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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I'm feeling a little..inspired this evening (shut up, you know who you are!). What kind of nice dreams have you been having lately?


Do you daydream, or do you strictly dream when the lights are out? And you are sleeping.


I don't dream that much, a lot of the time I daydream. Sometimes, when I'm sitting there thinking, I dream about "what would happen right now if a goat walked into the room?"


Occasionally, I've had some lovely dreams. What do you N-Ers (KNEEers) dream about? Do you dream of sweetness and light? :)

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I daydream constantly.

I've also been having incredibly vivid dreams recently. Usually I have much less vivid ones. Perhaps its not necessarily that they are more vivid but I'm starting to actually remember them.


I actually base alot of the creative stuff I do on dreams. For instance, the flash game I'm making is based on a dream I had a few months ago.

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A little while ago I had a nasty fucking dream where a bunch of people turned up at my house and I had no idea who they were, and they just kind of stayed (hurr, sounds like some shit that used to happen anyway) and one specific image I'll take away from it was this skinny meth addict, she was trying to talk to me but all I can see is her mouth, oh god with most of the teeth missing and the ones that remained are pitted and black


As for daydreams, they're usually too sickening to tell anyone or lame things like me playing out a situation over and over in my head, or some such

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I don't dream very often. And when I do it's shit. When I was a little kid I used to have quite a lot of sexual dreams. And also nightmares.


I always daydream. I find it really difficult to concentrate on something. Sometimes when I'm reading I go off on a tangent in my mind and not take in what I'm reading. Once I read the same page about 6 times before I took it in because my mind kept wandering off.

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I daydream quite a lot, just escape and all that. Sometimes its complete escape, sometimes its Ally McBeal-esque reimagining things.


I keep having strange dreams lately. Had a nightmare I was in some weird two-teamed torture competition and the other team tried to make me eat meat (yes, that is a nightmare to me). And other dreams recently have involved kissing Catherine Tate on the bus, being given PCP by one of my friend's moms...and then making out with them (I dunno whats with me and middle aged women in my dreams lately) and I had a dream a while ago I ran so hard I died.

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I can't remember the last time i had a good dream. I've had dreams, but they've all been abit 'meh' and random.


The dream i had this morning was about me going to a fair and getting a phone call from my auntie, (who i've never seen nor spoke to in over 10 years) informing me about cars she's seen for sale and if i would be interested in any. I can remember thinking in my dream how boring it was listening to a women i havn't spoken to in ages go on and on.


As for day dreaming, i do it very regular, especially in boring lessons. I tell my brain "I can learn this later" so i just shut off. I can day dream alot better when listening to music though.

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I daydream so much, I'm like a male version of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. But my daydreams probably aren't as weird as hers are. :hmm:


Last night, I had this dream where I was back at secondary school. I was having a laugh with some of my friends during a lesson. At one point my friend put her head on my shoulder, and her hair got into my face. I could taste her hair (probably because I had some hair in my mouth as I was sleeping) and I could smell it (it smelt nice, definitely not like mine.)

Then the teacher started yelling at us, saying we'll be kept behind for an hour. As the yelling went on, all my stuff fell out my bag, to which I bellowed "Oh, for FUCK'S sake!" and I was applauded as I picked up my stuff. (They were applauding me for interrupting the teacher who wasn't half going on.) I was cursing a lot as I was picking it up, but then at one point I said "I don't have the courage to swear any more." and everyone, including the teacher, laughed. And we weren't kept behind for an hour.

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I remember dreams most nights, it's always nice to know you're going to wake up smiling about the wierd dream the night before. I'd never really had a sexual type of dream before, until a few nights ago. It was strange, it was the last dream I'd of expected something like that to appear in, but for some odd reason it did. Lets just say there was a recreation of a scene in heroes, wierd shadow things and then..sexyness. :p


Also, question time. Do other people have dreams where they physically can feel the pain in it? I mean, I had a dream where I was each one of my friends as they were seperately killed on this wierd ship thing. When one of them got stabbed, I could feel some sort of pain where they were stabbed...it was such a strange feeling.

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Always when I have a sleeping dream it´s like a freaky episode of twilight zone and every time when I'm having a good dream I some how find out I´m dreaming and wakeup.


there are supposed to be 3 ways to find out if you dreaming

1. No pain

2. You cant read just know what you are looking at

3. cant remember.....


Now good luck dreaming, Try them out but I'm warning you this could make you notice you are dreaming and wake you up, you have been warned.

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The trouble with dreams.


The dreams I remember tend to be bad. Not really in the 'horror' sense, just emotionally painful. Mind you, the same could be said of nice dreams in a way: sometimes it's worse to have a taste of something and then have it taken away than never have experienced it at all.


I only really daydream upon just waking up when I'm lying in bed, although it really just amounts to, "I wish things were like this," type scenarios. More wishful thinking, I suppose.


When I work on story ideas it could be classed as daydreaming. I often listen to music and see where that takes, and I do tend to 'see' my ideas much like a dream. That's a very mood dependant thing, though; I wish I could do it on demand.

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Daydream, I do indeed.


I have fucked up dreams, which I always think I'll remember when I wake up but forget a few hours later. I also keep telling myself I'm going to have some form of "dream diary" next to the bed so when I wake up I slam it all down on paper for future reference.

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2. You cant read just know what you are looking at


Interesting. I kept seeing the word "Wanted" as in the movie in my dream, but looking back, maybe I heard it. Also, I saw it on the movie poster, so maybe I saw it as an image.


Last night I dreamt I was some sort of...spy person, along with my sister. However, for some reason, I kept imagining I was in Wanted. (Bear in mind I haven't seen Wanted)


I kept thinking "When will Angelina appear?"...for some reason I didn't think the same for James McAvoy. I remember getting into an old-fashioned train that was a bit like Thunder Mountain in Disneyland/World, in terms of design. Then I remember some people from school being on the train/ride too, and us all having to dodge gunfiure, but it all felt very lighthearted. I think I remember walking with my sister to the train station like all hunched over, with a canvas or something over me, to disguise myself. There were only a few other people we past, but we had to hide from them. The area we walked through has some significance to me...


Looking back, I think I understand what a lot of the dream was about. A lot about life not just being a "Disney ride", that what I do will be real, serious. Hmm. It's actually quite a sad thought (the full interpretation I've just thought about). :(

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Sometimes I daydream, 50% of the times its 'That's So Raven' esque (yeah, sometimes I watch it ::shrug: ), but it it doesn't really turn out like that... for some reason.


Dreams are a different story, but I get a healthy (and unhealthy) dose of dreams and nightmares

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I had the most interesting dream in a while last night. Me and a group of ambiguous people (who I felt familiar and comfortable with) were just hanging out in this room which was old fashioned and decaying with the paint peeling off the walls but the yellow glow of the old fashioned light made it warm and comforting.


I started looking at this little cabinet and everyone circled around as I started to turn this mechanism on the side. The panels and compartments moved, folding in on itself and moving around like a combination of a very slow merry-go-round and a tranformer. The top started to fold out, making it more of a coffee table shape and I could see in the middle what looked like a lamp broken into many pieces with the wiring and tubes hanging out everywhere. And as I kept on winding the handle, the the lamp started pulling itself together, not fitting together like a mechanical device would do but more grew together, like the parts had an attraction. The beauty of the movement of this made me stop for a second, ceasing all movement and made me realise that I was in control of this process. In my fascination I turned the handle the other way watching the process in reverse and then back and forth gently to rewind and rewatch this magnificent ballet of copper, brass and cable all lit by this gentle old bulb.


Everyone was as enticed as me and by the time I had wound the mechanism to it's conclusion we had completely ignored that the room around us had melted into darkness, as you would do if you stared at a glowing light the entire time. We now all sat around the round table that the cabinet had become and noticed that we could feel something brushing around our legs and waists. I felt weightless as if submersed in water but not cold or wet.


After a short time it became clear that what was swimming around us was a kind of octopus that moved with a gentle grace. It swept between us and was a very calming kind of force yet at the same time I was very slightly apprehensive. I was mystified and enchanted by movement of this creature and its body felt like silk as it brushed in passing. However it was quite large. My mind toyed with, rather than panicked about the idea that it could hurt us but it never once broke above the level of the table (which would bring it to level of our chests and faces) so it never felt dangerous. This was more the feeling of being with an animal that might attack you out of fear rather than any predatory tendancy.


One of the group started talking (kind of like a really interesting teacher) about the octopus and told us lots about it. But she seemed insistant on avoiding whether there was any chance of it hurting us which actually made me more worried as it seemed that she really didn't want to tell us. I was hoping that this gentle, silent, floating beast, whose eyes blinked at me with serenity and a deep reverance, could not do us harm. I didn't wasnt this brilliant experience to be hampered by my worrying, I wanted to know that it was going to be ok to trust this creature.

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I had a punch up last night...In my dream! I was in an episode of Eastenders. No suprise there then.


I have a re-occuring dream where blocks (ala tetris yet rock) are falling on me and crushing me. It really hurts too yet after awhile everything is peaceful then all of a sudden everything gets "messy" and everything hurts again. I always awake after this "messy" bit. And sometimes when I play the piano (not when dreaming) I get this sensation of pain from the keys. Nothing wrong with me according to the doc neither.


It's totally fucked up and I have no idea what it means. :(


Jamba: What an awesomely foreboding dream! Your shitting yourself from sommat, right?


EDIT: Don't you hate it when a dream actually affects your day, either through a sensation felt/person met/story.

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Question: Is t true hat if you die in a dream, you die in real life? I've never died in a dream, so I don't know. Has anyone died in a dream per chance?


I sometimes dream, but I never remember more than a mere few glimpses of it. I remember one dream very vividly, though, when I was a kid, being kidnapped in a Sainsbury's car park. Very nasty.

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Question: Is t true hat if you die in a dream, you die in real life? I've never died in a dream, so I don't know. Has anyone died in a dream per chance?


I sometimes dream, but I never remember more than a mere few glimpses of it. I remember one dream very vividly, though, when I was a kid, being kidnapped in a Sainsbury's car park. Very nasty.


I've died a few times in my dreams and actually seen myself (3rd person) looking at my face staring into the sky. (Always with the sky).



I went off a cliff on a motorbike into the sea and my whole life flashed before my eyes before I was stood on the clifftops looking at my floating body in the ocean with my eyes staring upwards. Truly scared me senseless.

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Question: Is t true hat if you die in a dream, you die in real life? I've never died in a dream, so I don't know. Has anyone died in a dream per chance?

I was talking about this with someone yesterday I believe. We were saying that the shock of 'dying' kids your body into thinking you have died so shuts down.


Although in such a case I think I almost died of strangulation in a dream once, but woke up right at the end. It's like when you realise you're dreaming, the 'excitement' of it wakes you up.

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