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N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 2010


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Oh shit yeah Trocadero. Daft and I played Jungle Gun Game, it gave us compatibility of 85% and my (our?) lives were complete. Sponsered by Match.com.


So I'm going through the videos now. Theres this fucking hilarious bit where I slowly go to grab a frisbee but Jimbob gets it at the last minute. So lol.

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The N-Europe Meet Breakdown Weekend - Jimbob's Version




Arrived Friday morning and got lost as soon as i arrived. The train on the way had more leg-room than expected, and was very comfortable. Took me 40 minutes or so to get to the hotel from Paddington, should have taken the tube but i had to see how far it was in the case i decided to walk back, plus i wanted to see how far from Hyde Park to the hotel was.


Checked in, and went to the museums as planned. Took several snaps within, 20 or so from each museum. The Natural History place took a while to get into, and i don't mean for interest. The queue was huge!!!.


Went out at night. Had a Mexican dinner then went to a pub and had a few pints. Was half expecting Rummy to make an appearence, but wasn't fussed as i was meeting him at the meet anyway. Was planning an early night, but free shots sold me to remain for another pint.




The meet day itself. Breakfast wasn't much (Rez can back me up on this statement). If you didn't like eggs, you got bacon (which was the only warm thing on the plate) chips and beans. And several slices of toast. And a mug of tea.


Met Rez and Goafer around 10:30am (both seemed confused outside Holland Park tube, had to call Rez to guide him to me). I can say this honestly, Rez speaks like a PC/Chat program. All Lol's, Win, Fail's etc. Goafer speaks normal, as expected.


We should have taken the tube after the Tesco trip. Had to pick-up water and some beer for the meet, otherwise we'd be a bit thirsty (Rez had bought Magners anyway). The walk was long, should have took the tube but hey. Well worth it.


We arrived at the Cockpit (now i understand why the meet was there). Only to find a tri-athlon in progress in the area. We were thinking of re-arranging the point of meet to the otherside of the lake, but decided against it once we discovered The Bard. Then Rummy showed up, i think he was hiding behind a tree waiting for us. As we didn't have a banner (Goafer made it clear we all failed on this), Rez made one within 5 minutes.


Surprised to have Scoop join us, we had him well represented (Rez has the snaps to show this) as we did Spambot as well (he didn't show, pity really). Also surprised Dyson made an appearance as well, he's as i expected him to be. I did finally meet Flink, even though we live only 20 miles apart we've never met face to face. He's a cool dude. So is Rummy, Daft, Bard, Macmillan, Goafer, Rez, Jay and Scoop.


I asked Rez the same 3 questions during the "Comedy Rainbow" questions.


And Goafer is correct, don't give me a can of drink as i may decide upon crushing it (as Jay can confirm) upon my forehead with a lot of fail (blood included, and i can snap the cut to prove there was blood). Seriously, i think i knocked myself out for 2 seconds as i don't remember falling over.


And i did hit Goafer with the frizbee (by accident and fluke), still funny mind you.


Highlights of the Day



  • Dyson Appearing
  • My attempted killing of Scoop
  • Finding a Urine point (aka a bush nearer than the cubicals)
  • Forum Jenga
  • Meet Paper Telephone (excellent)
  • Molly making an appearance (she hates photo's of herself)
  • Hitting Goafer with a frizbee
  • Throwing stuff at Rez for being on his phone
  • Meeting every person i wanted to meet (minus Murray and Dannyboy)
  • Kids TV is rubbish, so why me, Rez and Goafer were watching it i don't know. And we were taking the piss out of it as well.
  • Meeting Flink (or Jimmy as i ended up calling him)
  • Conistantly forgetting peoples usernames (i ended up calling some by real names (aka Leo))
  • The Ginger Kid (only had friends because he had a football).
  • Jay looking a lot like my mate Andrew.
  • Rez getting offered drugs

Overall, this was a flipping amazing weekend overall. I've made more friends with forum members, and for those who i am already friends with i have a new found respect for them. I am intending to keep in contact with as many as possible, so watch out Visitor Messages is all i'll say. And Facebook, and MSN to name as well.


N-Europe Meet 2010 Photo's (and Jenga falling Video)












































I got more snaps, but i have been told.


There are pics of my museum trips as well, on my facebook account. For those who wish to see them.


Edited by Jimbob
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Hopefully people didn't mind me poking my camera in their face all day, it's kind of my thing.




































That fucking helicopter.




























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Fuck I'm annoyed I didn't make more effort, cause I totally could have actually gone to this if I had really wanted to. Can we make the next one a bit further north? Sheffield would be ideal, cause I know some other people around there that I could make more of a trip out of it to see them aswell.

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- Everything YES

- Being offered drugs. I think. I thought will was coming so I pointed at him and said "Will.....?" and he walked over, leaned over to me and said "Skank?" and I was like "oh....erm...no?" I assume skank is drug? Haha!! I loved. He actually did say skunk. I still like to think he was your PIMP.

- Football playing, Rummy being (gently) hit by the ball, me glancing (glaring) at the kids waiting for an apology and it not being received. Obviously the ginger kid.

- Dorris down the street.

- Consequences/forum telelol

- Possibly shoplifting sunglasses (Daft?) I would just like to point out those glasses were placed on me by Bard and thus was unaware of their previous location, nor their destiny. (Where did they go?)


Just amaizng. Will upload photos and videos probably tomorrow.


Just remembered another hilight. Revealing I was slightly scared/apprehensive of dogs, and then pretending to shit it at the sausage dog. I underplayed it and was massively overjoyed with the laughs it got. :)


Yeah... pretending. :heh:


Seriously, that was so funny. I wouldn't say reveal, more like busted! That dog was about as happy as larry. You used me and Goafer as human shields!




Razz and I trying to decode Rez's directions. It was like a treasure hunt. I was genuinely excited.


A burqa-less Molly turning up.


Rez explaining Clixx to me. This made me so happy.


Rez and I having a phone-off. I was clearly the winner. Twozzok will attest to this. :D




The drug dealer/PIMP.


Finally meeting the monolithically amazing Jayseven and Bard.


Goafer's graphic description of his cycling accident. Every time I turn my front wheel now I'm expecting to taste asphalt. :heh:


Meeting the lovely forum couple Eenuh and Flinky.


Hell, meeting everyone!!


The Trocadero Jungle Gun Game - actually amazing. GOTY.


Getting Chinese takeaway and lounging in Trafalgar Sq with Molly, Twozzok, Flinky, Eenuh and Bard. Well chilled.


Low point... Finding out Rez hadn't seen Tron. Real low.


Basically, everything amazing.


I'm sure I missed a lot.

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Awesome day, extremely fun.


Highlights, in no particular order:


-Everyone I met!!!



-Jenga commentary

-Hugging Coolness Bears

-Eating on the steps of Trafalgar Sq

-Bard hugs. Just Bard in general

-Being a hardcore gamer in Trocadero

-Inverted nipples

-Pub talk

-ReZ's sausage dog. Not a euphemism.

-Wandering off when people started talking about gaming

-Drinking what looked like the urine of someone with a kidney infection, smelt like Christmas pudding, but made by Grecian Monks.

-Learning that new members are just old members returning

-Talking to Fliiiiinnnneeeeooo (?). Such a lovely couple and awesome in their own-respective-right, of course.

-Loads more that I can't recall now





-Going to the wrong ambulance and being really late

-Being PAPPED (bastards)

-Razz leaving

-Lack of stars



@Jay, I was telling you how in India they calculate the weather with their hands, instead of computers. Or something.

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I papped you, but have yet to publish on hear. But, they are on storage somewhere


No matter how many times I read that post, my mind keeps changing it to fapped.




The one picture with me in up there is satisfyingly mysterious. This is good for me and also your collective retinas. Sweet anonymity is like my N-Europe super power... also apparently resembling "that one guy" everyone knows. Am I that generic? Perhaps I have many hidden identities and have infiltrated each of your lives covertly over the last few months. Sneaky and freaky if it were true, which it unfortunately and honestly isn't.

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-Going to the wrong ambulance and being really late

-Being PAPPED (bastards)

-Razz leaving

-Lack of stars


I apologise to everyone profusely about this! Call me a dirty-stop out, I deserve it. :( Sounds like you all had a whale of a time afterwards though, so I'm glad you all had a great time.


Everyone was genuinely lovely though, and really glad I got to meet you all, so thank you! Had a good time, albeit quite short. Particularly liked the Jenga and chatting with a rather quite drunk Jimbob! Also at one point Molly did this amazing narrative thing out loud, and it cracked me up big time. Speaking of which, Molly we need words surrounding he-whose-name-rhymes-with-mine-whom-I-met-up-with-after-bailing-out-rudely (again to everyone, sorryyyy!). It's seriously epic.

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Going to the wrong ambulance and being really late


Maybe the search party went to the wrong ambulence as well.


I apologise to everyone profusely about this! Call me a dirty-stop out, I deserve it. Sounds like you all had a whale of a time afterwards though, so I'm glad you all had a great time.


Everyone was genuinely lovely though, and really glad I got to meet you all, so thank you! Had a good time, albeit quite short. Particularly liked the Jenga and chatting with a rather quite drunk Jimbob! Also at one point Molly did this amazing narrative thing out loud, and it cracked me up big time. Speaking of which, Molly we need words surrounding he-whose-name-rhymes-with-mine-whom-I-met-up-with-after-bailing-out-rudely (again to everyone, sorryyyy!). It's seriously epic.


I did sober up (eventually), did i make sense when chatting?, i think i did.

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No matter how many times I read that post, my mind keeps changing it to fapped.




The one picture with me in up there is satisfyingly mysterious. This is good for me and also your collective retinas. Sweet anonymity is like my N-Europe super power... also apparently resembling "that one guy" everyone knows. Am I that generic? Perhaps I have many hidden identities and have infiltrated each of your lives covertly over the last few months. Sneaky and freaky if it were true, which it unfortunately and honestly isn't.


I've got an awesome photo of you. Coming soon.

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Maybe the search party went to the wrong ambulence as well.




I did sober up (eventually), did i make sense when chatting?, i think i did.


Haha don't worry, I wasn't saying it as a negative. You were really nice, and changing conversation subject quite a lot, but still very coherent!

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Looks like Dannyboys just found his next wallpaper! ;)







... And not just for his PC!


We came up with "banning" Danny from the thread, as an idea that was. We even chatted to Molly about Danny as well, with interesting results i might add.


Haha don't worry, I wasn't saying it as a negative. You were really nice, and changing conversation subject quite a lot, but still very coherent!


I get like that when i've drunk stuff. Were you there when i "attempted" to smash the beer can into my head??

Edited by Jimbob
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Goafer you bastard, you've stole my up close face photographing style! Now I'll look like a copycat when I post my photos :(

Also, those were thread-rapingly huge pictures. I'll try and have mine up by mid-week, if not tonight.

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Goafer you bastard, you've stole my up close face photographing style! Now I'll look like a copycat when I post my photos :(

Also, those were thread-rapingly huge pictures. I'll try and have mine up by mid-week, if not tonight.


Yeah, sorry about the size of the pictures. I uploaded them with a limitation of 1mb instead of a decent resolution. The images are 175mb on my pc so I'll be damned if I'm uploading them again at the correct settings. It took about an hour!


And technically, I stole the close up style from our photography manager at work. Can't wait to see yours now. Get them up pronto!

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-Going to the wrong ambulance and being really late

-Being PAPPED (bastards)

-Razz leaving

-Lack of stars


-Dyson not having time to properly introduce oneself to you. I had to leave almost as soon as you arrived, which sucked :(

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