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How Long Does It Take You To Get To Sleep


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Usually when I decided to go to sleep it is about 5 minutes no matter whether I go to bed at 10 or 3 in the morning. :D


And sometimes it takes longer if I have things on my mind but only about 15-20 minutes as my brain just goes I can't be bothered to deal with this I'm off to sleep. :p


Oh and on occasions I don't remember falling asleep and waking up on my laptop a few hours later!


Also ReZ I'm like a Cat as soon as you try and come out of my cupboard I will instantly wake up and the next thing you'll find yourself hanging out my window. :heh:

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Normally about 5 to 10 mins. There can be times where it can take up to 4 hours to fall asleep. Those nights aren't good. The problem is that whenever I go to bed, I start to sing in my head and that keeps me awake (I normally sing in my head along to whatever my brother is listening to).

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Depends. If my mind is busy it can take an hour sometimes. I often keep myself up though, because I'm daft.


Generally speaking I'll put my head on the pillow and it can be less than a minute.

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I often have trouble falling asleep. But it's because I try to sleep. You can't fall asleep if you're focusing on it. When trying not to fall asleep, I can pass out almost instantaneously.


It's annoying when I get home from school, because if I relax too much, I fall asleep and BOOM ... there goes my afternoon. When I go to bed, on the other hand, I can't fall asleep if my life depends on it. I've found out that watching TV helps, though. But it must neither be too interesting nor too uninteresting.

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I don't really know. Sometimes it can be almost instantaneously but sometimes over a few hours. For quite a while I've had very little trouble sleeping but when I was younger I used to have loads of trouble getting to sleep.


And I'm an incredibly heavy sleep. I've been known to fall out of bed and not wake up before. I stayed asleep when there was a thunderstorm camping and the caravan nearly tipped up. (I obviously only know that it happened due to being told afterwards.)

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Usually not long at all...I go to bed when I'm tired, and if I don't, I'll read first.


I mean there's nights when It's horrible, and you can't get to sleep at all, but then you realise that what felt like one long section of not getting to sleep, was just disjointed portions of sleep, when you suddenly realise what time it is.

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It's hard to tell / remember, but it seems to vary massively for me. Can be almost instantaneous or can take me over an hour.


A while ago I got into the habit of listening to podcasts before I went to bed, and Id fall asleep whilst listening. Worked quite well, but it destroyed my headphones, had to keep buying new ones cause id been sleeping on em and crushing em.

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ages, i have a whole bed time routine. i usualy get into bed, then need to do somthing, it'l be magazine, DS or most likly read a book (or somtimes all 3) depending on how long chapter are in the book, i can read for anything from 30 mins to 2 hours. (if the chapters are long, i'll read a couple, takes me an hour n a bit, if the chapters are medium, i'll still only read a couple, maybe 30 mins to an hour, if the chapters are short, i keep doing the "just one more" ive been known to read for 3-4 hours in this way.


magazines are usualy an hour n a bit, read a few articales etc. ds depsnds on game, but usualy less then an hour.


after that, i usualy, well you can guess, then i try and plot out bits of the book im badly writing, then think about wot i need to do that week, eventualy i fall asleep. unless im drunk or knackered, then i can fall asleep sooner.


i have a HUGE problem with outher people in the room, even the sound of somone breathing keeps me up, snoring will keep me awake for about 3 hours, and i'll wake early too. sharing a bed cuts my usualy 6-7 hours down to about 4-5. i avoid it usualy.


when i was finishing up puberty 14-16 i had a couple of episodes were, no matter how tierd i got, id only get 3 or four hours sleep a night, and this would last all month. id try everything, going to bed early, reading, clearing my mind, didnt work, told my mam, she just said i needed to get to bed earlier. didnt score me a single day off school, and one saterday (my only chance to actualy sleep, well outher then sunday) i had to fight with my dad to avoid an early start to go through to metro center. there was no point in me going, he just thought i should. cunt.


i cant fall asleep unless i want to. never fallen asleep infront of telly or whilst reading, save for one time when i had a fever and was woekn up by a horrible singing advert.


in conclusion, im a light sleeper and can go days without sleep. any questions?

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I'm actually not entirely sure, I spent a ton of my time lying in my bed anyhow(laptop right next to bed) and so usually chill for a few hours on tinternets whilst in bed, I'll generally just nod off at some point after 12 if nothing spectacular is keeping me up. I tend to wait for the sleep to hit me than seek it, cos when I *try* to sleep it just doesn't seem to work. As with alot of people though, it's all usually made loads worse when I've got shit on my mind, so I ain't been sleeping the best of nights recently, but the irony is I feel best when I'm asleep!

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