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From the Movie News thread, I hear that a possible sequel to the god awful Simpsons Movie is in the pipeline.


This show is probably 10 years past it's prime. It used to be a clever satire on life relying on it's razor sharp dialogue and now it's become...well as strange as this sounds, a cartoon - relying mainly on visual "gags" which aren't that funny (example, Homer being crushed between moving cogs) and guest stars which have no relevance to the story (see Steve Buscemi)


Before anyone says anything, I know it's still better than a lot of stuff out there, and you can say "well don't watch the newer episodes" but it's a shame to see this once great show reduced to what it is now. I can't remember a recent episode where there wasn't any pointless special guest stars and anything that's even come close to "Last Exit To Springfield" or "Marge Vs The Monorail"


I know most will disagree with me here, but the show should have gone out on a high and finished 8 years ago.


But the almighty dollar is keeping this show on life support.


Kill it off already!


What do others think?


I agree with you, but I think it's way too much of a global franchise to kill it off per se now. Think of the amount of money it must be making. I actually thought The Simpsons Movie was alright, but these latest episodes are poor, poor quality.


From a business standpoint; no. It makes a crap load of money for a network that frankly doesnt have much else to offer.


(how can a show like The Simpsons 'go out' on a high. Its an animated sitcom...unless they went out with some grand episode (which would then seem out of place and a bit forced) it would just...stop. But semantics eh?)


I don't know a single person who still watches it (bar Coolness).


For me, the entire show is just dead, even the old episodes.


I like the newer episodes, how (in a Family Guy-esque way) there's really random bits which have no relevance to the storyline. I'm in the minority in thinking its still a good show?


I haven't watched the show in ages but I'm sure there's still a few gems here and there - it would just be much nicer if all the efforts involved went into new projects.


It may not be as good now as 10 Years Ago. (nothing beats season 5 for me. :D)


but I can't imagine it not being shown every year, Although it is dying there are still some great episodes. (eternal moonshine) and I very much enjoy watching it still and will continue to watch every episode. There are some really good moments.


I thought the movie was good and if they made episodes like that then I feel a lot of fans would be made happier again. :)


I think they need a new show runner Al Jean has been at the forefront since season 13 I mean that is much longer than anyone else and I feel his style has gotten stale. Although Mike Scully was worse (saddlesore galactica :shakehead) at least he took bold risks.


Al Jean plays it too safe for my liking and a lot of the jokes lack any punch. He drags them on for ages. I do not like the references the feel they need to make to the I pod or stuff like that but there are still some laugh out loud moments for me.


But I really am a huge fan like I'm probably defending it too much. :p I have to admit I still very much like it even now.


My biggest fear is that even though it's been signed on for four more years it has to keep the ratings up and at the end of last season they were lower than Family Guy repeats. :(


I think it should end after this contract maybe but I'll be sad to see it off my screen.


The Simpsons brought us hours and hours of laughter. About 10 years ago.


Now, it's just like an actress once considered a sex symbol who has really gone to seed, but is still somehow convinced she's still "got it". It's a shame.

  Ashley said:
From a business standpoint; no. It makes a crap load of money for a network that frankly doesnt have much else to offer.


(how can a show like The Simpsons 'go out' on a high. Its an animated sitcom...unless they went out with some grand episode (which would then seem out of place and a bit forced) it would just...stop. But semantics eh?)


From an artistic standpoint: Yes. As a piece of art (which all such things are really) it should have finished ages ago and it would now be looked back on as one the greatest comedy projects of all time. Something to be proud of and which would be seen by more people due to it's reputation. Nowdays it's an embarressment. As a parrallel look at Elvis. His early years were incredible but many people nowdays won't listen to them due to his bloated, overblown, overcommercialised perfomances of his later years which are typified with his name.


As a piece of art: These people still make the show out of love. Yes the bundles of cash help but deep down there is love. After we've recently had people moan about working in shit jobs they hate why should we rob people of this :p


personally, although it is past it's prime the last season was the first one that was actually bad. give them a second chance i think.


If the next season is crap, cancel the tv show, and make a decent movie and let it go.


edit - all of this is from an artistic point. there is absolutely no business reason to cancel it.


I haven't watched it in yonks. Literally seen like one "new" episode, and that was 4 years ago.


I liked the movie, actually.

Guest Jordan

You know, the most recent season was the best in years actually... :-/


Still, beating the dead horse isn't fun. More American Dad plz... now thats fucking comedy gold.

  Jordan said:
You know, the most recent season was the best in years actually... :-/


Still, beating the dead horse isn't fun. More American Dad plz... now thats fucking comedy gold.


agreed, Season 19 is much better than 18 and 17.


American Dad is Ace! It goes from strength to strength. : peace:


I was really surprised how much I enjoyed the movie, considering the fact that there hasn't been a decent episode of the show in nearly ten years. If they made another film and it was as good, I wouldn't complain. As for cancelling the TV show, what's the point? It can hardly get any lower than the point it's at now, so there'd be no going out on a high. I mean, there are already more 'bad' episodes of The Simpsons than 'good' ones, yet some people still enjoy it, so let them watch it. I just get annoyed when it still comes out on top of the 'Best TV Shows Of All Time' lists, and Homer, whose personality has really changed for the worse since the show's golden era, is voted 'Best TV Character Ever'.


yeh i think it is going on to long , havent really seen new episodes only glimpes on youtubes but it doesnt strike me as too funny now , too much pointless celeb apperances , but at the same time you can imagine the outcry if it was cancelled :indeed:

  ReZourceman said:
I think it still has its moments, and happily watch new episodes when its on.


Plus, how can we stop the show that gave us



That was a classic episode. Last Exit to Springfield is my all time favourite


The problem is its a massive money spinner for Fox, and is churned out pretty much on a production line. She show could do with a break for the creative team to refresh themselves.

When the shows good, its great.


It has definitly reached its peak and been on a downturn ever since then. Ok so granted it has had the occasional up turn in fortunes but there no escaping the fact that its not as good as it was.


Years and years ago they said that the movie would signal the end of the series and have landmark changes for the series that would help give a sense of closure and an end to it. This clearly didn't happen as they instead released the film to continue the cash cowing, I really wish this hadn't been the case.


I actually liked the movie, I wouldn't call it "god awful".


I don't watch the show any more, any recent episodes I've caught, I haven't laughed at.


Rather than 'cancel' it (which suggests a sudden and unwanted termination), they should take a big break, bring back the best of the best writers and finish it all off with one last dignified season.

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