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Okay, I know this topic sounds weird and is a bit non-standard, but I figure this is something easily accessible to everyone, and also maybe a healthy little project we can all participate in.


Bascially, with the old me being more healthy schtick Ive participated in recently I have been eating a lot more apples, and when entering this long relationship I made it my business to try as many different types of apples as possible, to see which one is my favourite.


So heres a few reviews of ones Ive had recently and remember.


Granny Smith wiki


Granny Smith is a classic apple. Id guess that 99% of the worlds population have tried a Granny Smith. The skin is somewhat tough in comparison to other apples, however they are fairly juicy, nice and sweet, and the pulp is a fairly nice texture. I personally give this apple 7/10 because the skin could be better.


Golden Delicious wiki


Ewww, I hated this apple. Im sure Ive had them in my life before, but when I tried it the other day I threw it away after one bite. In a low league of apples this one. Skin is ranky...not even that bad, but the pulpy inners,...ewwww horrible, bitty and a not nice texture or flavour makes this apple a liar from the outset..."Golden Delicious"...more like "Golden Rank". 3/10


Braeburn wiki


The classic red apple. The major flaws with this apple I found were the taste, which just wasnt upto scratch with other apples, and the skin. For me, I found myself chewing this apple, and all the pulp being digested, but being left with tough horrible skin in my mouth that was difficult to swallow. The texture of the actual pulp is actually very good though, and juice content is nice, but skin is important too so this apple is awarded 5/10 from me.


Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) wiki


Here we get into the big leagues. Pink Lady as they are quoted in local supermarkets get high marks in all aspects but one. Sweet and delicious flavour, nice texture, soft ish and highly eatable skin, and very juicy indeed all maketh a great apple...the downside? The size. The apples are very small and when the skin is gone theres hardly any left to eat (unless you eat the core/seeds, which I personally dont) also it can get stuck in teeth quite easily. Still an excellent apple. 8.5/10


Fuji wiki


The Fuji apple is my most recent discovery. I tried one for the first time yesterday...my hopes were not very high, it looked a lot like a cooking apple and was a bit brown, I really wasnt sure what to expect. But wow. Dont judge and apple by its appearance, a wise lesson learned. The texture is incredible. Its got a lovely bite to it, and a very satisfying snap when you bite a chunk out of it. Its very juicy, and sweet, but not as sweet as Pink Lady, but the taste is still really nice, and its very large, so it is somewhat filling and its...just brilliant. Ive yet to try it unrefrigirated however, and I eagerly await and will report back on its performance when it hasnt come directly from the fridge, but so far its a solid 9/10





Can you add to this?


Any thoughts or reviews yourself?


Ill update this thread as I try more apples, but my task I lay to you is to go to your local supermarket and buy a Fuji Apple and report back on your thoughts and opinion of it.


Yes I have basically become an Apple Connairsurr.

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Apple Cider Vinegar


effectiveness 9/10

taste -1/10


Ive been taking shots of Apple Cider Vinegar for months now. Apparently its great for digestion and keeping your system flushed out. Its extremely bitter so i quickly chase it with a glass of water

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Ah, Pink Lady apples are my favourites at the moment, because I love their sweetness. And their size is pretty much perfect for me. ^___^


I eat pretty much every kind of apple, though the green ones (which aren't as sweet) are probably my least favourite kind (though as I kid I preferred them!). We always have apples at home, since my family works in a big fruit/vegetable company, but I rarely pay attention to what kind of apple it is.


Other names out there (top of my head what I remember from selling to customers): Royal Gala or normal Gala, Jonagold, Jonagored, Elstar, Kanzi... there's tonssss of different kinds, though not all will be available at the same time. Also, the quality of apples can vary greatly depending on when they were harvested. So if you try one and don't like it, try it again a month or so later, maybe it'll be of better quality then. =D


For the occasion I am eating a Red Chief apple, but this particular one isn't too great. Tastes kind of watery, with a weird aftertaste (maybe because I'm still kinda sick, but who knows).

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Apple Cider Vinegar


effectiveness 9/10

taste -1/10


Ive been taking shots of Apple Cider Vinegar for months now. Apparently its great for digestion and keeping your system flushed out. Its extremely bitter so i quickly chase it with a glass of water


For real? O.o I may try that, my digestive transit has seemed annoyingly slow of late so maybe this will help... sure there aren't any downsides to prologned consumption though?

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I didn't know there were so many different types of apples. What are the ones that they usually sell in Sainsburys?


Granny Smiths are nice. I used to be addicted to apples when I was a kid. Nowadays, I don't eat enough fruit or my green.


We need the fruit to return. THE FRUIT RETURNS! haha remember him.

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Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) wiki


Here we get into the big leagues. Pink Lady as they are quoted in local supermarkets get high marks in all aspects but one. Sweet and delicious flavour, nice texture, soft ish and highly eatable skin, and very juicy indeed all maketh a great apple...the downside? The size. The apples are very small and when the skin is gone theres hardly any left to eat (unless you eat the core/seeds, which I personally dont) also it can get stuck in teeth quite easily. Still an excellent apple. 8.5/10

Eh? I just bought my first pack of Pink Lady at Tesco last night, they were a pre-packed package of 4... they're very large :/ especially compared to some Gala you see sometimes.


I think I'm still happiest with Granny Smiths although they were basically the only apple I ate for about 20 years, so I've branched out and not bought any for a while. My parents have an apple tree and they're good granny smiths :) Organic and free.

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Eh? I just bought my first pack of Pink Lady at Tesco last night, they were a pre-packed package of 4... they're very large :/ especially compared to some Gala you see sometimes.


I think I'm still happiest with Granny Smiths although they were basically the only apple I ate for about 20 years, so I've branched out and not bought any for a while. My parents have an apple tree and they're good granny smiths :) Organic and free.


Apple trees are awesome! We used to have one when i lived in germany. :awesome: But if there are any rotten ones it attracts wasps!

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For real? O.o I may try that, my digestive transit has seemed annoyingly slow of late so maybe this will help... sure there aren't any downsides to prologned consumption though?


I drink the equivalent of no more than a shot glass and then chase it with a cup of water. I really cant imagine there to be any downsides to such a paltry amount

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Braeburn wiki


The classic red apple. The major flaws with this apple I found were the taste, which just wasnt upto scratch with other apples, and the skin. For me, I found myself chewing this apple, and all the pulp being digested, but being left with tough horrible skin in my mouth that was difficult to swallow. The texture of the actual pulp is actually very good though, and juice content is nice, but skin is important too so this apple is awarded 5/10 from me.


This is my apple of choice.

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this will sound pretty lame, but I remeber when

I first tried a Pink Lady. I have never been excited about an apple before.

I went into work the next day and forced everyone to try one, and they all adored them. If you keep them in the fridge they are so crisp and juicy.


I like apples, but I've not tried many types. I did once go to 'Brogdale World of Fruit' which has loads of types of apples. Don't remeber any though.

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