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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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Right! Interesting episode. Sides are starting to be chosen.


Hiro killing ando? I don't think ando's really dead. If he is, he'll be back in some form; surely if he were to die his death scene would be way more epic and not just a five-second part. The "puppeteer" is coolies too. I wonder how much of a role he'll have in the future.


Someone was right! Parkman's dad is behind the scenes. Clearly Daddy Petrelli is some hardcore shizzle. I wonder if they'll physically bring back that old picture of the older generation, and relate all this.


Hum. Can't think of anything else really. Nothing was mind-blowing, but the seeds of promise were sewn and as always I look forward to the next episode!


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I really enjoyed episode 5


[spoiler=]As jayseven said I think its great seeing the sides being chosen and I love how they are turning Sylar into a good guy. It would be great if he ends up being the one to save the day :)


I figured that Matt's dad was indeed Linderman just a few seconds before he actually appeared and as for Daddy Petrelli I thought that was pretty obivious from the mothers dream that it would be him.


Its great to see Adam back in action, I loved his character in the 2nd series and I hope he gets some more scenes in the coming episodes.



I personally think that this series has had the best start out of all of the Heroes series so far.

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Just seen the 5th episode. I can't wait to see what happens, it's getting really epic aswell. Much badassness. Does this season even have now?


So Matt's dad was behind it all afterall. It looks like there's gonna be quite the situation with people going to different sides and the last generation having power houses like Mr Petrelli, Matts dad and now all the workers. I still firmly believe Hiro will remain good and Ando isn't really dead since he wasn't on the 'villians' that appeared in Angelas first dream. I think this is what Ando will kill Hiro for in the future.


Also wonder if Peter will remain the good guy or turn bad? Which can be the reason why Sylar is changing sides, the good needs to have a power house anyway. Though my theory I thought of ages ago, is that the powers people are created around there personality/what they do if you get me, aside from the Synthetic ones.


The puppetier guy ofcourse likes puppets(controlling), Peter is caring and gets attached to folk(absorbing abilities), Hiro is geeky and like fantasy stories/games/futuristic things like Star Trek (time travel) etc. Wonder if big daddy will destroy the world and use Adams healing to bring himself back and stop the opponsing side, aka Angelas team.


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Just seen ep 5 pretty good, not as mind blowing or action packed as ep 4 but still at lot of interesting bits.



This bit at the start with Hiro and Adam was damned funny, I was thinking "Yay, the lovable Hiro is back", was truely awesome.


Claires little side story was interesting, Vortex dude was cool and Claire is starting to see things are a lot more complicated than she thinks.


Hiro, losing Adam was again ne of those stupid moments, if he didn't want to rewind time surely he could have just froze time while looking for him, DUH.


And what's with him killing Ando? WTF? I'm hoping Hiro had some sort of plan to make it look like Ando died but isn't. I'm guessing at some point Hiro stopped time, unfroze Ando, set up a lot of ketchup packs under his shirt and told him to play dead?


I knew Matt's dad was giving Nathan visions of Linderman, it would have really been a stretch to bring Linderman back from the dead.

Though I'd think seeing Arthur Petrelli alive is also a bit of a stretch seeing as he was considered long dead. But it is a nice twist.


He obviously wants Adam so he can have his blood and heal himself, but how did he end up like that? He was meant to have killed himself? You'd think the "last generation" would have noticed an empty coffin. Would seem his powers are similar to Matt and Maury... although given Maury's obvious "fear" of him, even though he's on life support shows he must be a serious powerhouse, he even seems to have paraylised Angela... also again given her power you'd think she'd have know he wasn't dead. Hope they explain that.


Anyone else notice that the files "Linderman" gave Daphne, included Mohinder? Wonder does he know Mohinder now has "powers", speaking of which, yeah Mohinder has certainly gone off the deep end, poor Maya looks to be lost too now.


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I actually quite liked this episode, more so than the last I think. I felt episode 4 was just a bit of a headfuck really and felt messy. But anyway, the puppet guy is a great addition, really loved how that scene worked. Also Arthur Petrelli being alive is something I wouldn't have thought up myself so it was nice to be surprised. Beginning to like this season more and more, although I'm beginning to worry that Elle won't be making an appearance at all, which makes me a sad panda because she's awesome. Roll on ep 6!

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I´m liking how everything is moving a long getting better and better but that Hiro stabbing Ando thing what the hell! Even though I think Ando didn´t die but it was all so nonchalant. Half a minute ago Hiro was going all buddy buddy about how they shouldn´t give up and keep on going on and then suddenly *stab*


Oh and the whole Parkman dad thing.... I so fucking called it!


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This weeks episode as great. Not as action packed but it as nice to get some answers. :D



Mr. Petrelli! :o Suprise of the day! It's great to see the Heroes choosing sides. I'm glad Linderman is just Maury sending Visions and also Maury in a Suit and clean shaven it looks odd!!!


Maya was starting to annoy me, I'm glad mohinder sorted that one out. :p


Hiro better not have killed Ando (I don't think he has) but he may have done something that will make Ando ant to kill him in the future now.


I can see these different strands coming together as Jayseven said seeds have been sown. :)


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I watched the new heroes with some friends and we said what the fuck more times than I can remember and we weren't even high. I'm pretty sure if I watched the first season again most of it wouldn't make any sense any more, some of the characters have just made the most dramatic personality changes, petrelli's mother in particular.

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Personally, I think this is all getting a bit silly - I'm unable to maintain my suspension of disbelief. The whole "kill Sylar" scene was ridiculous, as Sylar's supposed to have super hearing... I suppose they conveniently forgot that. Also, people are acting out of character all over the place. I wish the writers would be less stupid and more imaginative.

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Personally, I think this is all getting a bit silly - I'm unable to maintain my suspension of disbelief. The whole "kill Sylar" scene was ridiculous, as Sylar's supposed to have super hearing... I suppose they conveniently forgot that. Also, people are acting out of character all over the place. I wish the writers would be less stupid and more imaginative.


I was shouting at the screen, "He can hear!!!! He has superhearing!!!!"

Apparently not.



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I was like that aswell. Stupid people, if we had powers we'd make better use of them :heh:


Maybe all of the powers he nicked from the 1st season havent returned yet after what happened to him in the 2nd season. Didnt he say something to Claire about not being all better when he went to Bennets house to attack her.

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Maybe all of the powers he nicked from the 1st season havent returned yet after what happened to him in the 2nd season. Didnt he say something to Claire about not being all better when he went to Bennets house to attack her.

That makes no sense though - he definitely regained telekinesis and the power-taking ability, and I'm pretty sure he's also used others he acquired in season 1. (he definitely did in the future, what with exploding and all) I think they'd have made it clearer if he was only supposed to have regained a some of his powers. Actually, Sylar's another one who's acting out of character, although his season 3 personality is arguably more interesting. In season 1 and 2 he was a textbook narcissist (try checking him against

these criteria), but now he's more complicated. The whole "hunger" thing is clearly just some rubbish they've made up to make his ability appear more interesting - in the first season, the wish to become special at all costs was a fundamental aspect of his personality, and he still wanted to take Maya's ability in season 2 when he supposedly shouldn't have had the "hunger". However, now he's supposed to be "nice really without his ability".


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OK, been thinking.

when Bennet was all 'I'm going to find his weakness!' like it was some kind of great mystery, he was talking to the Hatian. Call me captain obvious, but can't Bennet just take Sylar on some 'mission', meet the Hatian and blow Sylar away without him being able to use any powers in self defence?

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OK, been thinking.
when Bennet was all 'I'm going to find his weakness!' like it was some kind of great mystery, he was talking to the Hatian. Call me captain obvious, but can't Bennet just take Sylar on some 'mission', meet the Hatian and blow Sylar away without him being able to use any powers in self defence?

Lol, I think it's safe to say that these days Heroes is only cool if you don't think about it too much. :heh:


Agreed. The same could be said about any TV show/Movie, given enough time you could probably pick apart most shows/films.

I'm spoilt by reading Ghostwritten too many times I suppose. I'm afraid I'm the sort of person that analyses everything to death, and yes, I usually find various errors (unless the fiction in question is extremely well put together), but there are more than usual in Heroes.

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The only powers Sylar has shown in this season that he stole from season 1 are the telekinesis and his original ability, that is if you dont count the future episode :) At least thats all I can remember, could be wrong though.



Lol, I think it's safe to say that these days Heroes is only cool if you don't think about it too much. :heh:


Agreed. The same could be said about any TV show/Movie, given enough time you could probably pick apart most shows/films.

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I'm spoilt by reading Ghostwritten too many times I suppose. I'm afraid I'm the sort of person that analyses everything to death, and yes, I usually find various errors (unless the fiction in question is extremely well put together), but there are more than usual in Heroes.


I like the sound of that book, I love books set up like that.

Just have to finish reading trough a couple books before I forget them :Þ

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Personally, I think this is all getting a bit silly - I'm unable to maintain my suspension of disbelief. The whole "kill Sylar" scene was ridiculous, as Sylar's supposed to have super hearing... I suppose they conveniently forgot that. Also, people are acting out of character all over the place. I wish the writers would be less stupid and more imaginative.



I thought Sylar could hear Noah talking to Claire that is why he was looking in that certain way! ready to act if Noah tried anything and he new what he was going to try!


Also I think Sylar has only displayed super hearing to Mohinder so the other characters don't know he has it. I'm probably wrong....




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I thought Sylar could hear Noah talking to Claire that is why he was looking in that certain way! ready to act if Noah tried anything and he new what he was going to try!


Also I think Sylar has only displayed super hearing to Mohinder so the other characters don't know he has it. I'm probably wrong....




yeah i'm also sure Sylar could hear, he even mentioned something to Claire in the car about Noah asking the guy to kill him didn't he, he wouldn't have known that otherwise as I doubt Noah would have said "hey guess what I was trying to get Vortex guy to do"


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I thought Sylar could hear Noah talking to Claire that is why he was looking in that certain way! ready to act if Noah tried anything and he new what he was going to try!


Also I think Sylar has only displayed super hearing to Mohinder so the other characters don't know he has it. I'm probably wrong....




I was pretty sure he heard it all too. Sylar has a daredevil attitude and likes to see how things pan out, and is someone who tends to think that if in a situation he can manipulate the way people think he won't instantly lash out. It seemed as if he was so confident in the outcome that he didn't feel the need to attack Noah (he could have easily attacked Noah to free up the vortex guy).


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OK, been thinking.
when Bennet was all 'I'm going to find his weakness!' like it was some kind of great mystery, he was talking to the Hatian. Call me captain obvious, but can't Bennet just take Sylar on some 'mission', meet the Hatian and blow Sylar away without him being able to use any powers in self defence?

Yeah that's exactly what I said. Heroes is a bit ridiculous in the way characters often ignore the logical / easy option.

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