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I was planning to make a town thread but I went a little overkill and took pictures of everything else and I suppose no one else is going to join and it's mostly part show off/trigger happy with my new camera for me anyway :P


But post your town and the surroundings if you want to and move the thread if it's in the wrong place.


The town I live is called Brattvåg.


I got tons of pictures so I'm putting them all in spoiler tags.


I actually live a couple kilometers outside the town so here's pictures I took of the surroundings when I was walking towards it.




The mountain Hellandshornet in the background.





This is the same mountain, but this time I'm closer and higher up.



The leftside of the town when looking at Hellandshornet




The same mountain again


Went on a little mountain trip onto the mountain Synnalandshornet on the 25th, it's on the opposite side of Hellandshornet.


The lake is called Synnalandsvatnet.




Same lake again with Gjersetvatnet in the background.




This is the mouth of the fjord around where the tiny island with the lighthouse is.





Pictures of the town. There's still more to that's hidden behind the little mountain in the middle picture and furter in along the fjord. The snow makes it a little difficult to notice everything at first glance as well.







More view pictures :P



You can't see it, but I'm studying in the city at the end of this picture.









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That's some pretty awesome looking views there. I live in the city, so unfortunately there isn't much to see but shops and office buildings. The scottish highlands on the other hand are some of the most beautiful views around, especially round the cairngorm's.

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I honestly don't know. I no longer feel any closeness to my home town (because its shiiiiiite!), I no longer live in my uni city and this just feels like temporary accommodation (although by the time I move out I will have been here for nearly 18 months, which is a record for me). And even where I am now is on the border of two towns which say different things depending which direction you come in from.


All in all papa's just a rolling stone. Wherever he lays his hat is his home.

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Was interesting trying to find pictures of my hometown. Everyone takes 'nice' pictures...



A look up the main street in Portslade. The left side of teh road is Station Road, the right side of the same street is called Boundary Road. Seriously. Once the road crosses...



The level crossing by the station, both sides become Station Road.


I think. I could have the side names the wrong way around! It's because the road divides Portslade and Hove (brighton is the other side of Hove, all three are plum squat with the sea).




These views are taken from Portslade beach, but there's a harbour between this beach and the street above (my house is on a road off that street). People tend to go to hove beach (which is closer, bizarrely...)




The sea/harbour would be seen behind/to the left of the photographer here.


Portslade is a massive skank place. Here's what was found next door to where my primary school was located;




Picture's taken on a corner overlooking a T-junction. The school is on the corner to the photographer's left. It's ridiculously tricky to get pictures I want of the place. If I ever get to go home, and grab a camera, I'd like to do a proper description of where I live/my life.


Not that anyone cares :P

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Wikipedia reference-linkSheffield


I like it. Some parts suck, there are some really fucking shifty parts where you basically have a 50% chance of getting mugged or punched for no reason whatsoever. We don't go to those places.


But if you stick to town or some of the suburban areas (the little area we live in is nice, green, lots of trees, a bit like a village) or the trendy student areas like the Devonshire Quarter, Hunters Bar, Endcliffe Park, Botanical Gardens... etc. its actually a nice place to live with plenty to do.

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Wikipedia reference-linkAylesbury


Its better than Chesham.




We're famous for ducks.




We have a retail park or two.




A canal.




A nice college. (This was re-built after I left...)




And we're getting a lovely new theatre complex.






I mean....as a town its fine. Its fine. That is fine. Really, thats honestly fine.


Its all just fine really.

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Those CG images always suck :blush:


This is apparently what the Moor will look like in Sheffield




The buildings seem plausible but I'm not sure how exactly they plan to prevent it from being populated with scrubbers and attract rich trendy emo kids to sit on their futurebenches.

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Middlewich, small time in cheshire. Pretty much a dump but for some reason theres nice pictures everywhere.




Church in the middle of town.




It makes me laugh here that the canal looks clean, usually its very full of.. well everything..


Theres a small town centre, but given how bad it is (mostly just take-aways) its never reall pictured.

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It's a whole mess of bland.

We have a shopping centre, canal, train station and the same shops that are in almost every town.

Someone was murdered on a canal boat in the past year or so.

Blazing Squad turned on our Christmas lights. Crime rates probably went through the roof. I assume they did a drive by lights switch on.

On the annual "Canal Day", someone vandalised the sign so it read "Banbury Anal Gay".

Famous celebrities that have lived round here include: Gary Glitter, Lightning from Gladiators, Jeremy Clarkson and someone else whose name escapes me at the moment.




The Canal



Some pointy thing in the middle of a roundabout for some reason. Tourists seem to like it



This is not the same Banbury. Banbury is open every day though.



Bus stop



It sometimes floods



Casual racism



M40 leads to London


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