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Being a bit harsh bluey!


Your just saying that cause if Link lost a few pounds and grew a beard and donned an eyepatch. Well use your imagination!


Na I can't follow through with that Link kicks ass.


Heres a question has anyone ever been attracted to someone instantly cause of some really intellegent thing they said that showed great insight into life.

And no Moria that doesn't mean the times you have read a girls t shirt and it said "Buy me a pint and I will serve you breakfast"

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A wild Joe appeared!


*Battle music*


Blue uses walking...


It's a miss.


Joe uses Sleep on the couch. It was not very effective.


Bluey uses Slap, it was Super Effective.


Joe is confused and may hurt himself in the confusion...


Joe uses flail attack. EPIC FLAIL!




Bluey uses teleport. (into Jamba's sexy arms)




(I need to go to sleep)

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Being a bit harsh bluey!


Maybe understandable though? Especially when you consider how non-commital the guy seemed to be regarding doing new things in their relationship. :blank:


But yeah on the looks front he seems fine, not that I'm one to judge though... *shrugs*


but i cant be bothered to abuse myself with more pictures of this guy. it's just makin me angry. :angry:


*hugs* nvm Bluey, thanks for sharing your story with us though and at least you've found your happy ending now (Jamba) so it's all good. :)

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Guest Captain Falcon
I don't think he's that bad looking... Tbh...


EDIT: Better looking than me anyway.



Wow, that's a bad picture of me... Beard 'n all.


I think you might be selling yourself a little short there Jordan.

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ahh ok ~ maybe it's harsh... i'm bitter - bad memories of the relationship and all the months he spent hounding me afterwards and calling me a cheater so he could feel better about himself 'cause he couldnt accept the fact i didnt love him anymore?


....plus he wasn't mature enough to be at least civil to me after the breakup, throwing away nearly 10 years of friendship. i tried really hard to be nice to the guy after we broke up, even after all the stupid allegations... and he constantly threw it back in my face.




and haden - dont you EVER speak about link that way again O___O

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ahh ok ~ maybe it's harsh... i'm bitter - bad memories of the relationship and all the months he spent hounding me afterwards and calling me a cheater so he could feel better about himself 'cause he couldnt accept the fact i didnt love him anymore?


....plus he wasn't mature enough to be at least civil to me after the breakup, throwing away nearly 10 years of friendship. i tried really hard to be nice to the guy after we broke up, even after all the stupid allegations... and he constantly threw it back in my face.




and haden - dont you EVER speak about link that way again O___O


Yeh now I'm the bad guy for attacking a videogame character!!!!


Literally no sarcasm there, I am the bad guy damn poor old Link.

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No I just meant harsh in the fact that he's not terrible looking and some people can't help their weight, they are just naturally skinny.

I myself remain relatively skinny no matter how much I eat.


he's not terrible looking - but i still felt bad for j7 being compared to him!!

and i wouldnt attack the guy for being naturally skinny.. he was ILL skinny 'cause he refused to consume anything other than chips, fish fingers and cola.

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Guest Captain Falcon
he's not terrible looking - but i still felt bad for j7 being compared to him!!

and i wouldnt attack the guy for being naturally skinny.. he was ILL skinny 'cause he refused to consume anything other than chips, fish fingers and cola.


With a diet like that surely it must more be down to the quantity being consumed. Unless he some kind of eating disorder perhaps...

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RELATIONSHIPS. DATING. I am ill-experienced. My current sitch; first girlfriend = 2 years. Broke up because we're total opposites and she was crushing MY SOUL. Spent about 2 years fucking up every chance with another girl because I was still depressed and stuff. THEN the ex comes back into the picture and BLAMMO! It's been a month of "ohshitohshitohshit I'm falling for her again...", surprise visits and texts from another country.


Now, not in any way trying to big myself up, but I like to think I'm actually a decent guy, a decent friend, and a decent catch if a girl is lucky to look long enough. My ex... makes me feel grown up. She makes me want to try at life. Only there are so many fucking strings and webs attached that it can never be simple. And she got a hell of a load more issues in the time we spent apart, so I'm worried that to me she's just a project, and to her I'm just a symbol of stabler times.


But I dream of children. I imagine being married to her. I can see her parents' dissaproval of every major life choice I make. And most of all, it is those moments that bluey and jamba talk about -- where we just look into each others eyes and all I see is love looking back at me. You can't buy nor create that shit -- it is au naturel. A rarity. To spy upon honesty as it sneaks a peek at you and enjoy it. To have a happy silence, and be glad to just... stare at her...


BUT I KNOW THIS IS ALL GOING TO GO TO SHIT AND I'M JUST GOING TO BE ALL DEPRESSED AND EMO AGAIN. I am seriously telling myself "well just make sure it lasts long enough so that you're motivated to get a job, then at least the rest of your life-problems will be easier to deal with."


He reminds me of jayseven. Is that a bad thing? I'd totally have it with Jay.


Jayseven? :woops:


Oh shit, he does look like Jayseven. Hahahaha. I actually thought it was a picture of him at first.


You are all going to die.

thats INSULTING TO J7!!. it's only cause of the longish blondish hair....if joe looks like jay then he looks like jay PLUS fugly.

It's RACIST is what it is. Besides I barely have a beard, and I have short hair now. AND I WEAR GLASSES. And I really am not a twat. TSTK!


All i wanted to say was "damn, Jamba, I may actually dry-hump you at the meet..."

I don't think he's that bad looking... Tbh...


EDIT: Better looking than me anyway.




Wow, that's a bad picture of me... Beard 'n all.

JUST SMILE! And... Beard? Lol.No :P

Lol, why do you say she's being harsh? She's saying an her ex is much less attractive than Jay. I don't see the problem...
*rubs himself further into his egotistical enlightened state*


EDIT Oh and Jord -- try it on and I TRY IT BACK!!

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A wild Joe appeared!


*Battle music*


Blue uses walking...


It's a miss.


Joe uses Sleep on the couch. It was not very effective.


Bluey uses Slap, it was Super Effective.


Joe is confused and may hurt himself in the confusion...


Joe uses flail attack. EPIC FLAIL!




Bluey uses teleport. (into Jamba's sexy arms)




(I need to go to sleep)



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RELATIONSHIPS. DATING. I am ill-experienced. My current sitch; first girlfriend = 2 years. Broke up because we're total opposites and she was crushing MY SOUL. Spent about 2 years fucking up every chance with another girl because I was still depressed and stuff. THEN the ex comes back into the picture and BLAMMO! It's been a month of "ohshitohshitohshit I'm falling for her again...", surprise visits and texts from another country.


So, do people think you ever get over your first love? I was in the same sort of situation as Jay, hated the girl for a while and now she's started talking to me again, random texts, MSN etc, I think I'm falling for her again. :S

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First loves are very powerful, and i think a soft spot always remains. Staying friends afterwards is a dangerous thing to do!

Agree-age. I don't think I've ever gotten over my first crush 100% - nor do I believe I ever will. But if I can just control my feelings enough, it should be okay.


Oh, and the way you describe love, Jay - I can very much relate to that!

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You are telling me. My first love, we are still having issues 3 years later. On an off. I'm only 18 and its weird saying that. I will never not be her friend though. We now have massive arguments but its only because of the history. We shall pull through. I want us to anyway.

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First loves are very powerful, and i think a soft spot always remains. Staying friends afterwards is a dangerous thing to do!


Got that right. There's just something about them that you can't forget. Mine was psycho yet the good memories are still remembered just as much as the bad!

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Agree-age. I don't think I've ever gotten over my first crush 100% - nor do I believe I ever will. But if I can just control my feelings enough, it should be okay.


Oh, and the way you describe love, Jay - I can very much relate to that!


you will. i saw my first crush in town last week, did absolutly nothing for me.



i guess its part of growing up that ive managed to see just how stupid i was.

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My first love would probably still go out with me if he could >_> I think its more a case of desperation for ANYBODY than wanting me.. Way to make someone feel awesome. I hate his guts :heh:


I mean I dunno, in hindsight I probably wasn't in love with him, but I sure thought so at the time.


How do you even know if you are in love?

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My first love would probably still go out with me if he could >_> I think its more a case of desperation for ANYBODY than wanting me.. Way to make someone feel awesome. I hate his guts :heh:


I mean I dunno, in hindsight I probably wasn't in love with him, but I sure thought so at the time.


How do you even know if you are in love?

Don't bring yourself down. You're much better than that. :)

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Love is what anyone wants it to be I think. You don't ever truly know if its loves because the next person you meet you may have stronger feelings for. But when you are with someone who you think the world of, that's love there for the moment.


I think my post got deleted, I said I'm afraid to take the plunge. I never read these "signals" but I just never pluck up the courage to take it that one step further in case of rejection. Usually the girls are friends or in my halls of uni so I don't want to be rejected and then it be weird/ laughed at :(

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My first love would probably still go out with me if he could >_> I think its more a case of desperation for ANYBODY than wanting me.. Way to make someone feel awesome. I hate his guts :heh:


I mean I dunno, in hindsight I probably wasn't in love with him, but I sure thought so at the time.


How do you even know if you are in love?


Heh, I always thought I was the only one who wondered how you know you are in love. Thanks for making me feel a bit more normal. X3

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