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So I picked one of these up a month or two ago as the allure of playing Mario + Rabbids was getting too much and I was interested to see how I would get on with the likes of Zelda and a few other games, most recently of course Super Mario Odyssey which I've now finished. Generally, I think the console is a pretty solid piece of kit. Stylish, for a Nintendo console, and well made but not without its issues. Having to purchase a MicroSD for the console because it kept popping up with an error every minute while playing a game (which is solved with an update after putting in said MicroSD card) was disgusting when the console has on board memory and having the right Joycon not charge properly was also great. And that's before mentioning the marks that the dock leaves on the screen of the tablet, it was an issue with the original 3DS models so how has it slipped passed Nintendo. Both of the former issues are now sorted but again, it's the quality control that lets Nintendo down again.

Game wise, there hasn't and isn't a whole lot grabbing my attention that's released and there's very little coming up that grabs my attention. I've invested the most amount of time into Zelda but to be honest, while it's not a bad game I'd hardly say I've enjoyed my 10+ hours so far. It's a huge step forward from the last Zelda game and a massive change for Nintendo but the game feels dated out of the blocks and doesn't come close to the hype that people have ladled on it. I've been disappointed with what I've played, especially when comparing to the huge swathe of top quality titles that have been released this year. I think the most apt comparison is with the new Assassin's Creed Origins game in terms of how it plays but that latter one has a far better story and just feels like a more interesting game. Zelda could use a better narrative experience and the inclusion of shrines/shrine orbs as a way to gain health and stamina feels unnatural in a game designed to let you naturally come across things. Something more akin to how GTA have handled things like driving/stamina/shooting skills and having a more naturalistic approach to these as ways to improve would have been better here, with more climbing or swimming increasing stamina and eating better food variations helping to improve health.

I tried Splatoon 2 and absolutely hated it. Motion controls as default (another issue I have with Zelda and something that's irking me with Mario) is a big no-no for me and even with the standard stick controls, it just felt awful to play. Didn't really enjoy any of the time I put into the single player and so quickly gave up there. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is just more Mario Kart, and I have a love-hate relationship with these games because Nintendo seems so intent on never coding in good AI or taking cues from say Sumo Digital and giving the option for rubberbanding to be turned off ala Sonic Racing Transformed. And the constant assault of shells even on 50cc has relegated MK8D to multiplayer use with the missus. 1-2 Switch was interesting for the half an hour I played it with the missus as well and Lego City Undercover seems ok from the short time I've spent with it.

As I say, the real reason I picked it up was for Mario + Rabbids and I've loved every second of that so far. Love a good strategy game and this fits the bill and provides some amusement and laughs. Has made me hope that more of this type of game will appear (perhaps Ubisoft could give us another Ghost Recon Shadow Wars as that game was a personal highlight from the 3DS library before I grew tired of the console years ago).

Super Mario Odyssey has been an interesting trek for me. I've not played a Mario game since Galaxy 2 and playing through this has brought back memories of playing Banjo-Kazooie which is not something I enjoyed. I'd prefer a more structured experience with some actual platforming that challenges me rather than being left to wander around open levels (many of which I think are pretty poor in design, probably going so far as to say some of the poorest in a 3D Mario game). Again, though, I'm not saying it's poor, it's a good game just not as great as it's being made out (at least I feel this way, clearly bucking the trend).

So, it's a mixed bag from me. The console is a nice piece of kit but it really needs a kick up the backside on the game front I feel. And I think Nintendo need to maybe spend a bit more time looking at the competition and seeing what they should and shouldn't take inspiration from before committing it to the likes of Zelda and Mario as some of their ideas in those games just don't fit with those IPs. At the moment, I'm still plugging away at games but I have a feeling that the console will find itself a new owner sooner rather than later.

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On the other hand, I agree with a lot that @Ganepark32 said, especially when it comes to Mario and Zelda. Especially Zelda. Mario, is the least challenging 3D Mario to date. And the Banjo games outdo it in the less platforming intensive 3D platformer because the main collectibles actually feel like an accomplishment because they're not bloody everywhere. 2017 has been a pretty lame Ninty year for me. Thankfully, Indies and Capcom (!?) have salvaged it for me.

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It has been a fantastic year on a Nintendo front with me.

Both Mario and Zelda I have fully enjoyed, even amazed by them. There are criticisms for both but I have really enjoyed them nonetheless.

I think sometimes Nintendo can't do right from doing wrong. Oh well, they can't please everyone. I hated them in the Wii U years.

I love the fact that they take chances with their franchises albeit it may not be the way forward you were expecting or wanting.

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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The 3DS had a much better line up than the Switch this year, at least in terms of exclusive games.

??? :eek:

What line up is much better than Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, MK8D, Xenobalde, Fire Emblem and Rabbids?

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They will never please everyone.  That's just the way it is. 

The Switch line up of 1st party games hasn't been great for me. I disliked Zelda, ARMS was a bit of a bust, Splatoon was too similar to the original and carried with it the same issues and Mario Kart was basically the Wii U version. There's only Mario Odyssey that won me over.

However, they do get a pass from me as it's only the first year. While not everything has been for me, there's no denying they've done a fantastic job of making sure there was a big game out very month.

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4 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

??? :eek:

What line up is much better than Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, MK8D, Xenobalde, Fire Emblem and Rabbids?

Metroid, Pikmin, Ever Oasis, Monster Hunter Stories, Miitopia, Dragon Quest VIII, Etrian Odyssey V, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, Layton, Mario and Luigi, Dragon Ball Fusions, Fire Emblem Echoes....

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Metroid, Pikmin, Ever Oasis, Monster Hunter Stories, Miitopia, Dragon Quest VIII, Etrian Odyssey V, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, Layton, Mario and Luigi, Dragon Ball Fusions, Fire Emblem Echoes....

Quantity sure, quality? I look at that list and Metroid and Ever Oasis stand out.

The rest are mostly around the 60-70% mark on Metacritic and obviously not a guarantee of quality, it's a pretty good indicator.

But hey, different strokes for different folks.

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In fairness comparing the start of a console whereby you're putting forward your big IPs to get people in (especially after a lot of people left in the last generation) to the end of another is unfair in some regards.  One could argue that given how long the 3DS has been out the first party support it is still getting, and the quality of those titles, is worthy of commendation.

But they're doing really well on both consoles so all's good!

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Metroid, Pikmin, Ever Oasis, Monster Hunter Stories, Miitopia, Dragon Quest VIII, Etrian Odyssey V, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, Layton, Mario and Luigi, Dragon Ball Fusions, Fire Emblem Echoes....

Its all about tastes isn't. The 3DS is having objectively a great year but the games haven't necessarily been for me whereas the Switch's games have.

There is no denying that Nintendo are on fire with their games at the moment. Its so much better than the Wii U years. I consider myself so lucky that I have access to so many quality titles across PS4, Switch and 3DS. I'm spoiled for choice and unfortunately don't have enough time to experience them all.


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For me, 2017 has been outstanding for Switch. Breath of the Wild may not be my favourite game in the Legend of Zelda series and Super Mario Odyssey may or may not manage to topple Super Mario Galaxy 2 as the pinnacle of 3D Mario games but they, along with the Deluxe version of Mario Kart 8, have been far and away my greatest games of the year :hehe:

To have Splatoon 2 and ARMS supplementing with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the horizon, I can't complain about not being catered for at all!

I totally understand if it isn't for everyone (I'm not particularly enthusiastic about the PS4 in 2017, unlike many) but the Switch has absolutely exceeded my expectations. I love it :love:


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Quantity sure, quality? I look at that list and Metroid and Ever Oasis stand out.
The rest are mostly around the 60-70% mark on Metacritic and obviously not a guarantee of quality, it's a pretty good indicator.
But hey, different strokes for different folks.
Dragon Quest VIII is one of the best RPGs ever made. Just sayin'.
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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Quantity sure, quality? I look at that list and Metroid and Ever Oasis stand out.

The rest are mostly around the 60-70% mark on Metacritic and obviously not a guarantee of quality, it's a pretty good indicator.

But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Only 2 of those are under 70%?

2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's why I don't care about what most reviewers say and go on my own gut feeling. Zelda may have been rated very highly but I had far more fun playing games like Miitopia and Hey! Pikmin.

It's weird to hear you don't like Zelda when you played through it 3 times. I guess that makes you most qualified though. :p

46 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
2 hours ago, Ronnie said:
Quantity sure, quality? I look at that list and Metroid and Ever Oasis stand out.
The rest are mostly around the 60-70% mark on Metacritic and obviously not a guarantee of quality, it's a pretty good indicator.
But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Dragon Quest VIII is one of the best RPGs ever made. Just sayin'.

This guy gets it.

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17 minutes ago, Ike said:


It's weird to hear you don't like Zelda when you played through it 3 times. I guess that makes you most qualified though. :p

Just the two times. :) 

I was sick of people claiming I rushed my first play through and that my opinion not being valid. I played it again on the Switch this time doing everything except the Korok seeds, that way no one could accuse me on not giving the game a chance. Hell, I probably done more in the game than those who sing its praises. 

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You know what, @Hero-of-Time has got a good point about the 3DS line-up.  Switch has been essential, but I've enjoyed the 3DS games more.


Switch had several must-plays, like Zelda and Mario.  They were both amazing experiences, but Breath of the Wild isn't going to go down as anywhere near my favourite in the series.  Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap was superb, but you know what I've enjoyed most on Switch?  Quite possibly the Metal Slug series via the ACA Neo Geo range!  Brilliant gameplay and actually fun.


On 3DS, however, Metroid was intense and exciting, and really hit the mark for a 2D Metroid in the way that BotW didn't hit the mark for a 3D Zelda.  Dragon Quest VIII is indeed one of the best RPGs ever made (the best, in my opinion), although I must admit I didn't want to play the 3DS port.  I reviewed a title for N-Europe I'd never have been interested in otherwise called Alchemic Dungeons.  It's massively flawed, but you know what?  It's the game I turn to every time I'm listening to the radio - it's gripping because it constantly asks you to make decisions.  And finally, I'm enjoying Etrian Odyssey V more than anything on Switch so far.


Switch has been great, but don't underestimate the 3DS!

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I'm not a massive fan of this other people having different opinions malarky...

3DS has had an amazing year, the problem is I don't care, which is horrific to say, but my desire to play the device dropped pretty much completely, same with the PS4, probably loads of great games, I just don't care. Switch for me has been utterly incredible and loved every second of it; it's more than enough for me!

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Switch has been good in that it’s got Zelda & Mario, both top-tier games (Zelda especially).

It’s been poor in that it’s online games are lacking thanks to Nintendo’s attitude toward online/social features.

It’s also very good because my 1.5hr journey each way to & from work has been fun thanks to the portability.


How they sell the machine as a home console you can take on the go is beyond me - it’s blatantly a handheld you can plug into your TV!

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6 minutes ago, Kav said:

How they sell the machine as a home console you can take on the go is beyond me - it’s blatantly a handheld you can plug into your TV!

I use it 90% of the time as a home console.

And marketing wise, what sounds better to you in an advert: "a home console you can play anywhere!" or "a handheld device you can plug into your tv!" ?

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9 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I use it 90% of the time as a home console.

And marketing wise, what sounds better to you in an advert: "a home console you can play anywhere!" or "a handheld device you can plug into your tv!" ?

I get that, but irrespective of how you’d use it, it is a portable console... the hardware is the part you take with you.

That the dock houses a board that upscales makes it a hybrid, but in essence it’s a portable no matter how they paint it.

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2 minutes ago, Kav said:

I get that, but irrespective of how you’d use it, it is a portable console... the hardware is the part you take with you.

That the dock houses a board that upscales makes it a hybrid, but in essence it’s a portable no matter how they paint it.

All I'm saying is regardless what the thing actually is, there's a reason why they market it as a home console you can play anywhere, rather than a handheld; it's a simple, very attractive message.

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Nintendo just issued the weekly Nintendo Download report per usual. However, something is tucked away inside that would seem very important.

Nintendo lists Hulu as one of today’s new releases on Switch. The official page is currently offline, but it should be up by the time the eShop updates later today. 

In the past, Nintendo has mentioned that video streaming services would eventually come to Switch. It looks like that’s happening sooner than expected


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18 hours ago, Sheikah said:
20 hours ago, Ronnie said:
Quantity sure, quality? I look at that list and Metroid and Ever Oasis stand out.
The rest are mostly around the 60-70% mark on Metacritic and obviously not a guarantee of quality, it's a pretty good indicator.
But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Dragon Quest VIII is one of the best RPGs ever made. Just sayin'.

Oh yeah, that was this year! Man, 3DS has been amazing! It goes to show that one of the two Switch games I'm actually looking forward to playing is technically available on the New 3DS.

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