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N-Europe Summer Meetup, innit - Hyde Park, Saturday 18th July. No penguins allowed.


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If he's in Brighton when I am, then I'll do my best too :P I know where he lives! Muahaha!


The house-party idea would be phenomenal, but it's a stretch to ask someone to invite twenty+ random internet strangers. It would be awesome beyond awesome, mind you!

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Forgot I posted this bastard.


I'll try my best to attend, wherever and whenever it is. I would suggest that people realise you don't have to have only one meet-up arranged at a time, and also there's no point whining about the location being unfair when there is nothing stopping you from arranging a meet-up in whatever preferred location you wish.


Ganepark; last year we stayed in a hostel for two nights (six of us the first night, 8 the second) which costed about £25 a night. It was a short walk from King's Cross/St Pancras stations, and I'd be willing to stay there again (despite a couple of annoying moments!).


Rummy! I suggest picking a day (the saturday?) for epic meeting up in the park so that day-trippers can join in the smelly fun. What we missed out last time was the chance to properly 'game', but I don't see any easy way around that :/


Seconding this post. Especially the bolded bit. Grow some balls and take some responsibility people, it's not hard to post a thread and collate/collect ideas. I'm going to be firm, and say that this meet is unquestionably going to be London. It's the one thing not budgeable on!


I wish I'd left space for Jay and ReZ to post after me, could have done with help on 3 main info posts! Anyhoo I'll just collate stuff. Is it a stretch to ask you for some handy hostel info and that, jay? Maybe just sites, links, good ones, where you guys stayed last time etc...

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Hmm let me think. Now my place is about an hour south of london and small. You're welcome to it but not the best idea. Alternatively I got a mate whos house is in north camden, and he might be away from the summer, but ofcourse I would have to have a yes from him. I'm sure I can come up with some other ideas. Alternatively we can all just hit the arcade.

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A hostel would probably be alright, and cheaper, but I'll still have a look around at possible hotel rooms. If someone is bringing a Wii, I've got two controllers I'd be happy to lend to the occasion if/when I can confirm I can make it.


I personally like the idea of it being in London, as I enjoy the travelling and it'll get me away from the summer rain up here. Will be interesting as I've never been which will probably lead to some comedic happenings as I get lost over and over again and end up in a rough neighbourhood. If I can come I won't be bringing a map for getting around. It's part of the thrill of going somewhere new. Did it in Birmingham which wasn't a great idea as I had a few people staring at me and following me for a bit.

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The thread for last year's meet has lots of info, even though it's rather messy, and half the links don't work anymore.


This is a good starter page to find cheap london accomodation.


[http://www.reservations.bookhostels.com/britainexpress.com/findabed.php?OrderBy=price&PropType=&PHPSESSID=e5e72b7e83f073c2ca5c568109ffc4cd]Here's a list of hostels/hotels in london for the weekend starting friday 12th[/url]. Obviously the more people you have guarenteed to stay the cheaper it'll be, the bigger the room (thus the more lurkers we can squeeze into the room).


THis is where I wanted to book for us last year. 100 metres from Hyde Park, and potentially as little as a tenner a night with enough people.


I learned last time that bookings really ought to be done as far in advance as possible - we didn't get to save a few squids because I waited an extra week to book the hostel. That's another thing - whoever books the room has to put down a 10% deposit of the total - again, trust is needed. There's lots of little bits of info, like paying by card upon arrival is liable to a service charge.


Interesting looking at the lists of definites and maybes, compared to who actually turned up :P 5 'definites' failed to show, 3 'maybes' did show.


Hmm let me think. Now my place is about an hour south of london and small. You're welcome to it but not the best idea. Alternatively I got a mate whos house is in north camden, and he might be away from the summer, but ofcourse I would have to have a yes from him. I'm sure I can come up with some other ideas. Alternatively we can all just hit the arcade.
Well I live in Brighton and that's only about an hour away from london too :P


A hostel would probably be alright, and cheaper, but I'll still have a look around at possible hotel rooms. If someone is bringing a Wii, I've got two controllers I'd be happy to lend to the occasion if/when I can confirm I can make it.

Most hostels don't have a TV, and many places like you to not spend all day in your room, but late-night gaming would be ace.


If there are enough people, two rooms, two tv's and two wiis (or an xbox) could make for an interesting weekend. Hostels come with lockers (provide your own lock, or rent one from front desk) where one can safely stow away pricely goods when out of the room. Sounds like an awesome prospect, mind you! If arranged properly, it could be very good.


EDIT: Just noticed I'd put the wrong dates into the searches, sorry!

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hmmm, I'll consider it! Have to see about flights n stuffs. Is this going to be a weekend shinding or just a day trip?


If I can come, I'll probably be staying in London for about two or three days, so I can go sightseeing, heh. =P

So yeah, if you need company... I'll be there (most likely)!

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Obviously not for this, but at my offices there's a big hall with a cinema screen. Also have more projectors and more screen. I could easily organise a huge gaming extravaganza there with loads of 360's, PS3's, Wii's, big teles, big screens etc. Hold big tournaments, online (in the same room) comps etc. But it's be near Hull.


Is that something people would may be up for for future reference?

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I'll almost certainly come, but like the last thread, it's so much in advance, right now it seems like there's a vast chasm of empty, shitty life between here and then, so I can't give a real answer


Obviously not for this, but at my offices there's a big hall with a cinema screen. Also have more projectors and more screen. I could easily organise a huge gaming extravaganza there with loads of 360's, PS3's, Wii's, big teles, big screens etc. Hold big tournaments, online (in the same room) comps etc. But it's be near Hull.


Is that something people would may be up for for future reference?


Sounds good, but apart from the location. Hull? Jesus.

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Would probably be better for me being a weekend, I don't really wanna spend £100 just for a day trip again, might as well make it worth my while :heh:


I'll make it worth your while :wink: :heh:


Also I'd like to come to this one, since it's much closer then frickin' Sheffield. So with any luck I'll make this one! (As I seem to say every time..)

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