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All the single ladies........and gentlemen


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Sorry if this thread has been done before and sorry for the Beyoncè-inspired thread title but I just want to know, does anyone out there hate being single? Do you find it easy or difficult to get a girl or guy?


I broke up out of a relationship about four months ago and I still can't fully get over it yet I feel like dating again. It was my first proper relationship, it lasted three months (which sounds laughable) but to me, it felt like a lifetime. In the end, it ended pretty badly so there's no way I could or would get back with her.


When it ended, I thought I would get over it in time and like my single life, like I did before. But now, I actually hate being single. Some days I don't mind or care but other days it can bother me.


But even though I feel like dating again, I'm kind of afraid I'd get the previous experience again and the fact that it's getting difficult for me to get girls don't help. I used to find it easy but now I don't.


So my question to you N-E is: Do you feel the same? Have you ever hated being single? Do you find it hard to get a date?

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Almost exactly a month ago I ended my first genuinely emotional relationship, and I've just gotten back to the point of being interested in girls (remarkably similar to your story, which raises the awkward question - was I really going out with you?). ;)


Being single kinda sucks, if only because I like affectionate company. Getting a date is difficult only if you really, really want one. Give it a few weeks, and keep your eyes open for opportunities. Purposefully going out 'on the pull' never really works, for me at least.

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I'm sure all of N-Europe's hopeless romantics will be here shortly.


*arrives right on cue* :awesome:


While I don't mind being single and quite a few aspects I even like quite a bit such as having time to do whatever, I still would like to be in a relationship... but like anything worthwhile these things don't happen overnight, though I've been telling myself that for some time now. :/


Of course it doesn't help that I dislike pubs / clubs I guess because if I did go there then most likley I think I'd have found at least someone by now though they probably wouldn't be right for me really so still better that I avoid going to those places.


And work is now kinda 'off-limits' as a potential place to pick-up women after my last pathetic attempt - read as : misread signals completely - as most of you will be aware... although, I do still talk to people at work and if any women talk to me and seem friendly then I'm friendly back but I always keep in mind my last experience of rejection and so would most likely not ask anyone out from work again ever, but if I was asked - hah, yeah like that's gonna happen :heh: - by a woman then that's a different matter.


So for now singledom it is... :)

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I don't mind being single too much. Mainly for all the usual reasons: doing whatever, whenever, not having to worry about appearance too much etc. But it does bother me that sex (or at least pictures of sexy peoples) is everywhere, which reminds me that I'm not getting any.

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I don't mind being single too much. Mainly for all the usual reasons: doing whatever, whenever, not having to worry about appearance too much etc. But it does bother me that sex (or at least pictures of sexy peoples) is everywhere, which reminds me that I'm not getting any.


I get what you mean. I feel the same way and it's bloody horrible, lol.


*arrives right on cue* :awesome:


While I don't mind being single and quite a few aspects I even like quite a bit such as having time to do whatever, I still would like to be in a relationship... but like anything worthwhile these things don't happen overnight, though I've been telling myself that for some time now. :/


Of course it doesn't help that I dislike pubs / clubs I guess because if I did go there then most likley I think I'd have found at least someone by now though they probably wouldn't be right for me really so still better that I avoid going to those places.


And work is now kinda 'off-limits' as a potential place to pick-up women after my last pathetic attempt - read as : misread signals completely - as most of you will be aware... although, I do still talk to people at work and if any women talk to me and seem friendly then I'm friendly back but I always keep in mind my last experience of rejection and so would most likely not ask anyone out from work again ever, but if I was asked - hah, yeah like that's gonna happen :heh: - by a woman then that's a different matter.


So for now singledom it is... :)


I don't like clubs or pubs either to be honest. I've never been clubbing, it just don't look like my type of thing but I do go to the pub sometimes. My confidence has been knocked back a little because I've been rejected, it hasn't been knocked back a lot but just a little bit.


Almost exactly a month ago I ended my first genuinely emotional relationship, and I've just gotten back to the point of being interested in girls (remarkably similar to your story, which raises the awkward question - was I really going out with you?). ;)


Being single kinda sucks, if only because I like affectionate company. Getting a date is difficult only if you really, really want one. Give it a few weeks, and keep your eyes open for opportunities. Purposefully going out 'on the pull' never really works, for me at least.


You'd know if you did, nobody forgets me, haha ;)

Edited by Animal
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I swear this thread was here recently, or something extremely similar. You'll get back used to being single over time, and enjoy you life just as you did before, depending on if it's the same and stuff, I guess. Generally I've got lots of friends, and quite a few good ones too but they're all in sort of different social circles, and I look at the fact I don't end up too stressed out splitting my time between a girlfriend, friends, work and myself, it makes me feel much happier. Just look at the good sides, but mainly I think that's part of stopping thinking about being single/taken/what you were and what you had, just forget about it and take things as they come.

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I'm sure all of N-Europe's hopeless romantics will be here shortly.

Did ya miss me? :heh:


I've pretty much said these things before. Yeah, I miss having a girl in my life that I really love and who also loves me. I'm not the clubbing type, either, mostly going to smaller parties with people I'm close with. For the time I've decided to not worry too much about it and just live life. They do say you're most likely to find something when you're not looking for it ...


Though I echo Goafer's sentiment somewhat: Watching happy couples eating each others faces off and seeing attractive girls everywhere is hardly making me feel better about my situation.

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I've been with my girlfriend for 4 years and seeing as I'm 20 that makes it pretty difficult to think back to when I was single. (When your 16 everything is pretty "shit" and girls don't really play a big part of your happiness).


If I remember correctly though I was a pretty happy chappy while single. I think you need to be happy with yourself before you can commit with someone else. I'm pretty sure that's the most important thing... just to be happy with yourself and not be looking for love.


...I feel pretty girly for saying that last bit.


Like, yeah, fuck and stuff.

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MA a go go. Means I'll be back at uni on a campus that's frankly notorious for hot girls. In abundance.


Not mine. Mine is infamous for ugly girls. One was actually nicknamed Drogba because she looked like him.


I fucking love being single. I don't get relationships.




Anyway, sorry to hear you're feeling down about being single. I don't have any great suggestions (as the aforementioned lack of relationshippingness) but I hope things improve for you :)

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i'm...morbidly single. I'm bored.




MA a go go. Means I'll be back at uni on a campus that's frankly notorious for hot girls. In abundance.


Not mine. Mine is infamous for ugly girls. One was actually nicknamed Drogba because she looked like him.



lol pwnd :)

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I met a really nice guy last night, but I think I had drink googles on, because in the morning he wasn't as hot as I remembered.


He was called John aswell (!), and had the same Batman belt as me.



But yeah, I don't really mind being single, although I'd prefer to meet a guy who stuns me.

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I enjoyed being single until very recently. Now it somehow feels "right" to find a girlfriend. There are only a couple of problems, I have high expectations which probably rule out 90% of the female population, I find it hard to trust other people, I'm not good at talking to girls or small talk in general (although that improved significantly during the last year) and I'm studying mechanical engineering and I do so at the ETH in Zurich, which keeps me trapped between books and homework except for five weeks of holidays per year.

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