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I've not played a game yet either but I just want to say I love the feel of it. It's a much better material than the DS/I, actually feels more like a gadget than a toy... if you get what I mean?


Oh hay! Just opened monkeyball and found a stars code thing. I hadn't realised non-Nintendo games would be giving them out too. Might actually be able to buy something decent on there soon!


The firmware update didn't fix my problem, so back to Tesco (or Nintendo, depending on how they respond to my email) it goes tomorrow! Who knows when I'll get it now... :weep: Can't believe this has happened..

Posted (edited)




Just registered on Nintendo site too, and didn't see anything about the T-Shirt offer. Anyone else get anything?



i guess it might appear on the stsrs section for 0 points or they will email us?.


Anyone else's DPAD a little squeeky

Edited by yesteryeargames
No i registerd on wednesday and iver heard nothing yet, i guess it might appear on the stsrs section for 0 points or they will email us?.
Thing is, if it just randomly appeared in the Stars Catalogue, that wouldn't be the first 3000 to register, it would be a free for all, unless it only appeared on individual accounts... but that seems unlikely.

Woohoo! Sucks to be you.... but I didn't get a denied message so officially that means I got one.... right? :hmm:


Did it just pop up for you or was there a link you clicked?


Just got back from Gamestation. Seems like Game / Gamestation's server couldn't handle to demand and tills were crashing all over the place.


Managed to eventually get my console, plus a couple of freebies, but I'm guessing there's going to be a lot of very angry people who aren't able to get one.


Managed to get mine from tesco although none of the tech staff were there and left the rest of the shop clueless as to what there doing with them :P


saw 2 other people there at around midnight to get 1


I hadnt seen the 3d effect before i bought it and im really impressed with it :)


Although my eyes hurt alittle after a while but im sure with time they'll get used to it


One question though, how do you get to play mp3 files from ur SD card? (if thats even possible)

Posted (edited)

I'm sure N-Europe won't be putting this launch story on the main page.


Got to HMV Oxford Street at just before 11am or so. Turned out to be 5th in line which was pretty sweet. HMV even came out and gave us numbered wristbands which meant we could go off and do our own thing and our place in the line would be guaranteed.


Arrived back at HMV and hung around for several more hours until the doors opened, until then everything was going smoothly and HMV/Nintendo had great control over the crowd. Atmosphere was amazing, friendly Nintendo PR people and freebies everywhere.


Time to go in! Awesome, a day of waiting has finally paid off. The first guy in line is treated like a king and whisked off to purchase his 3DS while the rest of us, right at the front of the holding pen watch some tacky battles between relatively unknown music artists, the producer of Street Fighter and some random customers who had signed up to be selected earlier in the day.


It hits midnight and we're all ready to go through, but wait... the line isn't moving. Oh wait, it is moving, just not where we're standing. Seems HMV thinks you start counting backwards and decided it would be okay to let everyone at the back of line start buying their stuff first. D'oh, guys, doing so well up until this point! You should have seen the look of confusion and slight panic on the face of the security guard.


The security guards argued we'd lined up to have Street Fighter signed first, which isn't exactly the way things were advertised to work. They even started letting anyone who didn't want it signed through to congregate at the tills to purchase their stuff first. This would have been mildly irritating but acceptable were it not for what happened next.


By the time we got to the tills it was a mass of people everywhere. No organisation and absolutely no direction for anyone. A massive, never-ending sweaty fanboy funnel.


What started out incredibly well thought out and awesome had degenerated into a poorly organised nightmare. Exactly the kind of organisational difficulty that arises when you abandon a perfectly logical number based queueing system, the importance of which was repeatedly assured by staff throughout the day.


We had to get back home before the last train at 1:30am so as to avoid being stranded overnight in London, so I decided to just dump my signed copy of Street Fighter in the hands of a slightly confused employee (this wasn't his fault, he was doing a great job) and leave the line, if it could be called that, and the store.


A little better organisation and acknowledgement of the number system they had in place would have gotten HMV their precious £250 or whatever it was they would have earned from me today.


Instead they can go fuck themselves. I'll buy my 3DS at a later date from a good store.


I'm getting really tired of being treated like complete shit at Nintendo events. For a company so renowned for quality, you expect better. I'd point the finger at HMV exclusively, but Nintendo opted to partner with their knucklehead staff so it's just as much their fault, right?


The fact I gave a really positive and enthusiastic taped interview while in the line is going to come back and bite me so hard in the ass on this one, I just know it.

Edited by Guy

That really sucks, I can't believe they'd let things fall apart like that. What were they thinking?


What's the point in having a queue if you're just going to start from the back and then let everyone spill out anyway? Sounds like someone needs to get fired.


I went to a midnight Launch at my local Game and we orderd 2 Nintendo 3DS but I won so we got one for free and at the event I played on SSFIV and I got it because it was good so I got 8 Nintendo 3DS games.


Just got the 3D video available on my 3DS, its the icon before the game catriage if thats the one u mean, it wasnt there earlyer this morning :D



Where is friend code

Where do we download this test video?


At the top of the home menu are a few icons, the friends list is among those.

The test video needs a system update, which is in the settings.

Posted (edited)

Picked mine up earlier, at 8am. Was the second one there to be buying the console.


Decided to take GAME's deal of one of 6 games for £24.99 when bought with the console, opting for Ridge Racer 3D as I wasn't sure about paying £39.99 for that so happy. Also picked up Street Fighter 4. Will probably make another trip to GAME before/after Uni as I'm waiting on my mother giving me the money she owes me so I can get the other games I want.


Got everything set up, tried out the Target AR game and the AR shot game before getting the message the battery was low. 30 minutes it took for that to appear. Obviously it didn't help I had the 3D slider at the top but to be honest, I wasn't noticing much 3D when playing those games, rather I mainly saw the layering of the images trying to make 3D. Should have turned it off really as it wasn't needed. Still, was rather fun but disappointed that you've got to stay a certain distance to the card for it to work. Perhaps that isn't the case if you increase the size of the AR card (say to A4 size which I'll try later this afternoon).


So I've stuck it on the charger. Won't get a chance to play it until I get back from Uni this afternoon :( Oh well, hopefully by then I'll have the other games (Pilotwings Resort (even with the lack of content I want it), possibly Samurai Warriors and one of these Monkey Ball/Lego Star Wars/Splinter Cell/Rayman) I want as well.


edit: Forgot to mention, anyone else a little worried about the build quality of the hinge? Opening mine, it seemed like it was rubbing against the end pieces and didn't exactly feel sturdy. Was worried when shutting the thing that I'd break it. Not something I found with the original DS or even the Lite.

Edited by Ganepark32





My store opened an hour earlier so I arrived at about 8:30am to find it empty, apparently either no one showed up or very few people did. They told me they only had 7 preorders, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first since I ordered in July.


Anyway, ended up buying Pilotwings, SSFIV, Nintendogs and Monkey Ball. Got a bit carried away, wasn't sure if I was going to get Monkey Ball or not but I figured why not.


Turned out to only be £216 after an Xbox trade in I did previously and £30 worth in voucher and some kind of bundle deal I wasn't aware of which brought Pilotwings down to £26.


Just registered my code and didn't see anything about the t-shirt, I got a screen about the system update and the title bar said something about a free something, but I clicked off the page before I had noticed that. ::shrug:

Posted (edited)

It hits midnight and we're all ready to go through, but wait... the line isn't moving. Oh wait, it is moving, just not where we're standing. Seems HMV thinks you start counting backwards and decided it would be okay to let everyone at the back of line start buying their stuff first. D'oh, guys, doing so well up until this point! You should have seen the look of confusion and slight panic on the face of the security guard.


The security guards argued we'd lined up to have Street Fighter signed first, which isn't exactly the way things were advertised to work. They even started letting anyone who didn't want it signed through to congregate at the tills to purchase their stuff first. This would have been mildly irritating but acceptable were it not for what happened next.


By the time we got to the tills it was a mass of people everywhere. No organisation and absolutely no direction for anyone. A massive, never-ending sweaty fanboy funnel.


What started out incredibly well thought out and awesome had degenerated into a poorly organised nightmare. Exactly the kind of organisational difficulty that arises when you abandon a perfectly logical number based queueing system, the importance of which was repeatedly assured by staff throughout the day.


We had to get back home before the last train at 1:30am so as to avoid being stranded overnight in London, so I decided to just dump my signed copy of Street Fighter in the hands of a slightly confused employee (this wasn't his fault, he was doing a great job) and leave the line, if it could be called that, and the store.


A little better organisation and acknowledgement of the number system they had in place would have gotten HMV their precious £250 or whatever it was they would have earned from me today.


Instead they can go fuck themselves. I'll buy my 3DS at a later date from a good store.


I'm getting really tired of being treated like complete shit at Nintendo events. For a company so renowned for quality, you expect better. I'd point the finger at HMV exclusively, but Nintendo opted to partner with their knucklehead staff so it's just as much their fault, right?


The fact I gave a really positive and enthusiastic taped interview while in the line is going to come back and bite me so hard in the ass on this one, I just know it.


I can agree with this entirely. Wasn't until about 12:25 that we were allowed to get the cover signed, and then told to queue up. The processing of purchases was REALLY slow. Too many people wanted to trade in their old consoles and loads of games to get the 3DS for next to nothing. It took me about 10-15 mins to buy the console, after another 15 mins of queueing by the tills, after the mess up with the initial sales. The people on the tills had too much to do, and the security and most people around didn't have a fecking clue as to what was meant to happen at midnight. I've been to GAME launches at Sound and they were MUCH better organised, the most recent being the WoW: Cataclysm launch.


Still, I got my copy of SF IV signed, I had loads of fun in the queue (UMBRELLLAAAA) and got SF IV and Pilotwings and the console for £240, but I now have £40 of HMV vouchers to spend and a bag of schwag.


I ended up getting out about 12:50am.


In short, if anyone is considering going to a HMV launch event, don't waste your time. GAME are far superior at organising these things and HMV didn't seem to give a crap about the people queueing, they only seemed interested in the press and the 'celebs'.

Edited by KKOB
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