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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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New deets:


- some aspect of leveling up your character

- gun and sword combos

- “RS2 is tightly focused on intensely physical first person sword fighting, with gunplay a secondary optionâ€

- hold Z to lock onto enemy

- hold down C and swing to block, vertical and horizontal blocks

- switch lock-on at any time

- screen prompts you if you’re being attacked from behind. Press A to quick-turn in this situation

- many enemies wear bulletproof armor

- not open world

- not a linear game, multiple paths to take

- several hub-worlds

- side quests

- collectibles

- return to old areas with new powers and abilities

-â€non-combat use of MotionPlus wont be limited to opening doorsâ€

- boss fights

- production began last summer

- Ubisoft discussing the lack of multiplayer: “We would love to create a multiplayer engine, but not right now. It’s single player because we want to really focus on the core mechanic and as much as we all want to kill each other with swords, it’s not going to happen this time.

- Ubisoft on releasing a multiplayer mode through DLC: “That would be cool. The world has changed, and we can do that sort of thing. I certainly think that would be cool. I’d buy it. But we need to be careful bringing out something that people think should be in the main game.â€

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- Ubisoft on releasing a multiplayer mode through DLC: “That would be cool. The world has changed, and we can do that sort of thing. I certainly think that would be cool. I’d buy it. But we need to be careful bringing out something that people think should be in the main game.”


That I do like. Should be free DLC though (as any self-sufficient gamer would say in this day and age of total crisis and economic meltdown).

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That I do like. Should be free DLC though (as any self-sufficient gamer would say in this day and age of total crisis and economic meltdown).


Depends how good the single player is though. If the single player is amazing, I'd gladly pay to extend the game and get online. If the single player feels short or isn't that good, I might not be all that happy.


So its looking like this is going to be a sword fighting game and the FPS stuff is just a little bit on the side. I do hope there's still enough gun fights though.


And TBH, the worst news in those details was that its not an open world game. And thats not even really a bad thing.

Edited by Emasher
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It sounds good though I'm a little iffy on it being mostly swordplay and the gun secondary. Even if the swordplay is really good I can still see it getting repetitive.


There is always a chance of that, but I'm happy guns are secondary, personally. I hope this is what will set it apart from other FPS's. Pray they don't screw up the swordsplay, then. But since they are using MotionPlus, they got to have something special up their sleeves. Right?



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It sounds good though I'm a little iffy on it being mostly swordplay and the gun secondary. Even if the swordplay is really good I can still see it getting repetitive.


Guns have just as much chance, if not more chance, of getting repetitive though surely since they just involve pointing and clicking.

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Again, it's brave of them to go with this direction. Making the swordplay the primary mode of combat is very, very ambitious, especially seeing as how it didn't really come off first time around.


However, I've got a feeling it'll work more effectively this time around. Although, a part of me is concerned that it'll just turn into a "slash-fest", where you just walk into a room, slash away, walk into the next one, and repeat.

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I'm a bit weary about this because I was madly excited about the first one and felt very short changed on release, but every screen i see and every bit of info i hear on this is making me excited again...


Multiplayer doesn't really bother me, I don't think it really needs it and it would just take up developer time that could be focused on making the single player a better game. Something which the first game could have greatly done with.

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More info via GoNintendo via Nintendo Everything:


- Cannot cheat the game

- Can’t just sit down, waggle Wiimote with short/sharp motions

- When you quickly waggle the Wiimote, that will translate to a quick slice in-game

- Need to actually try to deal out big damage

- Sword also used for defense (thus better than a gun during combat)

- There will be instances where you will have to deal with multiple enemies

- Still use B button + pointer to shoot

- Reconfirmed that you can pull off sword + gun combos

- Passing through near-future desert town (Aldera)

- Architect is a mix of East and West

- Hero is mysterious at the beginning

- Hero is a take on Clint Eastwood character in the Dollars movies

- Nameless, faceless, friendless at the start

- Pretty powerful from the beginning of the game

- There will be plenty of variety in missions

- Need greater thought/skill against bosses

- Objectives connected to the hero

- Different levels of blocking as you progress


The Clint Eastwood stuff just backs up the fact that this is gonna be the gunslinger from the Dark Tower. Also, being nameless, faceless and friendless was just how things started out in The Gunslinger. :hehe:

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Just seen the trailer for this and whoooo boy. This looks like the reason I bought my Wii. Fingers crossed Ubisoft don't cock this up - if done well, this could be exactly what the gamers are after.


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They could as well change the name of the game, it has nothing to do with the first one. But, I am loving it, the style the controls, the premise, lets see how they'll fuck this one up.


The city reminds me of the rain village in naruto.



Edited by Shino
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Looks good, even if it's (partially) prerendered. Even though I really liked the setting of Red Steel, the Yakuza and the japanese setting, I'm glad they don't simply do a 're-run' of RS1. This looks promising. Just hope they don't go over the top and add something supernatural inthere.


I wonder. Would this run on a downgraded engine of the latest Prince of Persia? Probably farfetched, but that game was the first that came to mind when I saw the new artstyle.


Anyhoo, I wonder just how 'leaked' this traler really is. Call me a conspiracy nut, but maybe it's part of a clever marketing move by Ubisoft. And we all know they are controlled from an underground base where the remains of the Roswell-crash are hidden. Their minds are controlled telepathically because the increase of cellphones makes it possible to 'ride telepathically' to the surface. It's true. It's in the papers.

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Looked AWESOME and all, but I can't help thinking it's another somewhat bull' Trailer!


That sword fighting bit was way too similar to the rooftop fight at the end of the Red Steel 1 trailer, that visually looked almost movie like and turned out to be quite different.


Still, the 'cutscene' parts of that trailer were obviously running off the game engine and were very nice, so I'll juts wait to see more.


Excited though!

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The trailer didn't show much but it was still very nice. Reminded me of when Red Steel 1 was first shown.
Yeah it was almost identicle to that rooftop fight in the Red Steel 1 debut trailer... which looked amazing, but then turned out to have been pre-rendered or something.
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Yeah it was almost identicle to that rooftop fight in the Red Steel 1 debut trailer... which looked amazing, but then turned out to have been pre-rendered or something.


Ah the roof top fight..


Problem with the sword fighting is that, from the trailer atleast, there is a point where he swipes his sword at his opponent but it does no damage at all because the bad guy is still reacting to being hit a few seconds before that. Hmmm :(

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Ah the roof top fight..


Problem with the sword fighting is that, from the trailer atleast, there is a point where he swipes his sword at his opponent but it does no damage at all because the bad guy is still reacting to being hit a few seconds before that. Hmmm :(


Like this trailers are any accurate representation of how the game plays.

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