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Indiana Jones 4


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Saw it last night and i agree with you all. What a crock of shit.


Harrison Ford was fine as Indy, there were even a few funny moments and exciting action parts, even if they were OTT. But the story... Oh. My. God. How did they even pitch such a stupid and crappy storyline?!


How did that russian woman get into the temple bit at the end? Indy and the crew had to rush down that spiral staircase and she just shows up! I mean, what the fuck?! How did she get down?


Here's my theory


I guess she's a cyborg from the future and simply jumped down. Let's face it it's not exactly out of the realms of possibility in this particular Indy film. She survived everything thrown at her! Or she could have used the super ropes that she used for the cliff face which allow her to survive having trees in the face...


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Saw it last night and i agree with you all. What a crock of shit.


Harrison Ford was fine as Indy, there were even a few funny moments and exciting action parts, even if they were OTT. But the story... Oh. My. God. How did they even pitch such a stupid and crappy storyline?!


How did that russian woman get into the temple bit at the end? Indy and the crew had to rush down that spiral staircase and she just shows up! I mean, what the fuck?! How did she get down?


do rope and ladder mean anything or maby because she is an Russian she can run along walls?



But about the movie I agree with most of the people here about the movie, but the look and the special effects where awesome specially the Big boom, and the whole

"He is you son"

part where horrible I saw this movie with Mundi and he where >----< this close to punching someone in the cinema then the pulled that off, and what shocked me the most shei Laebloufe (or what ever his name is) where not that irritating but I loved how they made him look like a total pussy, and in the end I think that we can all agree that the "Killer ants" where the worst scene ever.

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Just seen it for the second time - it really isn't as bad when you know where all the cringeworthy scenes are as you can just relax and enjoy all the good bits without dreading what the next scene will spew up. The first half is definately the best part of the film, much more coherent and less rushed.


To those who hated it, watch it again. My view of it has improved slightly since my last post on it!

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I actually quite enjoyed it - I think a lot of the hatred towards it has come from people expecting something amazing. There is some awful bits of dialogue and pretty cheesy bits but overall it's a good fun adventure film. Far from Oscar worthy but at least better than any of the Star Wars prequels.

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I liked it and as I commented with O_W everyone would hate it. It's worst than the other Indy movies (well, a little better than the 2nd), but it's classic indy, from the fights to the humor. Some things were waay to exagerated like the fridge part and a few plot holes, but what matters is that it's entertaining. Also, Indy was still the main guy, didn't mind Shya at all, actually liked him in the movie. The plot took balls of steel and I don't know how to feel about it, but it fits along nicely. Also Dr Jan Itor and Ford together again.

I loved it when Indy falls from really high with another guy, lands on a table and you hear a very unenthusiastic "ow". lol

Also, "I have a bad feeling about this."

So, it felt like Indy, it was enjoyable, sure maybe not as good as the others, but it's not really very realistic to demand that is it? Whatever they did wouldn't be well received though, just because of all the hype and the fact that it's a beloved franchise, just like Star Wars

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It was a pretty average action movie, a really really really nicely shot (the cloud scene, wowowowowowow) pretty average action movie. I had some fun, can't say I was enthralled, but I had some fun.


Favourite line: "You've got to the point in life where you stop getting given things and start having things taken away"

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I thought it was pretty dire. Indy has always been a believable hero; its possible to take on a bunch of Nazis in a truck and then steal it.. sorta. This was just ridiculous.


The acting was good thought, Cate Blanchett was a bit hit or miss at times. The action sequences were mostly good, although there was a bit too much CGI for my liking in an Indy film! There were just too many.. "what the hell..?!" moments for my liking. They should have just left the series alone.

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Just came back from my viewing of the movie and i actually enjoyed the movie, only let down was the resulting end (not right at the end, the whole

Alien Ship leaving the planet, way too much CGI and didn't suit the movie one bit.

. There were some nice tit-bits from the previous movies included as well, one bit was right at the beginning and others dotted about throughout.

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There was always gonna be 5 Indy movies was there not? And the past 19 years was for a good script to come up that Ford,Lucas and that liked and they wanted the skull to be the plot drive or something.


Not seen this yet, but I want too.

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I thought it was pretty dire. Indy has always been a believable hero; its possible to take on a bunch of Nazis in a truck and then steal it.. sorta. This was just ridiculous.


You gotta be fucking kidding.... You are, aren't you...? AREN'T YOU??


Jumping from an aeroplane inside a fucking rubber boat that inflates itself during the fucking drop, and after it lands with just a few bumps they still fall through a cliff and a waterfall is believable to you? "Sorta"?. And what about the mine cart scene?


I understand Temple of Doom is the one that pushes the limits a bit further of the old ones, but it never gets criticized over it. Sometimes I wonder if people even saw the old Indy films. Indy is a film mythology, that's one reason why he never loses his hat, it's a symbol. You want realism, you're in the wrong franchise, dude.

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indy 4:



............ohh dear.


thing is you cant even say whats wrong with without spoiling anything.


I liked it and as I commented with O_W everyone would hate it. It's worst than the other Indy movies (well, a little better than the 2nd),


you're shitting me!


You gotta be fucking kidding.... You are, aren't you...? AREN'T YOU??


Jumping from an aeroplane inside a fucking rubber boat that inflates itself during the fucking drop, and after it lands with just a few bumps they still fall through a cliff and a waterfall is believable to you? "Sorta"?. And what about the mine cart scene?


I understand Temple of Doom is the one that pushes the limits a bit further of the old ones, but it never gets criticized over it. Sometimes I wonder if people even saw the old Indy films. Indy is a film mythology, that's one reason why he never loses his hat, it's a symbol. You want realism, you're in the wrong franchise, dude.

.. er no just no. The other indys were more beliable than this...

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I "hate" Indy 2, this one was always enjoyable :P

I'm not gonna let nostalgia change things, Indy was never realistic or believable, asides from the flying fridge and tarzan shia, it was pretty much in line with the other indy movies. And I'm actually surprised they didn't use more CGI, specially in the sets. Also

Indy is about legends and myths, aliens influencing ancient cultures, specially the Mayan one didn't pop out of nowhere. Crystal skulls also had a lot of theories in the air for a lot of years. So, yeah it took balls to have aliens in Indy, it feels a little weird, but I don't need to be overprotective about it, it makes sense and it was entertaining.


And let's face it, people would hate it either way, it's just like Star Wars.

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I loved the movie, I dont think it was anyless belivable than the old films, is metting a 750 year old knight belivable? I think not. I thought it was classic Indy and had everythng I loved about the movies intact.

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Being shot hundreds of miles at intense speeds and whacking off the ground a good couple of times and rolling out unharmed is not the equivalent of being dropped out of a plane on a raft. It's the equivalent of being dropped out of a plane in a fridge. And surviving. The movie breaks much of the internal logic that the other films created, suspension of disbelief is not something that should be forced it's something that's earned and this didn't earn it. There were way too many flaws with this film. It comes nowhere near Temple of Doom.

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.. er no just no. The other indys were more beliable than this...


Spirits in a box that kill people who look at them is more believable than aliens from another dimension???


Then again, it's slightly more realistic than the Tarzan scene.


Indy has never been about realism.



I'd say that the KotCS is better than Temple of Doom (which was awesome).

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I liked this movie! :) It was a lot of fun to watch! ^______^


Though I definately prefered the first 3!


Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. :D


Everyone's just overreacting, I thought it was awesome too.

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This is a joke right? this bearly makes it to be a movie let alone an ending to a series. It was abismal

1) stupid actress, with the accent she used half the time


2) why bring an old character back and have a 5 minute scene, then all kisses and cuddles


3) very bad storyline wtf is with the sci fi


4) army of monkees in the jungle


5) double cross, triple cross... no not really! just a double cross and a lie



I didnt mind the kid as much as I thought, I actually thought he was pretty good because the swinging through the jungle with the monkees was probably not his idea


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