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Posted (edited)
FUUUUUUUCK, I soooooooo wanted to be there! :(


You probably should have banned me from this thread 'cause I'm being filled with jealousy reading it. :heh:


There was another reason behind the idea of banning you from this thread, but the above reason is another good one


Just don't watch the videos, or is it too late

Edited by Jimbob
There was another reason behind the idea of banning you from this thread, but the above reason is another good one


Just don't watch the videos, or is it too late

I know, I know. But I saw no need to comment on the obvious. :heh:


Sadly, I have already watched the videos. If I have to endure it, I might as well endure it all.


Can next year come soon, please? I SHALL and WILL attend, no matter what!


Not the easiest to see, but I don't have a scanner(yet, should hopefully have one this week as it happens), here are le paper telephones.






This one fell a bit short because nobody wanted to draw, it ended with a squiggle;



I missed out on drawing? What the hell? I want to draw.


Regarding Comedy Rainbow, I was able to film an EXCLUSIVE Comedy Rainbow segment I'll share with you all if Rez will give me permission. It is his finest work yet.


In as much as everything needs a point of reference to be fully understood, this years N-E meet shares associations with Jesus and sliced bread.


I got up at 5am on Sat and took the train down from Manchester, arriving at the Park at about 10am and then proceeded to amble around, slightly bewildered by the presence of sweaty men in one-piece leotards, not managing to locate the Cockpit for about an hour since it all looked a bit different. Sat there waiting for the Rezzing for an hour, while I prepared mentally for the devastation that was about to occur by reading Cormack McCarthy's The Road, when I see ReZ in his purple shirt standing in a very Meercat-esque poise scouting for me along with Jimbob and Goafer. And so it began...


People arrived one by one, and we played a game of "Consequences," which of course, with a bunch of drunken internet forumers, just turned into a chronological mess. A hilarious one filled with boob jokes and nerdy internet references.


Me and Debug then went to the sainsbury's with the heartily applaudable intent to deplete the local alcohol supply between us, and upon our return we spotted Flinky and Eenuh. Flink and I looked at each other, took a couple of steps forward with the intent to share a very manly bro-hug - in the absence of any climbable trees to launch myself upon him from - which ended in him lifting me off teh ground, and me cupping my legs around his manly torso, in what was perhaps the most sensual moment of my life.


Slowly but surely, throughout the next hour or so, Mollz0r arrived, with a bottle of what smelt like Johnson's baby shampoo and tasted like liquid candy - except with alcohol woo. Mol apparently shocked by my lack of rage at everything =p. Memories of the rest of the day are a tale of one awesome scene after another, melded and blurred, since I consumed 10 cans of beer by the time we left the park. Chatted to Molly about Manch, and everything else while we left, and then ranting about Adorno and his rampant misanthropy with Daft, while planning to go to Parkour lessons together =D. Ended up at Trocadero, where I drunkenly stole some very conspicuous looking glasses and tried to plant them on various people, got my ass kicked at Virtua Soccer by Flinkzor, who clearly has some sort of extra sensory interface with anything football associated =p. Also, I feel the need to address Jay's clearly libellous statement regarding my Street Fighter proficiency, which is just flat out balls yo. The arcade stick was bust as all hell. That machine is from 1998 :heh:.


Ended up in Chinatown where we ordered some food, and everyone walked to Trafalgar square, while I met my mate, after which we moved to the pub and continued to consume moar alcohol. Somewhere along the way ReZ and the gang staying at the hotel disappeared without goodbyes which was =(. But we soldiered on. Inevitably, bell rand for last orders, and I guess it was then that we decided to call it a day. A massively awesome day full of kick ass. Goodbyes were spirited, which is always great, since everyone comes to these kinda meets with a tentative attitude. Everyone was fucking cool, and I hope to meet y'all again sometime.


Jay, my friend and I decided the night wasn't over by a long stretch though, so we bought a large bottle of rum and went over to his place. Turned out that rambling on about intellectual abstractions and epistemic concerns from the late 19th century was a shared interest. It was awesome. And then I cried, and slept after far too much alcohol.


Lol, paper telephone. :D


The poorly drawn Burger attack is my creation and the scribble at the bottom of the other one is also me because I tried to draw and failed and couldn't read what it said.


Also since I've not said this yet, cool video ReZ captures the day perfectly and my creepiness. :)

Yeah, I'll bam them up when I get home.


I was wondering it anyone else had took snaps, thought i saw more cameras somewhere.


We'll have to see if the tri-athlon cameras caught us as well.


I've just got home from London/Brighton, so I've got a bit more time to post now.


Looking back through the photos and from my memory, I must have seemed like a true miserable so and so! It really wasn't the case, I had a great time. I've developed a bad chest and it's been pretty bad for the last 2 or so weeks. In the morning and in the evening it's the worst. So, I apologise to the little Chinese food hunting crew for not speaking much, but I could hardly breathe, heh.


I loved meeting people. People made the effort to try and speak to everyone, everyone was friendly and warm, and fun times were had by many. I also enjoyed finding out additional stuff about people that I didn't previously know, such as Rummy's actual job (I don't think I knew that before), his love for butterflies, and also the fact that Molly does not like being photographed. (camera-ed, haha). There was a lot of man-love, many occassions where bi-ceps and man tits were compared, and Jengaaa.


So, thank you everyone for a wonderful time. Once again, I'm sorry for looking and acting like death warmed up. I look forward to the next meet up.


I honestly didn't notice and moodyness.


Christ, I remember the gun show bicep comparing. Molly pestered me to break out the leviathans after my tattoo was noticed (IIRC). That was slightly odd and uncomfotable. Suppose it was payback after the photothon.

I honestly didn't notice and moodyness.


Christ, I remember the gun show bicep comparing. Molly pestered me to break out the leviathans after my tattoo was noticed (IIRC). That was slightly odd and uncomfotable. Suppose it was payback after the photothon.


Hahaha, getting her on camera was fun. Rummy was in stealth mode for that. I remember using your camera/tripod and acting as the role of Gunner. That was fun.

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