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Election 2010 - Con/Lib Government


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I've said it before and I'll say it again, democracy simply doesn't work.


I dunno, some of that is shocking but some of it is a bit misleading. The guy is clearly being sarcy with the questions and there are a couple of obviously sarcy non-serious answers there too.

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Obviously they're only showing the people who didn't know the answers. The point though is that there are actually people who go and vote for whoever not knowing anything about the candidates, their platforms, or even how the electoral system works. These people are so easily manipulated by propaganda, that whoever controls the propaganda controls who a large amount of people vote for.

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Another initial poll shows the Clegg won by a nose, which I would agree with. I thought it was pretty even tonight, but considering everyone seemed to predict Clegg would be useless on foreign policy, I thought he came across very well. Cameron looked very uncomfortable in his own skin, but I don't think he did too badly. Brown also came across fairly well. Not a 'game changer' like last weeks apparently was then. The Lib Dem support looks as though it will continue from this.

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Just a point of interest, good news for brown, initial surveys show cameron may have won the debate tonight. so looks like the left hand position is best (since clegg was there last week). I presume Brown will be there next so....


Nah he won't be, he's blind in his left eye so I think he'll be sticking on the right so has a view of the other two.


But yeah, I agree, although it's perhaps more like the middle place is the worst as, particularly in todays, it was like the middle person get's attacked from both sides.


Much more evenly matched as everyone has said, they were both seriously slamming Clegg! Also, interesting to see Cameron and Brown both use a couple of Clegg's phrases / techniques and such..

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While I was eating tea, there was an election broadcast for the Conservatives.


Do they actually have any policies? Their whole plan for us doing all the work/make all the decisions is bullcrap.


People are stupid and people are lazy. Us choosing who runs the police in the area sounds like the bad idea. The majority of people wouldn't even bother looking at the candidates and it seems plausible that gangs/organised criminals would be able to easily achieve a majority vote (as they'll be the ones who actually care).


And Cameron's solution for crime "you should look out for each other, we want to have nothing to do with it".


Hopefully if people do choose him then he's completely lying.


All I hear from them is "look at what the other parties (are speculated to) have done wrong" and "We'll give you all the power".


I do not feel comfortable voting for a party where what they promise will only work in a utopian society.

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The leader of UKIP ended up looking a total twunt on the politics show, arrogant, flippant, didn't know what was in his manifesto, seemed outraged the interviewer was actually asking him about polices that were in the manifesto (probably because they all seemed like news to him and he had no idea how to defend them), absolute pillock.


Edit: Actually, here it is


Please, anyone who is even flirting with the idea of voting UKIP please watch this and see the utter dickhead you'd be voting for.

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The leader of UKIP ended up looking a total twunt on the politics show, arrogant, flippant, didn't know what was in his manifesto, seemed outraged the interviewer was actually asking him about polices that were in the manifesto (probably because they all seemed like news to him and he had no idea how to defend them), absolute pillock.


Edit: Actually, here it is


Please, anyone who is even flirting with the idea of voting UKIP please watch this and see the utter dickhead you'd be voting for.


Wait, that's the leader of UKIP? I thought it was Nigel Farage...


God they're awful. Not only are they insanely right wing but they're utterly incompetent as well.

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Wait, that's the leader of UKIP? I thought it was Nigel Farage...


God they're awful. Not only are they insanely right wing but they're utterly incompetent as well.


On 4 September 2009, it was announced Farage would resign as leader of UKIP.[3] This was to enable him to concentrate on his efforts to become an MP for Buckingham at Westminster. If successful he will be obliged to give up being an MEP due to the dual mandate rule.




"My incompetence is thiiiiiiis big"

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The leader of UKIP ended up looking a total twunt on the politics show, arrogant, flippant, didn't know what was in his manifesto, seemed outraged the interviewer was actually asking him about polices that were in the manifesto (probably because they all seemed like news to him and he had no idea how to defend them), absolute pillock.


Edit: Actually, here it is


Please, anyone who is even flirting with the idea of voting UKIP please watch this and see the utter dickhead you'd be voting for.


If anyone votes for this pillock, or anyone in his party i may have to come around an introduce you to my little friend.


This is where the future for Britain lies, with either Brown or Cameron. One of them is right for Britain, and it isn't Brown.

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Isn't he that idiot form Have I Got News For You a few weeks back?


That was Nigel Farage MEP - he's Lord Pearson's right-hand man, and is probably UKIP's most public figure.




That's the fella.


Now, for anti-Tory lolz:



"And Gideon said "yah"" :smile:

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That man has a surprising amount of chins.


vaguely hypnotising. Definitely shouldn't take him seriously. :)


I'd love to see you doing political analysis on Newsnight.


"Any comment on that statement from the US Vice President about military bases in Taiwan?"


"I definitly give him an OMR of 8/10!"

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