Jav_NE Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Express your hate for these pointless, nasty and down right evil insects of our world! My girlfriend was doing the garden yesterday and uncovered a nest of the buggers and they swarmed her! Shes got 10 bites on her legs, and, of all places, her arse! I hate wasps so much. Look at it! Condemn it to death, along with it's brothers. Whats your worst insect of the summer?
dwarf Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Well they are really annoying but there's something about spiders (not technically an insect) that bug me. Their appearance and the way they move is scary. I want to open my window to let in a draft but i know that there's a large spidey bound to come in if I do.
kyletherobot Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps are evil. Bees and Spiders are fine by me. The worst of all are Moths.
Dan_Dare Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I swear the moth that came in my room the other night was the size of a small dog. I don't mind too much. I find insects quite interesting, and you gotta admit that picture of the wasp is seriously fuckin cool.
nightwolf Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 As much as I hate bees they are nothing compared to wasps. Nasty buggers. Although I did kill a bee accidentally the other day, they have a habit of coming on my window and i slammed it not realising. Only to find it very dead. Other than that I'm pretty much ok. Moths annoy me more than scare me I'M sick of them being in my room all the time when its dark and I need a light on. bloody things.
Jav_NE Posted August 8, 2008 Author Posted August 8, 2008 red_shift said: Wasps are evil. Bees and Spiders are fine by me. The worst of all are Moths. Moths bugs me but im not afraid of them as they cant hurt you. Wasps hurt you for fun. It's like a sport for them or something. I've never been stung personally, probably because i always run for it! But i know its not nice. My g/f thought they were hornets that attacked her at first as she saw a massive one on her hand before she freaked out. It turns out they were wasps, but i was thinking maybe she saw the queen because as she ran away they followed her, but when she took off her clothes (they were inside) they stayed flying around them as if they were scented. But do wasps have a queen? What do wasps do anyway? Bees make honey at least, wasps are just pointless.
Pit-Jr Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Years ago, my sister and I kept hearing what sounded like a small engine behind a wall in the house. You could feel the wall vibrating if you put your hand on it. The culprit? About a thousand of these bastards had colonized inside the wall
nightwolf Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I also find flies very annoying, such stupid creatures. One was right on my window that was open and looked as though it couldn't get out for about 20 minutes.
danny Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 i am petrified of moths i can cope with naything else. but moths scare the living shit out of me.
Jimbob Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps have zero purpose according to me. I was gardening one day, and i saw 2 wasps coming towards me, first instint was stand up and run. Luckly, they flew right into a spiders web which was to the right of where i was and the lucky spider had 2 meals that day. I had 2 wasp nests once, now gone. One of the nests was located in the dorma under my room and one day i had up to 20 wasps in my room and the queen as well. I managed to shut the window to stop more getting in and had to spray the room with this stuff that melts insects from the outside. Moths are annoying as well. As Jasper Carrot once said, daylight and you see none of them then when you put your tiny reading light on they appear out of the blue. Spiders are cool, great creatures. I leave them in the room if i see one as they eat moths, flys and wasps if they come in. Edit: Did i forget to mention, i am allergic to wasp stings
Portlett Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I hate wasps also, when I was about 14/15 I was walking in the woods behind my folks house and I stumbled on a wasps nest. Got stung about 15 times, they were all in my hair, was not a pleasant experience.
ReZourceman Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I had an amazing encounter with one the other day. I happened to have some balloons, so I blew one up, then when he went near the window I let it go, blowing him through the window. Soooo smart.
Ramar Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I remember once when I was young we stopped at this kind of road side picnic area and I was sipping happily on some orange juice when these bastards attacked. I leaned back and one of the bastards got me on the back of my neck. Since that day they are my sworn enemy! Evil c's they are.
Paj! Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Moths rule the roost around here. Once, my mum and I ended up trapped in our hall, as a moth circled us, intent to rape in it's eyes. We could hear it's wings beating, they were so huge. Eventually I gassed it with Raid, which takes extra long to work on Moths, before stabbing it with the family broadsword.
Sheikah Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps are the only insect in our country that I try to get the hell out of the way from...I'll even pick up any spider and put it out. They are such nasty buggers and they really do try go for you.
Emasher Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I got stung by one when I was very young which has started a life long fear of Wasps, bees, hornets, ect. for me. I even have traps for them set up in my yard as they're really bad right where I live.
Shino Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I love Wasps. I love every creature with a hive society.
Roostophe Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I haven't been stung by a wasp I don't think. I know my brother got stung in the eye by one when I was a babby (Brummie dialect at work, there), but I despise the little feckers regardless.
gaggle64 Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps are OK, just as long as you leave them alone. Bees tend to be the more vicious ones, they got territories to protect. Just don't get in their way.
Raining_again Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps keep attacking me, I think they like my pink hair ¬_¬ Summer really is a bad time to have bright hair. I've never had any problems with bees, they tend to stick to the flowers. Except once there was a HUGE fucking bee (must have been a queen) in our living room. We have a huge (4mx1m) lavender plot in the front garden so I think it got from there. It was so fat it couldn't really fly properly at all, and sounded really angry. I just opened the window and it managed to get out of its own accord. A sting from that could have been deadddly !_! I love bees (so cute), and HATE wasps.
EEVILMURRAY Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I hate wasps. The bastards. Never wear yellow people.
Jonnas Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps? Very annoying, but not much trouble. Moths? Ditto, except they don't sting. Flies? Hate, hate, hate, hate them. Most useless creatures in existance. Bees? Pretty cool. Seems to be one of the few bugs with an acceptable behaviour. Spiders? Awesome. I can't stand most bugs, but I love spiders.
Gaijin von Snikbah Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Theres a insect called Klegg in Norwegian, dont know whats it called in English, it looks kinda like a normal fly but with a brown hue to it. It lands stealthily on your leg, youre lucky if you notice it, and bites you with the force of of a small girl.
Falcon_BlizZACK Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 Wasps are brilliant, I mean just look at that highly evolved form. People need to respect these queen-serving insects a bit more for the highly organized system they create. The wasps stung your girlfriend (and died) because they thought you were threatening their inhabitance and their queen...Its honourable stuff really. :P
triforcemario Posted August 8, 2008 Posted August 8, 2008 I fucking hate the little bastards. One day while driving home from school on my scooter (pro-tip: In Spain, scooters aren't driving only by fracking chavs), a wasp flew into my helmet, and stung me a load of times. Suprised I didn't crash
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