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ONM's Top 100 Greatest Nintendo Games

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I have been meaning to post this for a week now and have finally got around to doing it.


In this months ONM they gave a list of games that have appeared on Nintendo consoles and put them into an order of what they think is the top 100.


1. Super Mario Bros

2. Zelda:Ocarina of Time

3. Super Mario Galaxy

4. Mario Kart Wii

5. Tetris

6. Super Mario 64

7. Super Mario World

8. Zelda:Link to the Past

9. Resident Evil 4

10. Super Street Fighter II

11. Super Mario Bros. 3

12. Zelda: The Wind Waker

13. Super Mario Kart

14. Lylat Wars

15. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

16. Zelda: Twilight Princess

17. Mario Kart 64

18. Metroid Prime

19. Advance Wars: Dark Conflict

20. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

21. Wii Sports

22. Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island

23. Animal Crossing: Wild World

24. Super Metroid

25. Zelda: Link's Awakening

26. Mario Kart DS

27. Super Mario Bros. 2

28. Starwing

29. Pikmin 2

30. New Super Mario Bros.

31. Chrono Trigger

32. Final Fantasy VI

33. Okami

34. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars

35. Metroid Prime 3

36. Banjo-Kazooie

37. Perfect Dark

38. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

39. F-Zero X

40. Pilotwings 64

41. Soul Calibur II

42. Guitar Hero: World Tour

43. Resident Evil Remake

44. Super Mario Land 2

45. Zelda: Majoras Mask

46. Super Mario Sunshine

47. Zelda: Minish Cap

48. Eternal Darkness

49. Wave Race 64

50. Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

51. Super Probotector

52. Pokemon Red/Blue

53. Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

54. Donkey Kong Country

55. Goldeneye

56. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

57. Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons

58. Super Smash Bros. Melee

59. Super Castlevania IV

60. Mega Man 2

61. Pilotwings

62. Metroid Fusion

63. Mario Kart: Double Dash

64. Sin and Punishment

65. Professor Layton and the Curious Village.

66. F-Zero

67. Kid Icarus

68. Super Star Wars

69. Kirbys Adventure

70. WWF No Mercy

71. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

72. Advance Wars

73. Super Mario Land

74. Punch Out!

75. Sonic Advance

76. Super Ghouls N Ghosts

77. Zelda

78. Wario Ware Inc.

79. Diddy Kong Racing

80. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

81. ISS 64

82. Secret of Mana

83. World of Goo

84. Blast Corps

85. Duck Tales

86. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

87. 1080 Snowboarding

88. Chibi-Robo!

89. Donkey Kong 64

90. Super Monkey Ball

91. Beyond Good and Evil

92. F-Zero GX

93. Jet Force Gemini

94. Metroid Zero Mission

95. Killer Instinct

96. Kirby Power Paintbrush

97. Conkers Bad Fur Day

98. Bomberman Blast

99. Luigis Mansion

100. Star Wars: Rogue Leader




Personally I think the choice of games and the order of alot of them that are in the list is very flawed. Alot of Rares efforts should be a hell of alot higher than they are and the one that pees me off the most is the placement of Phantom Hourglass. How it got higher than Majora's Mask, Oracles games and Minish Cap is beyond me!


Whats your thoughts on ONMs selection and placement of the games?

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Well just reading some of the titles in the bottom 10 shows you how wrong the list is.


100. Star Wars Rogue Leader

96. Kirby's Power Paintbrush

92. F Zero GX

91. Beyond Good and Evil


Those four in particular are so far out of place it's unbelievable. F Zero GX is one of the best racers ever and the best futuristic racer available. Kirby's Power Paintbrush rejuvenated a stagnant Kirby franchise, giving it a new lease of life and being one hell of a platformer. Star Wars Rogue Leader really did some amazing things with the N64 tech and really should be higher. And finally, Beyond Good and Evil is one of the finest non-Zelda adventures ever. Really, I'm hoping Ubisoft release it on the New Play Control line for the Wii.


Other placements in that list are really off as well. I can understand Guitar Hero World Tour being on the list because it pioneered DLC for the Wii and unlocked the SD card for playing off of but it should not be that high.


Really I could moan alot about the placements throughout that list but it's not really worth it. ONM aren't exactly great at doing what they do as a Nintendo magazine.


Oh ok one last point. Chrono Trigger, one of the greatest games of all time and quite possibly the greatest RPG of all time (yes I've dared to say it), should be higher. And so too should Okami. I'll stop now.

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ONLY using games I've played, think my top 10 would be:


1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

2. Super Smash Bros. Melee

3. Super Mario 64

4. Resident Evil 4

5. F-Zero X

6. Wii Sports

7. Pokemon Red

8. Goldeneye

9. Mario Kart Wii

10. Metroid Prime


[11. Diddy Kong Racing]

[12. Super Mario Galaxy]

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ZOMG! Ocarina of Time not first has the world gone mad! :p Also Super Metroid not in the Top Ten. The list is flawed I tells yah!


Nah It is hard to do any list as it is down to personal preference and hard to place a whole bunch of games close in quality above one another in a good order. So I think they have done fairly well and got all the right games in there but I would have put Ocarina of Time first and Super Metroid in the Top Ten


Mario Kart Wii should be much lower down as although it is a fantastic game it is not derserving of the Top Ten in my eyes and 4th place above the likes of F-Zero GX, Super Mario 64 and A Link to the Past. :o (and pretty much a lot of the games)


If anyone wants to compare my tentative,


Top Ten:


1. Ocarina of Time

2. Super Metroid

3. Resident Evil 4

4. Pokemon series

5. Tetris

6. A Link to the Past

7. Super Mario Galaxy

8. Wind Waker

9. F-Zero GX

10. Lylat Wars

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oh god OOT seems to HAVE to be number 1 or the fans will be crying.. which is a shame because I do believe majoras mask is the superior game in almost everyway.


oh and by the way metroid prime number 18? and higher than super metroid? not only should super metroid be in the top ten but it should certainly be higher than metroid prime..


The list once again is fail. I have yet to find one that works.

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As other people have done it, my top 10 Nintendo games:


1. Banjo-Kazooie

2. Perfect Dark

3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

4. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

5. Metroid Prime

6. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

7. Lylat Wars

8. F-Zero GX

9. Jet Force Gemini

10. Banjo-Tooie


I miss the N64...

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Can't resist doing this myself...


1. Zelda: The Wind Waker

2. Zelda: Majora's Mask

3. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

4. Zelda: Twilight Princess

5. Super Mario Sunshine

6. Super Mario World

7. Super Mario 64

8. Metroid: Zero Mission

9. Metroid Fusion

10. F-Zero GX


I can't really choose an order, so I've just grouped the series together. F-Zero on the SNES just misses out.

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Meeeh. It's all wack.



2. Secret of Mana

3. No More Heroes (complete fail that it's not up there at all)

4. Zelda A Link to the Past

5. Star Fox (Lylat Wars I think)

6. F-Zero

7. Metroid Prime

8. Tales of Symphonia

9. Resident Evil 4

10. Okami


FYI that is no real order, just numbered for the hell of it and likely to change on a whim.


Also, I think that Beyond Good and Evil can go crawl in hole and die. I know I'm one of the few though(but not the only), but that game is just so blehghrd.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well of the all those games, I've played 69 and have 50 in my collection and I can understand most of them being there.


And whilst for my tastes the are some glaring omissions (Fire Emblem and Golden Sun immediately spring to mind) and lots of questionable placement, that is par for the course when it comes to lists I'm afraid.


Having just said that, however, as bad as they are for having the gall to put MK Wii in the top 10, the fact that MK: DD even makes the list full stop (and at 63 no less) is pretty insulting.

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Also, I think that Beyond Good and Evil can go crawl in hole and die. I know I'm one of the few though(but not the only), but that game is just so blehghrd.


Oh you... :nono:




Funny sort of a list. It pretty much covers all the right games but has some questionable entries- MK Wii being so high for a start! My top ten would be tough to pin down as would my top hundred, just depends on mood mostly, doesn't it! Let's-a-go:


1- Donkey Kong Country 3


...then it gets a bit hazy.


2- Mario Galaxy

3- Yoshi's Island

4- F-Zero

5- Majora's Mask

6- GoldenEye

7- Skies of Arcadia

9- Twilight Princess

10- Mario World


Who knows. Its not an exact science! I'm splitting hairs there with trying to just name a top ten. Path of Radiance wants to sneak in to it as does Nintendogs and Animal Crossing: Wild World because I had a great time playing them. (Mario 64, Ocarina of Time...?)

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Guest Captain Falcon
Huh? But it's the best Mario Kart...


You really think so?


For me it was one of the worst TBH. 64 and DS were my favorites, followed by super circuit. I've never played the original though.


I'm with you Esmasher. 64 was definitely the best in my book followed by DS.


Mario Kart: DD was slow with shoddy handling, questionable physics and dull track design (and it didn't even feature go karts...). F-Zero GX came out a couple of months earlier (everywhere else at least, we got it the same month) and it blew it out the water in every category going except multiplayer. I honestly don't see how they could release that game having seen SEGA's masterpiece.


The 64 version was where it's at. 150cc actually felt like you were moving at a fair lick and the courses showed more variation. The DS one has some really inspired tracks and the MK Wii, has a few gems as well. DD was just dull.

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That has to be one of the worst lists I've ever seen, but that is to be expected from ONM. I used to buy the magazine many years ago (then NOM) even though I knew it was pretty much drivel. The free gifts were what swung it for me (bless the Chain Chomp and Pokeball beach balls).


One of the most amusing moments in that magazine (yet a true display of their incompetence) was when one of their staff named Michael Jackson (I kid you not) got the team thrown out of an E3 showcase room for the DS when he drew a cock in pictochat.


But really though...look how low down Chrono Trigger is. Super Mario Bros as #1? Majora's Mask #45? Goldeneye #55? Silly wankers.

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I used to buy the magazine many years ago (then NOM) even though I knew it was pretty much drivel. The free gifts were what swung it for me (bless the Chain Chomp and Pokeball beach balls).


Was it that long ago that it was called NOM? NMS is the true "I used to buy it many years ago" acronym you want to be referring to when you try to hark back to ye olde beginning of time.


But really though...look how low down Chrono Trigger is. Super Mario Bros as #1? Majora's Mask #45? Goldeneye #55? Silly wankers.


I see what your saying, but like I said above, its really splitting hairs. I mean, its not like the games that come in above those ones you mentioned are crap or anything.

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Was it that long ago that it was called NOM? NMS is the true "I used to buy it many years ago" acronym you want to be referring to when you try to hark back to ye olde beginning of time.


I only got it from the N64 period onwards where it was NOM. I wasn't that hardcore.


I see what your saying, but like I said above, its really splitting hairs. I mean, its not like the games that come in above those ones you mentioned are crap or anything.


Uhh, from what I can tell from the first post they've been put into an order, so you can at least say that it's mental that Goldeneye, often cited as one of the best games of all time, is ranked #55. The same for Majora's Mask which is mysteriously so far below OoT, despite gameplay being so similar and most aspects of it being either the same or better.


I mean, sure, a lot of them games deserve to be put in the top 100. But the order for them pretty much counters the believable. It's like they pulled a list out of their arse. :p


Here's a thought. I'll bold it for a bit of fun for anyone to try answer:


Justify in under 100 words how anyone with a sane mind could rate Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (2 places above) and Pilotwings 64 (15 places above) higher than Goldeneye.

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