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Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo!!111


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(Headline to be read in booming Brian Blessed voice)


Not sure which of these articles on the same story is more ridiculous, I honestly thought the first one was a Brass Eye-style spoof when I first read it :laughing:


Girl, 13, hangs herself after becoming obsessed with Emo 'suicide cult' rock band


Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo


Blink 182 is apparently a favourite of suicidal emos, I had no idea their bouncy brand of pop-rock fluff drove so many teens down a dark path.

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*sigh* it's either GTA or being a goth or emo kid that drives kids to suicide. Never the parents or society or anything realistic.


The Black Parade is a nickname for the place where Emo fans believe they will go when they die.


Oh dear.

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The Black Parade is a nickname for the place where Emo fans believe they will go when they die.


If they really believe that suicide will take them to "The Black Parade" then more of them should do it.

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Two weeks before her death, she started following U.S. band My Chemical Romance.


One of their songs contains the lyrics: "Although you're dead and gone, believe me your memory will go on."


Frankly I am shocked and appalled that these modern youth bands have such lyrics. Back in my day we never listened to such filth, harping on about death, depression and suicide. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to listen to some up-beat old school music with proper lyrics.


*sticks on Joy Division*

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Hannah, described as a model pupil, had started cutting her wrists but told her father it was part of an initiation into the Emo fashion.


This is complete bullshit. No father in their right mind would believe such anal discharge. I'm finding it very hard to believe the coroner can call this loss 'tragic' with a straight face.

If they really believe that suicide will take them to "The Black Paradise" then more of them should do it.

Have you misread Parade as Paradise or am I missing something?

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Oh come on. The media are at it again, lets blame a social group, or perhaps a band or a trend.


Just accept that some kids are depressed by default, its not an easy time for kids, bullying still lives strong and I wouldnt be damn suprised if this is another victim of teenage anxiety. Its way too drastic to kill yourself over, but if it were anything to do with the trend, I think the victim would rather be alive so they can get some cool points as I say.


I've known plenty of people to go with the Emo trend and suprise suprise, they are all alive, slit free worth while friends, as for individuality, they lose that for going with any trend.

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Poor girl! :(


Something must have been up with her definately not just a case of being an "Emo"


I hate how the media clutch on to key words like "Emo" or "GTA" and then just use them blindly with out doing any research.


What ever you do your always going to have the people who take it to the extremes.

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Oh I wouldn't worry it seems the thing to be now is indie..


personally I couldn't care less if ''emo'' kids start killing themselves. It's not like I knew them in the first place.


I dare say that they aren't actually emo at all, sheep attention seekers.

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Why cant kids think of a decent trend? Like victorian clothing, or Jazz.. it would be lollarious seeing some yobs dressed in suits with posh voices cruising the streets.


"Why I say, nice shot James, that stone hit that rather old pensioner with the force of 12 horses, let us get some cheap chilled beverages, toodle ho!"

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Why can't chavs have a suicide trend?


Oh I wouldn't worry it seems the thing to be now is indie..


Anybody that calls themselves indie is complete bullshit. If they had even half a brain they would realise that indie is a genre of music, not a way of life.

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Why can't chavs have a suicide trend?




Anybody that calls themselves indie is complete bullshit. If they had even half a brain they would realise that indie is a genre of music, not a way of life.


Yes they would and generally you could say that about emo, personally I don't favour any of this name stuff I don't see why I should have to call myself a chav or an emo or an indie.


Why can't I just call myself by my name..?:wtf:

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Why cant kids think of a decent trend? Like victorian clothing, or Jazz.. it would be lollarious seeing some yobs dressed in suits with posh voices cruising the streets.


"Why I say, nice shot James, that stone hit that rather old pensioner with the force of 12 horses, let us get some cheap chilled beverages, toodle ho!"


Yes! That´s it! I am so starting this!

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