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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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Well yeah you do have to spoiler tag everything you write because of the people a week behind. So this whole thread will be the constant opening and closing of tags.


You may think I'm whining... In the grand scheme of things I honestly couldn't care less!

I'm just espressing my thoughts on how we could make everything easier for the Internet and BBC viewers to be able to discuss the show! But that's fine!

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I thought episodes 1 and 2 were a bit messy, as I said earlier in the thread. But I found 3 to be much better :) like a more intelligent writer came along and said "what is all this mess? lets be simple and smart and tidy some stuff up".


I don't really like what they're doing with Sylar. While it has potential to make the character more interesting, it's just too far fetched after what he's done in the past. I really don't like him being her son, that was really cheesy and lame, and the way he's getting away with the stuff he does.... Why is he any better than the criminals they're out to catch? And what's with this "I'm gonna find his weakness and kill him" nonsense? Here's a weakness: Haitian + Gun + Axe + lots of small pieces + world trip + fire."


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Well I personally have to say I am watching it on the TV so I can snuggle up with my girlfriend every week and watch it rather than either sit at the computer and watch it or mucking around putting it on DVD...


Not everyone wants to watch the BBC3 show though, because then you have to sit through an episode you've seen each week to watch the new ep at 10.00pm.


I don't see anything wrong with 2 threads and it means people can just freely discuss everything and not have use annoying spoiler tags for EVERYTHING you write!!

Anyways, how come the U.S. got a double bill opening and some catch up episode...right?

And we just get one episode!


I feel exactly the same....I did not see the problem with 2 threads. I don't get to watch the BBC 3 episodes as my girlfriend goes to bed way before that finishes (nurses shifts suck ass!) so I don't watch it without her....so I'm more episodes away than seems the norm.


... There's one thread because there's one thread! You don't have to spoilertag everything... Like, just use ONE tag. Most people have BBC3, and it's not like you never get to see it ever again - it's just a chance to be 'a week ahead'.


I really think that you're whining about nothing.


I really think it asnt a problem to have 2 though its not as if it takes up too much space.

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Look at my post. What's wrong with that? Spoiler tag working perfectly.


Please drop the topic regarding a BBC thread, an admin made a call, I agree, the case is closed. You want to talk about it elsewhere in a different thread, go to another forum.

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I thought episodes 1 and 2 were a bit messy, as I said earlier in the thread. But I found 3 to be much better :) like a more intelligent writer came along and said "what is all this mess? lets be simple and smart and tidy some stuff up".


I don't really like what they're doing with Sylar. While it has potential to make the character more interesting, it's just too far fetched after what he's done in the past. I really don't like him being her son, that was really cheesy and lame, and the way he's getting away with the stuff he does.... Why is he any better than the criminals they're out to catch? And what's with this "I'm gonna find his weakness and kill him" nonsense? Here's a weakness: Haitian + Gun + Axe + lots of small pieces + world trip + fire."


I don't think Sylar is her son, I think it's a lie. As soon as Sylar killed that woman who can know an objects history etc, Angela hasn't touched Sylar, she was about to at one point but didn't and she did it in before he killed her. Then she was like a sacrifice to try and tame Sylar a bit, and since Sylar is getting more powers now, I don't think he has a need to killed Angela or Noah since he's getting more powerfull.


Though I thought it was pretty obvious if the Haitian was there, he could kill Sylar, I thought it was a bit of a D'uh that could happen, can't believe no-one else is thinking of it.


And Hiro seems to be screwing up a lot now with Daphne, who I think might be Parkmans woman. He could of gotten the formula easily and it was going to a safe place, but he screwed it up and Daphne has like a whole second before the Haitain woke up to make a brake for it. What was the odds of that happening...


Though i'm looking forward to seeing what the future is like now and see how messed up it is.


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Look at my post. What's wrong with that? Spoiler tag working perfectly.


Please drop the topic regarding a BBC thread, an admin made a call, I agree, the case is closed. You want to talk about it elsewhere in a different thread, go to another forum.


Its just less hassle for everyone...no need to worry about people not using spoiler tags and then people who want to talk ahead of time don't have to talk in secret. Plus factor in you will have two conversations going on at once in the same thread and its just making it moew complicated than it needs to be....


I think a precedent has indeed been set for this before. Didn't we have 2 Smash Bros threads after people imported the US version. Yes the delay between the two was longer but the principle still stands...the second thread was set up to accomodate people who chose the normal UK flow of things...

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Its just less hassle for everyone...no need to worry about people not using spoiler tags and then people who want to talk ahead of time don't have to talk in secret. Plus factor in you will have two conversations going on at once in the same thread and its just making it moew complicated than it needs to be....
Yeah, why everyone would want to hold an entire coversation through spoiler tags [when there's the opportunity not to] is beyond me.
You want to talk about it elsewhere in a different thread, go to another forum.
Fine I'll remember to tell you to piss off then next time you have a different opinion!
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Well I personally have to say I am watching it on the TV so I can snuggle up with my girlfriend every week and watch it rather than either sit at the computer and watch it or mucking around putting it on DVD...


Get a DVD player with DivX playback and stick it on a pen drive, stream it on a 360 (does PS3 have that functionality?), put it on an SD card and watch it via the Wii, get an AV cable for your iPod/Zen/Zune/whatever...:bowdown:


Though I thought it was pretty obvious if the Haitian was there, he could kill Sylar, I thought it was a bit of a D'uh that could happen, can't believe no-one else is thinking of it.


And Hiro seems to be screwing up a lot now with Daphne, who I think might be Parkmans woman.



The Haitian thing seems really obvious now actually indeed. Didn't cross my mind at the time. But yeah, wtf!


Also, I think Daphne has to be Parkman's girl, due to the hair in the picture.


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The Haitian thing seems really obvious now actually indeed. Didn't cross my mind at the time. But yeah, wtf!


Also, I think Daphne has to be Parkman's girl, due to the hair in the picture.


What do people mean by girl? I mean, what, they were going to get together and then the future changed so she's going to die in his arms?


I always wonder what the heck happened to parkman's wife and child-to-be from the first season. Another forgotten relic?v Parkman seems fine with it now!


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Just finished watching the first episode on BBC2. Very nice. Seems to be a bit darker this time round. Unfortunately I won't be watching on BBC3 because it then leaves next week with nothing to watch. But yeh, good start to this series. I hope it keeps up like this the whole way through.

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WOW! I watched Episode 1 again. :D Heroes must be the only show where I watch the Season twice as it is happening!


Some parts make more sense now though I'm still confused. Tim Kring in Unmasked says "90% of what confuses us now should make sense at the end of the Volume" which I'm pleased about.


Also I was mistaken as it's coming to BBC iplayer it seems which is great! as they ust have got more rights for it or something as that didn't happen with Season 2!!! ^_____^

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What do people mean by girl? I mean, what, they were going to get together and then the future changed so she's going to die in his arms?


I always wonder what the heck happened to parkman's wife and child-to-be from the first season. Another forgotten relic?v Parkman seems fine with it now!


By girl I was just referring to the girl he was carrying. Not in any particular way.


To be honest I can see Daphne / Hiro getting together. Then Daphne cheats on Hiro with Ando, and that's the "betrayal".


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By girl I was just referring to the girl he was carrying. Not in any particular way.


To be honest I can see Daphne / Hiro getting together. Then Daphne cheats on Hiro with Ando, and that's the "betrayal".

I really don't think hiro will get with her. I hope ando does, but... man, if they follow that route then it's just going to be lame. I still think ando will be all "no you're wrong! we all deserve to have powers!" route.


Bit sucky that some dude's already got both halves of the formula. I guess that's another mystery...


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Well yeah you do have to spoiler tag everything you write because of the people a week behind. So this whole thread will be the constant opening and closing of tags.


You may think I'm whining... In the grand scheme of things I honestly couldn't care less!

I'm just espressing my thoughts on how we could make everything easier for the Internet and BBC viewers to be able to discuss the show! But that's fine!

Or you all could stop being impatient bastards and watch it on terrestrial television. But that won't happen either, will it?

Whoah, I agree it's a lot darker.


I'm too fucking confused though....


Just watched ep 1 btw...

Likewise, they're actually showing the episode on Iplayer, but sadly not the next episode they show on BBC3 is it?


More mutants now being introduced, delightful Billy Whizz character [don't recall her], and as we know, any friends anyone will make will instantly turn out to be another new mutant as well.

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I just have to say that Hiro really is pissing me off. What an idiot.


Noah is also being a bit of an ass, he should well take advantage of the new help he has instead of being too proud and foolish, really annoying :P

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