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PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk


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Yes but what would happen to all of the cows if suddenly there was no demand for milk? You think the farmers would pay for them to live a nice healthy life?


I wasn't saying we should change the system, just pointing out that cows don't give milk constantly (unless impregnated), like some people seem to think.

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Can anyone imagine a factory filled with women, topless and standing round for hours with their breasts attached to a pumping machine?


K, I can imagine it (in a perveted kinda way), but I can't imagine it would be in anyway practical.


Plus I don't think human women would produce as much milk as a cow would?


And if cows need to be impregnated to produce milk, wouldn't humans too?

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All this would accomplish would be a massive increase in the price and supply of milk to that point that many people around the world would have a hard time buying milk for their families. You'd basically need to pay poor people in undeveloped countries (places where there are no pay/work condition regulations) a very small wage and work them hard in order to keep milk affordable, which basically would be exploitative.

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Its weird, we find the idea of breast milk disgusting. But, why? I'm not too keen on the idea of it, but I don't know why. Surely we should be finding the idea of drinking milk from a cow worse, but we don't.


It's a funny old world.


Anyway, I could kill for some Ben and Jerry's right now. Mmmmm.

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Some woman are basically baby-factories with legs, so this would at least put them to useful employ.


Plus what would happen to all the Dairy Cows that were suddenly useless? I don't think that farmers would be willing to have a load of useless milk-tanks around not producing milk.


Frankly, the steaks are too high.

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I already have enough of an aversion to milk as it is(my only real milk intake comes from tea, and then not too much so I have it strong and dark...like my men! Sorry.) to be having to use people-milk in anything, but it's not big deal to me, I don't eat ben and jerry's either due to aforementioned milk aversion, so hell...bring on the breasts! I'd definitely be interested in a job as a milker!

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