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Thanks Cube. From looking into it more after I posted, that seems to be the general consensus. I just really like the Samsung Galaxy Alpha. But the Xperia Z3 Compact is looking delicious too and I'm in the market for a phone that isn't the iPhone. I currently have the BB Passport and it's an amazing device but I'm having some issues with certain things after using it for the last 2 months that are beginning to make me want to switch. I won't bore with that though!


But yeah, Sony seems to be the better for the UI.

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Does the device have to be rooted for that?


I've read about all sorts of bugs on the N7, video playback issues, extreme overheating etc, I'll probably just wait til they deem my device worthy :p


Side loading doesn't. You just need to install the adb on your computer and put your phone into developer mode which doesn't affect anything. It's pretty easy.

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I've got the option to install the update right now on my Nexus 4. Does anyone here have a Nexus 4 and if so, does the new update run smoothly on that? I am always a bit wary about updates, always had too many people contact us with issues when I still worked in tech support. =P

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I've got the option to install the update right now on my Nexus 4. Does anyone here have a Nexus 4 and if so, does the new update run smoothly on that? I am always a bit wary about updates, always had too many people contact us with issues when I still worked in tech support. =P


Ive got the option as well but with all the crashes and lag my Nexus 7 has had since I updated theres no way im doing the same to my phone.

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My Xperia Z3 Compact arrived today. First time with Android and I didn't really know what I was doing to be honest. I haven't put the phone down all night though since I got in from work. I had all my music saved to an SD card on my BlackBerry and it had all my album art work on but this had been transferred to my BB using BB link on my MacBook, directly from iTunes where all my music is. Some music is bought direct from iTunes (not much though), other music is burned off cd into iTunes and the rest are downloaded from elsewhere. Amazon, tesco mp3, whatever.


So I was a little bit unsure how this was gonna pan out. Turns out, as soon as I put my micro SD into the Xperia it just found all my music instantly. All album artwork, even the playlists I'd created on my BlackBerry!! :D

And the Xperia music player is amazing.


Android itself, well I am really enjoying it. At first I did not like all the stuff cluttering up my screen like weather, images that directed me to the shop when clicked, google apps everywhere... :shakehead: but when I realised it was all removable and that I could have it as simple or as cluttered as I wanted, I was off.


Having used iOS for ages then going to BB10 (which is very much an in between of iOS and android and I liked it a lot) and now Android, I really like the way Android puts you in control of how you want your phone to be.

Not to mention the phone itself being really really nice.


Apparently I'm still running KitKat? Think I read somewhere that the newer OS launches officially next year maybe?


Great stuff so far though.

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Top tip for anyone that uses a non-nexus Android: download Google Now Launcher from the Play Store. Makes your home screen look like a Nexus!


The Sony Android skin is pretty good as it is when you customise it how you want, but switching to the Google Now launcher simplifies things a bit.


@Aneres11 switch on stamina mode and your phone will last for DAYS. I've had the Z3C for just over a month and am loving it!


Lollipop is due early in the new year :)

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I've got the option to install the update right now on my Nexus 4. Does anyone here have a Nexus 4 and if so, does the new update run smoothly on that? I am always a bit wary about updates, always had too many people contact us with issues when I still worked in tech support. =P


Yeah I have it installed - runs smoother than ever, not found any issues with it at all, no crashes, no nothing.

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Top tip for anyone that uses a non-nexus Android: download Google Now Launcher from the Play Store. Makes your home screen look like a Nexus!


The Sony Android skin is pretty good as it is when you customise it how you want, but switching to the Google Now launcher simplifies things a bit.


@Aneres11 switch on stamina mode and your phone will last for DAYS. I've had the Z3C for just over a month and am loving it!


Lollipop is due early in the new year :)


Cheers for the tip I'll have a look into it!

The only thing I am struggling with so far is touch typing. I just do not like it. I know some people love it and are lightning quick with it, but the amount of mistakes that I make is ridiculous. Definitely gonna be a steep learning curve to get used to it after a full qwerty keypad.

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Does the device have to be rooted for that?


I've read about all sorts of bugs on the N7, video playback issues, extreme overheating etc, I'll probably just wait til they deem my device worthy :p


Yeah, anyone with a 2012 n7 - don't upgrade it! I think 5 has since been pulled but its made mine almost unusable, which is a real fucking pain as I'm travelling and its my only regular source of internet access.


If anyone is in the same position I found turning off tramsitioms and animations on developer mode improves things a touch, but its still awful

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  • 7 months later...

I have a Moto G. It's pretty solid, but might struggle with really strenuous things? I only really use mine for browsing etc, which it's perfect for.


Would recommend considering how cheap it is.

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I might end up having to get one.


Dropped my phone on Friday. Ordered a spare screen and took it all apart to replace it, then realised the video was acting as if you had a whole front case to replace and this was just the actual screen. Put it back together and now the loudspeaker no longer works. And that was after a number of times opening and closing the phone to get the antenna in the right place. Emailed the store asking where the instructional video they mention actually is. If it's possible for me to replace the screen then I'll make do without a loud speaker (as I can still hear something and the phone, and presumably others, can hear me) for now.


Was thinking of getting a new phone in the coming months but was waiting to see what the next Nexus was like.


But if not, going to pick up a Moto G from CEX!

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@Fierce_LiNk has had a Moto G for a while and he seems to like his phone. Hasn't really had any issues yet either I think. The camera is a bit more shit than the one on my Nexus 4 though, but apart from that it seems to work just fine.


I might get one too in the future if my current phone breaks down, as it has been acting up a bit lately. Though I am hoping it will hold on a bit longer still!

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Big bump. Anyone got a Moto G? Know if it would make a suitable upgrade to a less-than-reliable Nexus 4?


My girlfriend has it and I have a Nexus 4. The specs are worse than a Nexus 4 so I wouldn't recommend it (it's an ideal budget phone though).


Unless you're saying that the other way around, in which case, ignore me.

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  • 1 month later...

I've currently got an iPhone 5s and i'm ready to upgrade.


Thing is i'm unsure what to upgrade it to. Naturally I was planning to get the iPhone 6s but it's a bit pricey for what it is.


Only thing that puts me off Android is that i've heard it doesn't generally have the same amount of apps as the iphone. Is this true? I am wanting a premium phone. What handsets would you suggest?

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I've currently got an iPhone 5s and i'm ready to upgrade.


Thing is i'm unsure what to upgrade it to. Naturally I was planning to get the iPhone 6s but it's a bit pricey for what it is.


Only thing that puts me off Android is that i've heard it doesn't generally have the same amount of apps as the iphone. Is this true? I am wanting a premium phone. What handsets would you suggest?

Android has pretty much all the apps you'll need, trust me.


I just got a new LG G4 for under £300 and I love it. Amazing display and camera, with a stylish leather back too. The good news about this model is that it supports microSD to cheaply expand your memory as well as replaceable batteries. None of the other main flagship phones have these features; they usually charge you an arm and a leg to get the same model with more storage instead.

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