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Links Awakening

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So I was thinking of going for a replay of Phantom Hourglass but this morning I cracked on Links Awakening instead. Its an absolutely fantasmic game- all Zelda games are magical, but anyone thats played LA knows that it has its own special magic.




I've flew through some of the game today without really having to play it for a bucketload of hours. Its a really streamlined experience and even moreso when you know what you are doing. This doesn't take away from the game at all because it means that there is always something happening and there is plenty to be going on with between levels, meaning you don't just bolt from dungeon to dungeon.


Its an interesting game to replay because due to knowing the mysteries of Koholint already, its all somehow all the more chilling and you always notice different things- like the wee guy knows no concept of "when" and the father who tells you to look out for him later because he will be lost in the mountains. Makes you wonder about the deeper undertones of what's going on with the island and stuff. (Sounds a bit like Lost when I refer to it as the island. :heh: )


Anyway, its been a while since we've all waxed lyrical about Links Awakening, so lets hear your opinions on it and memories of it all. I know for one that from the thread for IGN's top 25 DS games that Jonnas could be tempted to replay LA too, what about anyone else...? C'maan, if you haven't seen Madam Meowmeow, Mr Write, Tarin and the ever lovely Marin recently, then get your Gameboy fired up! :yay:

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i usualy hate the whole, it was all a dream thing, makes events seem owrthless, but when you see people dissapear at the end, you feel a sense of loss.


theres a theory in psychology that your brain could, theoreticaly hold anouther persoanlity, split persoanlities show this is true, yet some writters claim that characters they make tell them there own story, they seem to exist in a none physical sense. apply this to links awakening and it becomes a much more tragic story. they arnt random dreams that are lost, but actualy coshious beings. kinda like the hal 3000 dying in space odessy.



back on the dream theame, certain things become a bit deeper, the talking animals for instance, they were wildly outlandish, yet pluasable within a dream. the presence of maria, the spitting double of zelda surgests just how much link thinks of her, surgesting he missed her alot during his training, and the strongest indication of deeper feelings for her in any zelda.


the game itself works well for handheld play, its shorter for quick goes, which a handheld is best suited to.

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LA was my first Zelda game which also got me into the series so the game has that special honour for me.


The Wind Fish song is one of my favourite songs from the whole series.


Been thinking of replaying this and the other Zelda's as well but I'm a bit busy at the moment, plu sI need to play some of my back logged games first.

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Link's Awakening was my 2nd Zelda game and is, I think, the best-ever handheld Zelda for its time, as well as the most inspired. I don't think you can beat playing the original on a Game Boy Pocket (I recently played Link's Awakening DX and didn't like it as much).


The game has so much atmosphere. I looked forward to every encounter with the owl, because the accompanying music created such a mysterious, relaxing atmosphere. Gaining a new instrument was also a joy, as it allowed to you to hear an ever-richer rendition of Ballad of the Wind Fish.

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Just from playing at my leisure over the weekend I've done the first three levels. I can't remember whats next... its the waterfall anyway which I'm thinking is to grab the flippers and then onwards to Catfish's Maw, maybe. I love the combination of Pegasus boots + Roc's feather. I've always wished the 'feather was in more Zelda's!

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It was indeed a very magical game, I don't know why, think it was the music as it happens(i can hear it in my head right now, do doo dodododo do doo do, either from the forest or dungeons?). Not played for time though, not sure if I have the original cart, but my sister did later buy DX(not sure where that is either!). Didn't really get too fussed up with that. LA original also has the awesome map/select screen warp glitch, I found out about that on tinternets and made full use of it to interesting effect(I love glitches like that). Very good game though, and I unfortunately tend to overlook it often in my Zelda rankings cos I haven't played for so long, and cos it's a bit too similar to LttP, which takes my preference.


EDIT: The first bit of music in this is sort of what I was thinking/talking about.

EDITEDIT: Oo oo! Head to 4.20, that's the one!! Man, definitely the music that makes this game. Just listen to this stuff, it's genius for what it was, imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally got to start replaying this, and I'm on Level 6 (Face Shrine).


It's pure bliss. Exploring the island, killing bad guys, interacting with quirky people... It's so simple, yet so charming. And it does feel like a strange dream. From the very beginning.


Plus, the Roc's Feather is still one of the greatest items in Zelda history.

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Ah, Link's Awakening. My first Zelda game and still one of my favourite games to date!

I loved it so much, the music in this game is indeed amazing. Had the original game but lost it before I got to finish it, so got the DX version back then. Loved the mouse character who came to take your picture during the game, at the most random times. =)

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I had to borrow this back in the day. I didn't have a Gameboy myself back then, and my brother didn't have this game. So I was playing a borrowed copy on my brother's Gameboy :indeed: . Anyway, it was indeed a magical experience. Now I think of it, for me it's still probably the best portable Zelda experience. The atmosphere is just fantastic, the sense of mystery. I love the bit where you have to guide the ghost to his grave. When he stops at his house, with that music.. So sweet.

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LA is such an underrated gem. This thread is bringing back such great memories, like talking to Marin on the seaside, saving her at Tal Tal Heights, getting the sword for the first time... it goes on. Plus it had some of the best dungeons in any Zelda, Eagle's Tower springs to mind.

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This, and the two Oracle games, are by far my most loved of all games ever. LA was my second game, after Pokemon Blue (another underrated gem), and the last time I played it, about 2 years back, it was still as absorbing and magical as it was the first time.


CoD/2/4 may be the most enjoyable games, in my mind, but Link's Awakening is the most perfect.

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I actually replayed it not long ago. A genius game.


You know it's a good game when they give you the opportunity to shoplift and call you THIEF from then on.


They say it's all a dream but you see the Wind Fish at the end... So did the Wind Fish make Link dream all this about releasing him from his shell, or take Link to Koholint Island then pretended it was just a dream?

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I thought the island was the Wind Fishs dream? It was the second Zelda I played. I've so many happy memories of that game. It's actually quite hard, especially at the age I was when I got it. I remember one specific puzzle in Bottle Grotto where you had to kill 3 enemies in order. It does actually tell you but it gave the enemies incredibly random names. Instead of just saying "Kill the rabbit, blob and bat". The music will always be one of the best soundtracks, it's a shame it never gets remade. Saying that I think one of the songs did in Smash Bros Brawl?

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This, and the two Oracle games, are by far my most loved of all games ever. LA was my second game, after Pokemon Blue (another underrated gem), and the last time I played it, about 2 years back, it was still as absorbing and magical as it was the first time.


CoD/2/4 may be the most enjoyable games, in my mind, but Link's Awakening is the most perfect.


1-The Oracle games are indeed awesome. You have good taste. :smile:


2-How is Pokémon Blue underrated? :wtf: It enjoyed great success.


Saying that I think one of the songs did in Smash Bros Brawl?


Yeah, Tal Tal Heights. Awesome track.

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