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Just had a quick look around online.


CDWOW and a couple of other places have them in white, but they do seem alot rarer atm.


I'm pretty sure we only have the black Pro so far, not sure how CWOW has them, maybe their imported, but they're way over priced on CDWOW.

People need to realise EA is about rehashing old titles and cancelling new titles. Their whole strategy is based on buying up studios that would make a creative game and making sure the mass market never develops a taste for quality so they can forever sell their rehashed trash.


Stop buying titles from EA, and maybe, if enough people do it, we might see a change.


I will never forgive them for fucking up my most beloved franchise, Command & Conquer.


I think you're mixing up EA and activision now.

I think you're mixing up EA and activision now.


although they did kinda make an ass of Command and conquer... but they're a better studio now .. Now it's death to activision.


it was



then ubisoft

and now activision..


theres bits of nintendo in there too ..


The Ubisoft hate was just from Wii only owners for the most part though. I don't think people actually hate Nintendo either, certain types of people just need something or someone to make fun of, and the Wii was always an obvious target.


Reggie has come out and said:




No Wii HD Soon

New Nintendo hardware 'far into the future' says Fils-Aime.


Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has poured cold water on the increasingly fevered speculation surrounding a potential HD take on the Wii, saying any new consoles from the company are a long way off.


Senior figures have recently weighed in on the debate over Nintendo's future and its adoption of HD technology. "Since ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow," recently admitted Genyo Takeda, Nintendo's Research and Development General Manager.


An HD Wii has been expected sooner rather than later, with industry figures placing a release date for a new configuration of the console – or indeed an all-new console – at some point in the next two years.


Nintendo of America's president Reggie Fils-Aime has scotched such talk, telling Kotaku that a new console is some way off. "The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it's because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do," said Fils-Aime, "What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future."

Although, they do tend to deny something one week and announce it the next...


Exactly. They have the weirdest sense of how to do business in the industry.


In my mind, Nintendo is like Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory, inside its dull building walls there's a magical world where crazy shit just happens in there that nobody knows, while a disturbing mad man (Myiamoto) runs around saying non sense and still managing to do some of the best chocolate we will ever taste.

Exactly. They have the weirdest sense of how to do business in the industry.


In my mind, Nintendo is like Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory, inside its dull building walls there's a magical world where crazy shit just happens in there that nobody knows, while a disturbing mad man (Myiamoto) runs around saying non sense and still managing to do some of the best chocolate we will ever taste.


Ah, man. You're so right. Now I've seen it I can't unsee it! :bouncy:


But how come they release new DS's with marginal improvement? I'm telling you, Reggie speaketh the shit.


For me, I genuinely believe going HD is the only way the Wii can compete going into next year...if they wait too long they will miss some serious opportunity.


I think Reggie was only talking about Home Consoles. Nintendo have almost always refreshed their handhelds, but I can't recall them ever releasing updated consoles, since Top Loader.

I think Reggie was only talking about Home Consoles. Nintendo have almost always refreshed their handhelds, but I can't recall them ever releasing updated consoles, since Top Loader.


There could be an option such as the N64 Expansion Pack or the 64DD. Or the planned Sony/Nintendo SNES disc drive. Satisfy those hankering after better features and visuals, and don't alienate current owners with a new console.

There could be an option such as the N64 Expansion Pack or the 64DD. Or the planned Sony/Nintendo SNES disc drive. Satisfy those hankering after better features and visuals, and don't alienate current owners with a new console.


The problem with this is that Nintendo have already split up the market with the introduction of Wii Motion Plus and the Balance Board, to an extent. Another 'expansion' is only going to divide the market further so they will certainly have to be careful :eek:


I don't think it would be possible to give the Wii stuff like HD, and Digital audio and video with just an add-on. The N64 was designed to have replaceable RAM, ect. Their old consoles have had expansion ports. The Wii however, doesn't have an expansion port, just USB ports that aren't fast enough to add stuff like that. To upgrade the Wii to do HD, ect, would require an all new console.

To upgrade the Wii to do HD, ect, would require an all new console.


That there is the real problem at the moment, both for us as gamers but those working at Nintendo. Regardless of what they do, they're going to alienate one group of gamers. If they go the HD route, it'll require a new console entirely and so existing owners who invested earlier are being left out on a limb and in the past so to speak. You know, some will go out and upgrade their consoles but it still ends up with the problem of a non HD Wii that won't get used. But do even the most hardcore gamers really want to shell out for something that will understandably be a more expensive console than the Wii already is? I highly doubt Wii owners will want to put down £200 or so on another Wii that will only really bring HD capabilities; no refinement of the hardware or anything. Just the capability to run things in HD with the lower res textures and such remaining.


But then, if they don't go the HD route with the Wii, it'll alienate those who are asking for it, but this surely can't be a large number of people, can it? The pros for not going HD with the Wii do outweigh the cons. There'll be far less alientation of the market by not going HD and I'm sure Nintendo knows this themselves. They've split the market more than it ever has, bringing in the whole 'casual'/'core' debate so do they want to split that even further? I wouldn't think so.


Reggie, I'm hoping anyway, is telling the truth. So far, the home consoles on Nintendo's side of things have stayed true to themselves other than some modifications which were thought of from the beginning. HD isn't needed on the Wii. It really isn't. Why would you want it? So you could see the low res textures and shoddy graphical work of some of the games on the console realised in a crisp picture that'll make them look even worse?


I'm in the camp that think Nintendo are heavily in work on their next console and that we'll see/hear something by 2011. They realise they can't run the same life cycle as the others, and even Microsoft and Sony probably think the same. I think by 2011, Nintendo will have reason enough to do away with their stubborn-ness to addear to the conventions of the modern world and bring in HD, proper surround sound, etc. to a brand new home console, because of course, it's entirely possible that the next handheld may be outputting in HD going off of the rumours doing the rounds at the moment.

If anyone got a new Wii please pm me your wii code to get you on the internet so you and I can get free wii points.



Good luck.


In other news, I got a game bounty through the post today:

New Super Mario Brothers

Little King's Story

Boom Blox Bash

Let's Tap


And I've just ordered Dead Space....need to get me some playing done!!

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