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New Classic Controller Shown.


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It's not like the Wii was ever short on control pads, but hey, if Nintendo feel we need another one - in this case the Classic Controller Pro - then we're not going to argue.


With information only currently residing on Nintendo's Japanese website, there's no word yet on price, or a firm release date (just that it's coming in the Summer). The Classic Controller Pro differs from the original Classic Controller by adding some extra shoulder buttons, spacing the thumbsticks out a bit more and introducing some hand grips.


Should make playing those N64 and GameCube (provided it supports the latter) games a damn sight easier.


Source: Kotaku

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The Classic Controller Pro differs from the original Classic Controller by adding some extra shoulder buttons
Don't think that's correct.

By the looks of things they've just repositioned the ZL and ZR buttons and made them the same size as L and R.


Anyway I'm more than happy with the original Classic Controller, has much more of a classic vibe too. :love:

But if the Pro version featured Rumble and connected directly to the Wii via USB/GCN port, then I would definitely be tempted. :hehe:

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Where's the N64 design controller?


That's what I want more then anything else, not another controller that looks just the same as the SNES/Classic Controller


I agree with that, the N64 styled one would be.. well, perfect for N64 titles, and its design also lends to be using as a standard digital controller too

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That's actually kinda dodgy looking.. and seems pointless if you already have a Classic Controller. It looks like it has been stuck inside some cheap third-party pastic shell :hmm:


For me, Nintendo are missing an opportunity by not putting out a Wii version of the N64 controller.. I'd buy one :heh: ..especially if you could change the connection on the end and actually use it on your N64 aswell!


Actually, I'd even accept just bringing out little connection converters that lets you play on Wii with your old NES, SNES and N64 controllers.. it would really add to the VC experience :smile:

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I'm sorry but that's an absolute joke!!


I'm actually pissed at Nintendo for making this as it's un-necessary, confusing to have it alongside the other classic controller, ugly looking, and pointless! It's even still wired ffs!


Why the fuck haven't they rebranded the Wavebird ['WiiBird?'] to give us a wireless option!

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That thing looks like a Playstation Controller more or less.


I don't like the two centered control sticks, the GC controller was almost perfect in that sense, however we need a bigger D-Pad for classic games. The N64 featured a big D-Pad, so the best thing to do would be a combination of a GC and N64 controller.


Bring back the "trident" :D

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I'm sorry but that's an absolute joke!!


I'm actually pissed at Nintendo for making this as it's un-necessary, confusing to have it alongside the other classic controller, ugly looking, and pointless! It's even still wired ffs!


Why the fuck haven't they rebranded the Wavebird ['WiiBird?'] to give us a wireless option!


Yonder olde man speaketh the truth! I say we burn 'er! BURN the controller!

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I WOULD say this looks like a stupid piece of shit and a pointless "enhancement" but it has one key feature which would make me want one over my classic controller...


The wire comes out the top, not the bottom.


In the original design the wire coming from the bottom is extremely fucking annoying and basically prevents me from using it.


It's like they originally designed it badly with the intention of releasing this in the future to get people who bought the original classic controller to buy another design.

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Guest Captain Falcon
But why isn't it wireless?


Because then it costs more to make, sells at a higher price and consumes batteries.


Whilst I do think it looks a bit ugly, I think having the prongs puts above the the regular CC - they make holding a pad for extended periods of play far more comfortable.


One thing I have found with the regular CC is that because the sticks are so low on the controller, my thumb isn't exactly ideally positioned and to push in all directions. I'd imagine the extra grips would help alleviate this as I would have more room with which to adjust my grip.


I won't be getting one myself unless my current CC breaks, but it's nice to have the choice.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Who cares! People bought the Wavebird. They should have just kept the classic controller for those happy enough with it, and then bought out a new wireless 'wavebird' option!


Just a thought, but maybe it's a technical thing. Unless they went back to a receiver that plugs into the sockets or USB slots which might be a hassle if you've already got something in there, then it would have to done via blue tooth. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a limit to the number of devices you can have synced up to it at once?


Maybe the GC sockets only work when software tells them to, such as games encoded to use it, Nintendo's emulators for VC games, or when it kicks into GC mode. Perhaps it would render the device unusable with all existing titles.


Of course, having a wireless connection to the wii remote and then sending it on to the wii itself would solve it, but there could be something else I'm missing.

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