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Beyond Good and Evil 2


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I'm not saying that it isn't expensive. But wii games are also expensive. But apparently saying so makes me "anti-nintendo" or some other form of bullshit.


I wasn't talking about you, I thought that was obvious lol Wii games are less expensive than the other ones and I find them cheap in a lot of places, so I really don't think it's a valid complaint.

Anyway, since the thread is in the correct place I can talk about the game :P


IF THEY HAD SHOWN US THE DAMNED GAME! They seem to have gone to a grittier artsyle than I would've have prefered, but I'll wait to see Jade. Also, words of advice folks, the fact that it was being rendered in real time doesn't mean the game will look like this.

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I'm sure I heard somewhere that the trailer was carved out of the game's engine, but there's not much point in criticising the style too badly until we see concrete in-game footage.


Even with a grittier art direction however, it's not IMPOSSIBLE to keep a certain charm to the proceedings; ridiculously wonderful dialogue could still play a huge role in the final product. Guess we'll have to wait a while to see how that pans out, though.

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That's my point, it's the game engine, but that doesn't mean the game will look like that. There's a reason why they were in a desert :P

Look at MGS4 for example, they had to tone it down significantly from earlier trailers and they were still on the game's engine (not the first trailer though)

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First post in a few pages about the GAME.


There seems to a lot of hype and passion for this game; i'm going to have to borrow a copy of the original of a freind and see what all the fuss is about - never really appealed to me in the GC era. Can someone sum up the style, genre of the game for me?


It's quite unique. Watching some trailers will give you a better idea.

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Alright it´s not coming on the Wii... It´s not like most of us have another console we can play it on.

Unless of course your just bitter that you can´t play it with spastic movements then I really feel for you :indeed:

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Ubisoft chief exec Yves Guillemot told Next-Gen at its Ubidays event in Paris that this time around, the company will try to leave little to chance.


“We saw with Beyond Good & Evil that so many customers were extremely happy with the game,” said Guillemot. “We had a different audience at that time. We had more core gamers than casual gamers than we have today.


"We think the game was probably a little too difficult for the general gamers at that time. We’re going to make it more accessible and make sure that it’s really done for the new generation that’s come into videogames.”


Ubisoft announced the sequel to Beyond Good & Evil this week by offering up a trailer. No solid game details have been revealed, although we know it's being designed by Michel Ancel, the brains behind the original.


A release date has yet to be determined.


The original revolved around a photographer named Jade who finds herself knee-deep in conspiracy on planet Hillys.


WTF Ubisoft!

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  • 11 months later...

It's like Assassins Creed set in a futuristic Eastern city. :o

Certainly seems to fit with Jades original 'Beta' costume and the setting seems very similar to the original BG&E's rooftop chase scene. If there is some epic planet hopping shenanigans involving mass space travel and the huge scope hinted at in the originals ending scene I will be VERY happy.

BG&E (to me) is as much about emotion and relaxation as it is action, chase-scenes and evading the enemy.


Looking forward to E3. Carrrlson and Peterssoon!

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It's definitely a rendered piece of footage but I think it's pretty damn close to how the final game will look. Does look good. The sort of meeting of Assassin's Creed and Mirror's Edge means that the chases and evasion aspects that made the first title interesting will be enhanced and taken to another level of immersion. I just hope though that they manage to pair the action seen in the footage with the relaxed factor that came with the first one outside of the action.

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I'm calling that a render untill such a time as I'm told otherwise. I just don't think a game could flow so smoothly with so little sign posting. (how, for example, are players supposed to see the door to the house she runs through? how are we supposed to know there's a helicopter within leaping distance of that exact rooftop?)


still, as an ambition of where they're going with this- very exciting. Possibly. Assassins Creed's early footage sys 'hi!'

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Think it looks awesome. Tbh I am just glad we getting a sequel no matter what form it takes will be delighted. Yes it seems like its "stealing" from the likes of Assassin's Creed but I'm all for it embracing more modern gaming trends around the core of the original.

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Pre-rendered or not, the trailer looks really cool.


BG&E (to me) is as much about emotion and relaxation as it is action, chase-scenes and evading the enemy.


Yep, I agree. Its a game you can chill out in and spend some time messing about rather than just all out story progression. Its a great blend. : peace:

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  • 2 months later...

Beyond Good and Evil 2 might get cancelled


Ubisoft says that they've got people working on some sort of Beyond Good & Evil stuff, but that, despite the appearance of supposed leaked footage months ago, a second game is by no means a sure thing.


Early in May some footage leaked that looked a lot like Beyond Good & Evil 2, leading some folks to get their hopes up for an announcement at E3, while others told everyone to simmer down since the video appeared to be just proof of concept footage or a very nice trailer.


Seems that the latter group was in the right here, because as Ubisoft has revealed, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is far from a sure thing. "Whether or not it comes out remains to be seen anyway, but we didn't want to abandon that IP because it has a cache and authenticity about it," Ubisoft's Laurent Detoc told IndustryGamers. "There's something very pure about that game and it's too bad that we were not able to build it as an IP at the time."


Detoc confirmed knowledge of the leak and that Ubisoft has "been working on some Beyond Good and Evil stuff," but "whether there's going to be another game or not, that's something for the future." So there could be another BG&E, but don't starting holding your breath for it just yet. Ubisoft seems only to be working on the franchise because "the creative talent is interested in it and possibly exploring how to do it from a new angle."


As for that leaked video, Detoc confirmed that it was a legitimate leak and not an marketing ploy. "I'll tell you, I didn't know about the leak and neither did my boss," he said. "The problem when you do stuff like [intentional leaks] is if you get caught it's really bad."

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We've been saying it for years but it would suck now if they didn't follow through with a sequel. I think there are a lot of people who want it, I'm one of them, so I hope they do eventually do one. Even if that 'leak' was nothing more than some concepts or ideas for what could be, there's good stuff there to use.


You know this is probably the only time I'd advocate this but I think Ubisoft should re-release the first one on the Wii. Ok, it's not going to be a true test of the market as a sequel would more than likely come out on the 360/PS3 but it would show whether people would want it.

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