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Gameplay January Sale


Another Code R £10.98

Let's Tap £5.98

The Conduit £9.98

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 £4.98

Tenchu Shadow Assasins £6.98

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Directors Cut £11.98

Mushroom Men The Spore Wars £5.98

Cursed Mountain £9.98


My eyes popped out of my head when I saw that price for Pro Evo 09. I've now realised that the new one is obviously Pro Evo 2010. :woops:


^ I know it's cheap as chips, but is Lets Tap worth it?


It's worth it!


Sale is also on at GAME, except a bit more expensive but at least you get free 1st class delivery + reward points, and they still have Another Code R in stock.


ported to dsiware the rayman game is...


Im not sure if its anygood because everyone seems to be ignoring it.. but the ps1 version was fantastic and every attempt at porting it has undermined it.. the gba version was fucking horrid.


and that's the latest on rayman this year :)

I finally got a Wii today for Xmas. Yay. All I got was Wii Sports (obviously) and Mario Galaxy. Not sure what I'll want for my second game.


Welcome to the Wii club! Assuming you've played Twilight Princess (and as you own Galaxy), I think Metroid Prime 3 would be the big one to play. I ended up really liking it, and it made me love the Wii controls (which I didn't expect).


I must admit, despit having a Wii since early October, I still haven't got round to playing many games on it. My Games Pile (TM :nando: ) is getting bigger!


Metroid really is the one to get, at this point. If you've missed one of th other parts to the trilogy, you might want to look at the full set, otherwise, the third one on it's own is dirt. Cheap in some places.

I finally got a Wii today for Xmas. Yay. All I got was Wii Sports (obviously) and Mario Galaxy. Not sure what I'll want for my second game.


Well with all the sales on atm you can grab a few bargains. Gamestation are gonna be selling Fire Emblem for a fiver instore if you fancy it, and I'm sure you can get great games like Trauma Centre and Resident Evil 4 for cheap. If you can get the Prime Trilogy as well, you'd be set for a long time.


Wait, they're going to start selling games in that sort of case now? Is this only in Europe, or worldwide? And why are the holes behind the disk, rather than around it? I mean, what's the point of even having a plastic case if you're going to do that? You might as well just put them in CD envelopes, they would provide just as much disk protection, and would probably be cheaper.

I don't understand. They're still plastic, right?


By the look of that pictue, I'd imagine so. But look at the placement of those holes. The case isn't going to protect the disk that much more than if it was just paper.

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