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Lost: The Final Season


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Fantastic Episode.


So it's clear that much like Desmond had a link to the past previously when he was time travelling. He somehow links the two versions of the universe...I think he is clearly the key with consolidating the two universes. Flash Sideways Desmond is going to collect everyone and show them the island life they lead somehow, perhaps them to take another flight or something? Whereas Island Desmond is going to do whatever he is going to do. Oddly it seems both Desmonds are trying to get what the other has. Sideways Desmond wants to show everyone the island etc...as he clearly wants Penny's love the only thing that is missing in his otherwise great life. Whereas Island Desmond wants the approval of Charles something he has never got. It gives an interesting conflict as clearly both won't stand so when its consolidated who will be left standing?


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I agree with the others, and gotta say thats the first episode of Lost I've enjoyed for a long time. Hope the build up to the finale continues in the same vein. No mumbo jumbo.


This. It was real good. They may aswell just rename it The Desmond and Daniel show to be honest.


Mancrushing on Henry Ian Cusick.

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This. It was real good. They may aswell just rename it The Desmond and Daniel show to be honest.


Mancrushing on Henry Ian Cusick.


I feel the same lol! It's so hard not to! As I said in my spoiler tagged before I truly think he is the centre of everything. Have done for a while and this weeks episode just re-enforced that feeling!

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I think Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz are two of the worst writers working in television today, they just cannot write good dialogue. It's a mystery to me why they are asked to handle such pivotal moments as this weeks meeting between Jack and Locke. This episode just seems to undo a lot of what "Happily Ever After" brought to the outlook of the series. They seem to be masters of writing the most useless dialogue, the episodes pre-credits sequence being the best example, seeking to beat us over the head with things that we already know in the clunkiest way possible.


I am not a huge fan of 'Lost' but it still aggravates me when they decide to waste 42 minutes on such talentless writers as Kitsis and Horowitz.


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Right, just watched, think I agree with the gyst of this


I think Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz are two of the worst writers working in television today, they just cannot write good dialogue. It's a mystery to me why they are asked to handle such pivotal moments as this weeks meeting between Jack and Locke. This episode just seems to undo a lot of what "Happily Ever After" brought to the outlook of the series. They seem to be masters of writing the most useless dialogue, the episodes pre-credits sequence being the best example, seeking to beat us over the head with things that we already know in the clunkiest way possible.


I am not a huge fan of 'Lost' but it still aggravates me when they decide to waste 42 minutes on such talentless writers as Kitsis and Horowitz.


Although I dunno what other episodes they've written so couldn;t say if they're always meh.

Pretty dull episode in general, shame to see the flashsides becoming a bit Desmondo-makes-them-all-remember-stuff predictable. I also laughed at how shitly the whispers were explained. 'Oh yeah think I know what these are, hey Michael'. Christ, one of the biggest misteries, not a particularly surprising solution but they could have had a more dramatic reveal. Just seemed like an afterthought.


Also, Ben thinking Dessy was a paedo was slightly cringe..


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A dedicated Lost thread? Don't mind if I do.


Lost is on a roll. I struggled to keep a lump out of my throat during a few moments of the most recent episode.


Let's see if I can do this spoiler tag thing right.


When Hurley was talking to the Amazing Exploding Woman at Libby's grave it really gave me a hard time. Also when Michael told him to tell her he was sorry for what had happened. The exchange between the two characters there felt pretty powerful.


Even Jack confessing he couldn't fix anything to Hurley had a lot of weight for his character behind it. I've never been 100% behind Jack as a character, but I sense he'll do something awesome before this is all through to elevate him to a favourite.


Desmond seems really different now. Not the same kinda zombie different as Sayid but... confident and entirely sure of himself? Not too sure about the well though. Glad everyone has been reunited back at Locke's camp too, with the exception of the Expendables (Richard, Ben and Miles) who seem to have no role left to play now so will likely perish in the next few episodes. Shame, because they are all very cool dudes.


With regard to what Desmond is doing, I guess he's going to see everyone at some point. I assume he's trying to get Locke to remember with a near-death experience. As cheesy as it is, I want to see the real Locke make a miraculous return at some point after forcing the Smoke Monster/MIB out of his body and fighting it. Far fetched I know as dead people seem to remain dead in Lost, but it would be awesome regardless.


Actually a scene of just Locke transforming into Smokey would be great for me. I hope they spend a bit more on the ropey CGI for the upcoming finale as the show deserves it.



There's a cool preview for the next episode up on YouTube if anyone is interested but I can't post it as I'm still below 15 posts.


Looks exciting.

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Gizmo, I agree, that's the first thing I thought when I saw that.


Scoop; it does seem that when they exploded exploding woman they were explicitly saying "hey, look, we can kill anyone!" and generally Ben's character doesn't really seem to have anything really left to resolve, does it? Miles' main role seems to be a dogsbody, or a talking wall for other castmembers to bounce off.


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