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Precipitation One More Time, Can You McPheel It?

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37 :bowdown:


NUMBER OF THE GODS! (or in your case goddess. :p)


My you enjoy this joyous occasion that will be filled with joy and joyness! (I need some new words!)


LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! (of what I'm not sure)





and yes I have had too much sugar this evening. :heh:


PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :grin::heart::yay:

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23:43- Look! A thread!


23:44- I'm 16 minutes early, it seems. And Ellmeister already used the joke I was going to use (Curses! :mad:)


23:48- *hums Happy Birthday music*


23:54- I just realized the clever pun. Raining...creating the thread early...precipitation...hehe :laughing:


00:00- 3...2...1........Happy Birthday! :yay:

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