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This thought fleeted across my mind last E3 when they showed DKC Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn. It was one thing to "bring back" the 2D platformer with NSMB on DS then give us Wario Land on the Wii but it might start to become a bit overkill. Plus, its like they are saying the Wii is only good for 2D side scrollers. :p


All that's missing is another Yoshi's Island with Baby Waluigi, Baby Wario, Baby DK, Baby Mario, Baby Bowser, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Yoshi, Baby Kamek, Baby Goomba, Baby Magikoopa, Baby Koopa Children, Baby Pauline, Baby Diddy/DK Crew, Baby Rosalina, Baby Miyamoto, Baby Iwata, and Baby Koji Kondo.

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All that's missing is another Yoshi's Island with Baby Waluigi, Baby Wario, Baby DK, Baby Mario, Baby Bowser, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Yoshi, Baby Kamek, Baby Goomba, Baby Magikoopa, Baby Koopa Children, Baby Pauline, Baby Diddy/DK Crew, Baby Rosalina, Baby Miyamoto, Baby Iwata, and Baby Koji Kondo.


What're ya thinkin', man? You forgot the Babii Miis.

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La lalalala.


The Yoshi's Story soundtrack broke my inner-man.


I was expecting Yoshi's Island mixed with an Ariel fabric advert but NOOOooo it was all about fruit and sniffing the floor. Still, decent.


I prefer the Yoshi's Island template but the DS version had dire level design and cheap enemy placement. Shame.


What is the wii bringing to 2011?! Zelda will be OMGasmic but I'm grasping at content...

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What is the wii bringing to 2011?! Zelda will be OMGasmic but I'm grasping at content...


Two Kirby games, De Blob 2... maybe Xenoblade and Last Story if you pray really hard...


I'm sure something else will be announced in the meantime. You know how Nintendo's new policy is.

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What is the wii bringing to 2011?! Zelda will be OMGasmic but I'm grasping at content...
From a couple of days ago...


With 3DS out in a few weeks (the Japanese date is February 26, and we are so flying to Tokyo for the launch!), all eyes seem to be focused on Nintendo's portable strategy at present. But Nintendo still has its own eyes on the Wii, thankfully. The console will be seeing some big titles this year, including Kirby, Rhythm Heaven, at least one brand new IP, and possibly Pokemon!


A Nintendo investors briefing offered a glimpse at the lineup. Notable titles for this year include Kirby, which is in development at HAL Labs, and Rhythm Heaven, which will offer one and two player support. Both titiles were previously announced, but now you can see videos at Nintendo's investor relations page (Rhythm Heaven is at top, Kirby is below that -- but you can probably figure that out on your own).


Zelda Skyward Sword is still on the way for this year, of course. According to CEO Satoru Iwata, who briefly mentioned the game at an investors briefing today, development is in the final stages. However, the game's release will trail that of 3DS's Ocarina of Time.


Wii will be getting new IPs as well! Coming completely out of nowhere today was "Pandora's Tower." The only thing we know about this game is that it's already a contendor for this year's "sexiest back" award. Access the game's teaser site here. A Japanese release is set for Spring, so details will presumably be coming soon.


Less specifically, Iwata mentioned that Nintendo is progressing with a variety of Pokemon related developments for 3DS and Wii. We expected Pokemon on the 3DS at some point. But it looks like a new Wii Pokemon game may be on the way as well!

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Two Kirby games, De Blob 2... maybe Xenoblade and Last Story if you pray really hard...


I'm sure something else will be announced in the meantime. You know how Nintendo's new policy is.


This ain't exclusive anymore. I will probably buy the 360 version for crisper visuals and the achievements. :D

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La lalalala.


The Yoshi's Story soundtrack broke my inner-man.


I was expecting Yoshi's Island mixed with an Ariel fabric advert but NOOOooo it was all about fruit and sniffing the floor. Still, decent.


It was a game you had to approach with the same mentality as Lylat Wars - always replaying it and going different routes to experience everything. A departure from the usual sequential level to level, world to world template for sure.


What is the wii bringing to 2011?! Zelda will be OMGasmic but I'm grasping at content...


Things for the Wii are really bleak - you should go hibernate in a barn up a snow covered mountain. The forecast is just about the same as it was this time last year... and the year before. :wink:

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My lord, my lord, my lord, my lord, my oh my, oh my, ......my, my, my....


I just watched Nintendo E3 2004 Press Conference; never seen it, for I started watching E3 since 2006.


The beginning was all like: Bam! More Explosions! More Guns! More Horror! We're all about games, and games, and nothing else but GAMES! (and new technology in form of DS and our upcoming 'revolution')


So, what happened to simply scoffing at Sony and Microsoft? What happened to taking names and making games?


Hehe, nah, it's still there, the actual question should be: 'What happened to those AWESOME E3 NINTENDO conferences?!?!'


All those announcements! Damn!


I'm already quite hyped for this year's E3, because I hope Iwata will indeed give us a glimpse of their next home console.

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Nintendo had good E3s in 2009 (New Super Mario Bros Wii, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2) and 2010 (3DS, Zelda: Skyward Sword), I think. 2007 and 2008 were pretty boring, for whatever reason. I think it's because they'd launched the Wii, so didn't have anything big to unveil.


But going back to those ones you really meant, like 2004 and 2005, I think it was more exciting then in general. We were playing on our GameCubes, and I know I personally expected the next console to be a generational leap on from that. Playing Wind Waker, I couldn't wait to see how Nintendo could possibly top it. If you'd have told me the "next-gen" Zelda still wouldn't be here in 2011 and would still be based on the Twilight Princess engine, I'd have been very disappointed!


So, in summary, I think the excitement of E3 is based on how good the current machines are. You never really know whether the next one will be good, bad or just OK. The quality of the 3DS certainly makes me optimistic about the next console.

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I played some ExciteTruck today, remembering that I needed to S-rank some courses on Super Excite.


The last one in Platinum Cup was a motherfucker. I had to get something like 300 points to get the S rank. I hit the 300 mark and clock began to count down. I thought "ya, I'll make it." However, I crashed into a tree and thought...sheeeet.


Had to hurry. Kept going and the clock was counting down to 10. No sign of the finish line. Shit shit shit.


It got down to 5 and the finish line was in sight. I hammered the turbo and prayed. 3. 2. So close. I got past the finish line on the very last second. Saw my score was 311 and saw that I had the S-rank. Let out a loud Fuck Yeah!


Very tense. Forgot how awesome this game is.

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Forgot how awesome this game is.


After that, you'll never forget again :bouncy:


The only thing I have left in the game are getting a few paintjobs for certain trucks and some trophies for drifts, big air and whatever else..


I may well use that as an excuse (not that I really need one :indeed:) to go back to it again.. and soon :heh:

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Funny you should mention Excite Truck. I have replayed that bad boy today, as well.


I couldn't unlock Super Excite before, but strangely, it seems I am a better player than the last time I picked it up. Odd. Still, it's such an awesome game, I just wish the multiplayer was better.

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Funny you should mention Excite Truck. I have replayed that bad boy today, as well.


I couldn't unlock Super Excite before, but strangely, it seems I am a better player than the last time I picked it up. Odd. Still, it's such an awesome game, I just wish the multiplayer was better.


I found it quite tricky to S rank some of the later stages. I didn't have much problem getting to Super Excite, though. Really, its all about getting the Stars rather than winning the race, although doing both is extremely useful.


The multiplayer is a bit cack, I agree. Really would have benefitted from online rather than split screen.


Also, been playing a ton of Brawl recently. I haaate the jumping mechanics, but the game itself is brilliant. So overwhelming though in terms of things to do.

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