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We're all going to die....


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Even if this did create a black hole we wouldn't die. We'd just get spat out at the white hole.


Oh well, if a black hole does kill us all then at least i'll get to fly for a couple of seconds as the black hole sucks all the gravity in. ;)


I'm pretty sure you'd get sucked in before the gravity would. But I don't know much about it so ask somebody else.

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Even if this did create a black hole we wouldn't die. We'd just get spat out at the white hole.


.... after the enormous gravitational pull will not only pull us in but will crush us to less that the size of one billionth zillionth of a pin head.

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i remeber hearing that if you fell into a black hole, your legs travel faster then your head (or visa versa if you go in head first) so your riped in half, then again and again and again.




I just hope I don't get sucked in with a woman. Because if I cry out in pain I'd get, "You think this is painful, try having a baby."

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Here we have the ultimate optimist. :p


Thats me ;)


I just hope I don't get sucked in with a woman. Because if I cry out in pain I'd get, "You think this is painful, try having a baby."


OMG so funny and yet so true! I can't stop laughing, lol (yes i have had that comment made to me a few times...)

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Oh, were you serious?


First of all, we don't even know if they have that, lol.


Second, i didn't say they wouldn't defend, of course they would win the battle, but they would sacrifice themselves, think about it, a World War, us humans would, in pression, all try to find defensive that would kill millions, or worse, steal weapons, etc.


Is very possible that they end up destroying our world first, but i believe that sooner or later, we would fuck them too.


Who are "Them?"


I think you've been watching too much Sci-Fi.

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Ah that sucks, I do 4 years of uni and then get to die? What a piss take :P


At least we won't have to deal with our student debt :heh:




This is the end of the woooooooooooooorrrrrrllllddddddd...


...works better? :heh:



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I have a theory...


On Wednesday the world won't end, but a disaster will happen, and the area surrounding the Large Hadron Collider will become unihabitable. A wall will be built around it, and that area will be called 'Hell's Gate.' Then people will start gaining powers because of this disaster, they will be called 'Contractors' and.... oh, wait... :p


Darker Than Black reference ftw!

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i remeber hearing that if you fell into a black hole, your legs travel faster then your head (or visa versa if you go in head first) so your riped in half, then again and again and again.




Due to all the difference forces you would more likely firstly be stretched into a spaghetti like thing.

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You know what, I'd actually well love it if the world started ending tomorrow(it is tomorrow right?), just cos I'm kinda bored and pissed off with it at the moment, and it'd be so awesome! Like, I'd do all that classic end of the world stuff, I don't know why now makes it any better, just to me now seems like such a perfect time for it. Alot of people I know are at a limbo(between summer and uni, between uni and a job/their life, being a bum etc) and this'd just be a great time to go, cos the summer's been kinda awesome. You always wanna go out on a high, right? Time for us to go get Spaghettified lads!

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Moogle wins. At life.


You know what, I'd actually well love it if the world started ending tomorrow(it is tomorrow right?), just cos I'm kinda bored and pissed off with it at the moment, and it'd be so awesome! Like, I'd do all that classic end of the world stuff, I don't know why now makes it any better, just to me now seems like such a perfect time for it. Alot of people I know are at a limbo(between summer and uni, between uni and a job/their life, being a bum etc) and this'd just be a great time to go, cos the summer's been kinda awesome. You always wanna go out on a high, right? Time for us to go get Spaghettified lads!


I agree. Technically its selfish to say you hope the world doesnt end. It would put an end to all the people in pain and suffering. Yes it would end all the people who enjoy life aswell, but they'd be dead so they wouldnt care, whereas the poor people and people in pain if the world continues, must go through this.

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I have a theory...


On Wednesday the world won't end, but a disaster will happen, and the area surrounding the Large Hadron Collider will become unihabitable. A wall will be built around it, and that area will be called 'Hell's Gate.' Then people will start gaining powers because of this disaster, they will be called 'Contractors' and.... oh, wait... :p


Darker Than Black reference ftw!


Is that Darker Than Black?


I started watching it, but then never finished it and somehow ended up deleting the whole series.


EDIT: FFS, white text FTL.

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