, the last time I was actually ill back home I ended up in hospital over a weekend due to an abcess on one of my tonsils...fun times :P.


Anyways..since I moved to Perth (still in Scotland, not Australia) I find myself more prone to petty things like headaches, tickly throats and once had a bad case of the flu in the 8 months I have been here...maybe it's something to do with the supposedly cleaner Highland Air....

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