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Dinner time!


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Guest bluey

jamba. we can have a chat about how many times we've had a "who's your dream dinner guest" thread... then we can make out.




:grin: *wanders off*

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I'd choose a very few select people.


First off, would be ViPeR/Joe and Katiemon. They've been my buddies for years, and we would talk crap, and naturally me and Joe would team up and pick on Katie. Har har.


The other three spaces:


Arnie - I'd keep poking him to say one of his almighty lines.






Sylvester Stallone: Mainly because I like to hear him talk rubbish in that voice of his, which I can't help but love. I love him for Rocky, and he deserves to be there for that alone.


Lastly, Penelope Cruz.


She is one of the most beautiful women on the planet, imo. So, she'd be my date. :D

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Start off with friends:


1. Friend No. 1: Male Friend


This would be like a "Hello, not seen you in a couple years. How about coming to dinner with me and 4 other people?" "Alright, I've got nothing else on."


I've been good friends with this lad since I started at his school. But I've not spoken to him since I finished school a couple years ago. I only really know what he's been upto via good ol' Facebook.


2. Friend No. 2: Female Friend


Same rules apply to Friend 1. ("Hello, fancy dinner with 4 people and me?" "Yeah, okay. lol.")

I'm not sure which of my friends of the female variety I'd invite. Maybe the one whom I had a sort of boyfriend/girlfriend friendship with when I was 15. (Y'know, the one who sent her twin out on a date with me.)

Maybe there, I'd talk to her a lot, then at one point cry out "Let me be your boyfriend again. Ditch that tosser you have now, and jump aboard the good ship Rossy!" "Ross, you're drunk!" "*mimics her like a drunkard would.*"


Now on to famous people:


3. Martin O'Neill.


I'd shower him with love. Singing his name like the Aston Villa fans do at every match day. Tell him to buy this player and that player. Then Friend No. 1 and I shower him with more love, while he grins nervously and an anime-esque sweat bead appears on the side of his head.


4. Stephen Fry


A national treasure. All-round brilliant man. What's not to love about him? But remember that when I say I love him, I don't mean it in that way. Not like the way when I would get pissed up on booze and say it to Friend No. 2.


5. Dave Grohl.


Seriously, why not? Why the feck not? Influential musician and funny man. I love him, in the same way as Stephen Fry of course.


I'd serve Stinking Bishop cheese at the dinner especially for Mr. Grohl.





And thar be my dinner party.

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Stalin- As I'm sure you'll learn from history, Stalin was the perfect table guest. Get this- if you didn't look you were having a great time, his murderous thugs would make you an unperson! What better reason for having a whale of a dinner!


Jesus- So many questions. The Gospels leave so many unanswered, and I need those answers.


Leona Lewis- Maybe, just maybe, there's be a chance of a fling afterwards. Maybe.

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Last time someone asked me this, I said "Jesus, oh wait, are fictional characters allowed", for I am an arse... :heh:


Probably just my 5 closest friends, as famous people are often boring...


1. Nathan Fillion

2. Summer Glau

3. Jewel Staite

4. Alan Tudyk

5. Adam Baldwin


Or possibly these folks, especially Jewel Staite. : peace:

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I would invite:


1. A reeeally fat person, so I could gawp at their fatness occasionally.

2. A hot Finnish blond guy who is topless and has leather trousers and long hair, so I could gawp at his hotness occasionally.

3. My boss, so we could discuss white supremecy and his awful tattoo.

4. David Hayter, because he has a sexy voice.

5. A homeless person, so they could be fed and merry.

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blah blah blah not Ashley


That's like a slap to the nuts!


1. Nathan Fillion

2. Summer Glau

3. Jewel Staite

4. Alan Tudyk

5. Adam Baldwin


Do you know Adam Baldwin is scheduled to appear at Collectormania in Milton Keynes in Sept (and its free)?


Aaaanyway. Food. I would probably go for something Italian or Chinese. Depending if im cooking or not. But at this very moment I'm going to say Spaghetti Bolognese (veggie of course) cooked in red wine with some crusty bread, garlic bread and additional nibbles. With some red wine (and white if people are backward) to drink.




1. Kristen Bell. (pretty + geeky conversations)

2. Neil Partick Harris. (oh so fun)

3. My friend Jodie as she's always fun.

4. My friend Matt. We always have good banter.

5. Hayao Miyazaki (+ translator). I'd imagine he would have some interesting conversations.

6. Haruki Murakami (+ translator). Again, imagine the bizarre conversations!

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