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How do you know its going clockwise? Only the person who made the gif can say that.


I opened it in photoshop to make sure.


It isn't going any specific side, it's going how you see it. Even if you see the frames, you can see it both ways. I had this gif side by side with the legs outline in both ways so it was easy to see.


Edit: Easy way to see it, just look at her shadow.


God you people suck. Yes, it IS an old optical illusion, and yes, it CAN be hard to shift the focus, but it can easily go both ways because there is absolutely no depth in the animation and so you put it in yourself.


For the record, for me, she was going clockwise off the bat, which means I'm right dominant? But reading the description of the Left I'd surely have said I was left dominant, and think I found out the same in an experiment in first year!


No. It's going clockwise. That's a fact... How can you shift it? You can't!:confused:


Here's how I do it, you see one leg roates and one stays fairly central? If she's clockwise, the leg goes round clockwise(the free one). Now, focus on that leg, in actually due to the 2D nature it's going left and right. When clock wise, it goes round the back whilst going to the right, and round the front whilst going to the left. Just imagine it the other way round, like when you see it moving to the right, imagine it swinging round the front, not the back, and when left round the back, not the front. It's easier once you've done it once, but still pretty hard!


EDIT: Better idea, I remember last time I saw this, the advice was to look at her shadow, it sometimes help shift your perception.


EDITEDIT: According to Wiki it's innaccurate to say this proves dominance of one hemisphere over the other, as this article claims;



She's turning anti-clockwise and I can't see the other way at all.


Edit: Wait, just got clockwise as well. Yeah it's shoulders and legs, focus on each separately.


I see her going counter-clockwise at first.

And then she started going clockwise.


Anyway, I highly doubt this optical illusion can test our brain functionalities just like that.


It's going anti-clockwise for me and I can't even perceive how it could be going clockwise, I'm staring at it and taking people's comments into consideration, but I cannot see it

It's going anti-clockwise for me and I can't even perceive how it could be going clockwise, I'm staring at it and taking people's comments into consideration, but I cannot see it


With me, I tried focusing in different parts of her body, without success. Suddenly she started spinning clockwise, with no real explanation.


I'm assuming she just changes her direction after a while.

It's going anti-clockwise for me and I can't even perceive how it could be going clockwise, I'm staring at it and taking people's comments into consideration, but I cannot see it


Exactly the same with me. Going anti-clockwise and no way is it going clockwise. I can't see it.


I was reading another webpage about the illusion, went back and she was going clockwise and I have no idea how. Then I looked at the shadow, then when her leg was supposed to make a shadow it didn't then I looked up and she was going anti-clockwise again. Madness. I don't know what happened either.


Now I started blinking when the legs cross, and relaxed a bit, I can get them to change legs. Now i've got it stuck on clockwise.


Guys, I got anti-clockwise (kinda makes sense seeing as I'm a mathematician).


Seriously, it's an optical illusion. If you focus really hard on just the girl's legs, then you can make her turn the other way. I've managed to do it several times now.


EDIT: If you focus really really hard then you can make her turn alternate directions :)


I got right brain dominating at first, which by the description is quite clearly wrong. I can change it round at will now though, if I Hiro Nakamura (close my eyes tight like he does) it seems to always reverse.


I love Oxigen_Waste's reaction.

How the fuck can that be? :( I'm getting frustrated, she's just going clockwise, for me. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Aaaaarrgggh.


Heh, I do agree here. She is definitely going clockwise! Unless you cover the body and just look waist down, in which case it seems to work either way...


EDIT: Haha wow I got it!! Madness... that showed me

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