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I'd choose to live with EEVIL for a week, for some bizarre reason


As no question was posted, i'll fire one up


Which Music Artist (doesn't matter what genre) has inspired you the most?


Oasis. Ever since I was young, I've been listening to them. Many things have changed in my life, but my love for them has always been there. They were the band that got me into music, and now I enjoy learning and playing instruments as well. Thank you, Mr. Noel and Liam Gallagher.


If you were in charge of the World for one day and you could create a new rule or alter an existing rule, what would it be and why? It doesn't matter if it's really light-hearted or serious.

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Oasis. Ever since I was young, I've been listening to them. Many things have changed in my life, but my love for them has always been there. They were the band that got me into music, and now I enjoy learning and playing instruments as well. Thank you, Mr. Noel and Liam Gallagher.


If you were in charge of the World for one day and you could create a new rule or alter an existing rule, what would it be and why? It doesn't matter if it's really light-hearted or serious.


"Article 798 of Iun's New World Constitution:


Anyone Who Looks At Me Funny Will Be Shot. They're Man-boobs And I Can't Help It."




"Practicing Religion Should Be The Right Of Any Citizen Of The World, Provided It Does Not Interfere Or Impinge Upon Aforementioned Right Of Other Individuals To Practice Their Own Religion.


After A While, When You Get Really Good At It, You Should Stop Practicing Your Religion And Try A New One. Everyone Needs A Hobby."


My question:


What is the greatest gift someone could get you for your birthday?

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One law? I'd make it so equality was legal in the U.S, considering 50% of the country believe everyone shouldn't be equal and whatnot.




I'll answer that one too, seeing as I posted a question too. God, that's hard. Hard...Oh. I know. Efron. :P


If you could be anyone in the world other than yourself, who would you be, and give a reason.

Edited by Slaggis
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Does a cat count? I'd love to live the life of a cat for a day. It's an extremely different lifestyle and one I think I could get used to, if only for a day. Plus cats are awesome. (So what if I just got away from watching The Cat Returns? It's an awesome film! :D)


Coooould I propose a new rule for this, being that the person that posts the question must also answer it? More answers ftw. Plus it helps put questions in to context :heh:


If you could only have one video game system and one game, what would it be?


Gotta be the classic game Goldeneye N64 really hasn't it? The single player is fantastic and still tough as nails in 00 Mode and the multiplayer is classic! :D

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Based entirely on time played, I'd say 360 and Phantasy Star Universe. I reckon I've clocked up at least 300 hours on that thing.


If there was a zombie outbreak, what would be your survival plan?


(I've been reading Walking Dead recently, is it obvious?)


I'd barracade myself into the petrol station I work at. Tonnes of food, secure locks, cameras everywhere, petrol in case I need to escape in a vehicle and there is an even more secure office to fall back into should the shop get raided. It's small enough to be easy to keep secure, only 2 entrances and you can hear anything that goes on. I'm also fairly certain we have a backup generator.


I'd move all the food into the office, then I'd do 1 of 2 things to the shop. Either block out the windows with signs saying "abandoned, no food or petrol" or just make the actual shop look like it's already been looted. The latter makes security a problem though, since I would probably have to break a window or something to make it look like it's been raided.

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Based entirely on time played, I'd say 360 and Phantasy Star Universe. I reckon I've clocked up at least 300 hours on that thing.


If there was a zombie outbreak, what would be your survival plan?


(I've been reading Walking Dead recently, is it obvious?)


I'd barracade myself into the petrol station I work at. Tonnes of food, secure locks, cameras everywhere, petrol in case I need to escape in a vehicle and there is an even more secure office to fall back into should the shop get raided. It's small enough to be easy to keep secure, only 2 entrances and you can hear anything that goes on. I'm also fairly certain we have a backup generator.


I'd move all the food into the office, then I'd do 1 of 2 things to the shop. Either block out the windows with signs saying "abandoned, no food or petrol" or just make the actual shop look like it's already been looted. The latter makes security a problem though, since I would probably have to break a window or something to make it look like it's been raided.


I would break into your fully-stocked petrol station and kill you. Thnks for going to all that effort on my behalf. :awesome:



If you knew your spouse/partner would never, ever, ever, find out, and you would not be judged for it in this life or the next, would you cheat with your ultimate sexual fantasy liaison?


My answer would be never. I would know, and the guilt would eat at me.

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Aye, I don't think I could. I might be tempted, but I couldn't live with the guilt afterwards.


If you could choose to solve one of the world's problems - only one, but you could be sure it would be fixed - what would it be?


I'd probably make people "make love, not war". It seems as if most of the world's problems - or at least the difficulties in solving them - can be attributed to hate, prejudice, and egoism.

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One of life's problems? I'd get rid of Ashley on this forum then :p


Nah, I would probably say Poverty. Thats whats causing a heck of a lot of problems.


Are you a sitter or a stander? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZ


I am a stander! This whole sitting whilst you're shitting thing really confused me.


I stand, but I poke my bum out, I guess. I'm also bent over and facing the wall, kinda like at a 45 degree angle...maybe it's weird? Heh.


In Mario Kart, whooo is your Nintendo character of choice?

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I am a stander! This whole sitting whilst you're shitting thing really confused me.


I stand, but I poke my bum out, I guess. I'm also bent over and facing the wall, kinda like at a 45 degree angle...maybe it's weird? Heh.


In Mario Kart, whooo is your Nintendo character of choice?

Are you fucking kidding me??! You pretty much stand up to shit!!?

Standing up to wipe I get... but shitting from a height?!!... what do you think the seat is for?




Koopa Trooper all the way!! I like him because he's not your well known/yadda yadda Nintendo character, he flies under the radar... and is too darn cool!


What what your dream job and why?



EDIT: Dammit, beaten to it! Ah well answer either or both, or whatever!

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Are you fucking kidding me??! You pretty much stand up to shit!!?

Standing up to wipe I get... but shitting from a height?!!... what do you think the seat is for?



I meant standing up to wipe. Haha, shitting from a height...that would terrify me. I'd make a mess and it would go all over the seat or floor or some shit (haha) like that. Those instructions were for how I wipe. :heh:


You know what I meant! Bastardfuck. :p

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EDIT: WHOOPS! This was to Ellemeisters.


In Melee it was Sheik all the way. Now in Brawl, they decided to make Zelda out of crystalised win, so I'm never Sheik, and always Zelda is I am her/them.


But really, I play as a more diverse range now I'm older and wiser. I like Ike (!). But Zelda is probs still my fave.




Deam Job: Creating fictional worlds/characters/ideas for movies/shows/games, b ut not doing much outside of the pure idea stage. Let my minions do the boring working out stuff.


If you were a Gym Leader/Elite Four member in the Pokemon world, what would be your element/type of choice?

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EDIT: WHOOPS! This was to Ellemeisters.


In Melee it was Sheik all the way. Now in Brawl, they decided to make Zelda out of crystalised win, so I'm never Sheik, and always Zelda is I am her/them.


But really, I play as a more diverse range now I'm older and wiser. I like Ike (!). But Zelda is probs still my fave.




Deam Job: Creating fictional worlds/characters/ideas for movies/shows/games, b ut not doing much outside of the pure idea stage. Let my minions do the boring working out stuff.


If you were a Gym Leader/Elite Four member in the Pokemon world, what would be your element/type of choice?

That would be Psychic, Dark, Ghost, or Dragon (or all four!). I like the more special types.


How is your daily rhythm, and what is your favourite time of day?

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I don't really have one at present except; wake up at 7ish, 8ish, 9ish then actually get out of bed. Wash, shower etc. Amble around for a bit. If I have no plans I'll go walk somewhere. Come back, clean a bit. If my mom and her partner are finishing at 8 I'll eat, if they finish at 6 I'll wait til they come back. Eat and chat for a while. Internet for a while, tv. Exciting life.


Have you got a keepsake from your childhood (like a teddy or something) that you still have, and if so what is it?

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I love being on Sandown at the Isle of Wight. I absolutely LOVE the beach there, it's so relaxing and the sight is always brilliant when I go. That's my favourite place. But if it were to be somewhere nearer to home, I would say having a laugh with my mates or being in the arcade in StarCity.


What movie have you cried at and why?


Walt Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame ALWAYS makes me cry and the reason is because of the way everyone judged Quasimodo because of his looks and the way Frodo is with him...sounds stupid I know but hey, everyone's different :)

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