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Miserable Basterd Gets Older


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Cmaaan gaiz, I ain't miserable, I just like to complain! :heh:


Good day today! About to have some friends over, gonna drink, play some videogames, shoot the shit and generally dick around =3.


Thanks for the birthday wishes. I secretly quite like you all :heh:

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You've survived another orbit on a ball of rock spinning at 1600km/h and travelling at 30km/s through space littered with debris around a nuclear fusion reactor with a surface temperature of 5,500°C and a surface area 6,086,500,000,000,000,000m2 firing out 385,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts of deadly radiation. A mighty achievement, congratulations and happy birthday.

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Cmaaan gaiz, I ain't miserable, I just like to complain! :heh:


Good day today! About to have some friends over, gonna drink, play some videogames, shoot the shit and generally dick around =3.


Thanks for the birthday wishes. I secretly quite like you all :heh:


Not as miserable as we once thought. To be fair Dyson did win the most depressing member was it?


Sounds like a good day!

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