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I've missed a whole day..ugh..

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Okay, lowdown is, for some reason I didnt wake up yesterday. No kidding.


Had some sleeping problems, posted on here about 10am and went to sleep, woke up at 5am today, I'm not sure what happend.


I dont even recall waking up at all yesterday, all I know is I dreamed and here I am now.


But onto the point of this topic, I feel like shit. I've got a rather annoying headache, comes and goes when it pleases, some how got a cold and incredibly weak.


So, does any one here have a miracle cure as I'd rather not feel like this. I've eaten and drunk a bit of water, so thats the obvious taken care of. Getting in the shower now.

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ive always woundered how long i can sleep.


sounds like exhastien to me, whats your average nights sleep been latly?


back when i was at school id occashionaly not get to sleep till 4-5am for a whole month. getting up at 7 ment that was a big problem. to compensate i would sleep till noon on sunday, my parents would insist on saterday in newcastle or metro center. i would get blinding headaches, but only every 3-4 days. i never went to the dr, but i wish i had. it happened more then once. weird thing is it seems like my normal sleep pattern without an alarm is 4-10/12.

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Well school days (which ended 2 weeks ago) saw me sleep at 1am and wake up at 7, so thats 6 hours, which is alright but not so great.


And now, im looking at 6am sleeps til 1-2pm. So thats an extra hour or 2 sleep, but for that night I just couldnt sleep, and when I did, I was gone.

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Guest Jordan

I can't physically sleep past 8am. It sucks. My body clock is like ZOMG ITS 8AM WAKE UP. Even on a Sunday T_T.

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If I got the chance, I could easily sleep all day longggggg.

I've done it before though, go to bed late at night/in the morning (like, 5-7am) and then sleep the entire day until 6 pm or something. Very weird feeling to wake up again when it's getting dark and people are going home from work.


Anyway, you might be ill or your body is in need of rest. Try to get your sleeping schedule back to normal and get between 6-8 hours of sleep per night (or even more if your body needs it).

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Yesterday was a bit of a write-off for me too, I was out all day and night on Friday and Saturday, so needed to catch up on sleep yesterday. Woke up just in time for the new gladiators, pefect hangover show.

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Not to panic you but that sounds slightly dodgy get yourself checked out at a GP if it happens again.


Your body may have forced you into shutdown mode to recover from something. Lots of shit happens during sleep if your suffering from something when you wake you know your body has been working damn hard to cure it. Try and get regular hours if you can if you cant get to sleep go for a walk drink milk and read a book. Do not stay on the net drinking fizzy drinks time just flys and your feel like shit next morning if your ill.

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Heh, thanks for your responses every one.


Im feeling alot better now compared to this morning, but I'l be wary of any possible illness the majority of you suggested (That includes Flu to the Cancer heh).


Im keeping to water for a while, as to be frankly honest, I dont have much of the stuff. Just soda, fruit juices etc..


Well thanks again!

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I can't physically sleep past 8am. It sucks. My body clock is like ZOMG ITS 8AM WAKE UP. Even on a Sunday T_T.


I have the exact same thing....I think its good though. Sometimes I do feel as if I wish I could lie in but its impossible for me. Waking up at 10am is the absolute latest I wake up.

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I stayed up till 6:30am once, and I went to the park for a walk and a go on the swings before I went to bed. It was so freaking wierd, there was heavy mist and it was completely silent. But it was as bright as day (summer time).



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