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The Resident Evil Series

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The Following is a list of the RE games I own

Game Format Beaten

Resident Evil DS 4(Classic Mode 3(1 on easy)(Rebirth mode 1 Jill)

Resident Evil 2 PS1 1(Claire)

Resident Evil 3 PS1 1

Resident Evil 4 PS2 1

Code: Veronica PS2 0

Outbreak File 1 1(Kevin Ryman)


The best game has to RE2, it gave so much reply value, the worst has to be CV, I just never got into it like I did the others. Would have like to seen Obf 1 made harder, just found it very easy, however never played Obf 2 so I don't know if the toned it up. High light was beating RE DS Classic Mode(for the forth time) in 2:23 with no saves, now that's what you call hardcore speed run, could have gone quicker but was looking for the third mo disk I could only ever find two. Would like to see a remake of RE2, but happy to play the PS1 version.


Mr. A

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  • 5 months later...

It is one of the best action adventure games ever released.


You're most certainly a bot, but this phrase is actually pretty accurate as to what the series has become. Except it's more "shooter" than "adventure", really.


The trailer for RE6... Liked the Leon and "new dude" parts, but Chris is basically Gears of War at this point.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am a big fan of Code Veronica on Dreamcast and its real cheap to pick up too 8)


I had a copy somewhere and couldn't find it last night.....but what I remember of it I did enjoy. I did however find my copy of 3 a game I've never played. All this talk of Revelations and RE6 has got me hankering for some Resident Evil so I'm going to give it a go and play Nemesis over the weekend I think.

Edited by flameboy
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  • 11 months later...



With Secret of Mana not hooking me like I hoped ( I actually think it’s very meh but that’s another topic ) I was looking for a game to play. I wanted to continue my retro run and play games that took me back in years. I came across the Resident Evil 2 thread over on Neogaf (HERE )and found that it has been 15 years since its release. Yup, 15 years! Crazy! While reading through the thread reminded me why the game is so good and easily the best Resident Evil game for me, yes including 4, which is overrated in my eyes. *puts up flame shield*


So, with the memories flooding back I decided to play through Resident Evil 2 again. The problem was that I only own the Cube version and with that all packed away I really couldn’t be bothered to get it all out and hook it up. I then had a glance over to my bedside table to see my PSP lying there. Eureka! I fired up my laptop and went on the PSN store and instantly downloaded the game and shoved it on the PSP. This worked out great because I could lie in bed, in the dark and play through the game on a handheld. I don’t imagine the graphics would have looked great on a big HDTV either.


I have to say I loved playing through it all again. During my journey I was remembering everything about the game, from enemy placements to what item went where. I was even saying some of the cheesy lines in my head before they actually happened.


I started out playing as Leon, who looks sooooo different to his character model now. The poor guy looks like he’s got some terminal disease and is about to drop dead. Have a look at the guy.




He also looks to be ginger in this game. I guess the developers changed their minds about certain things or Leon dyes his hair. Saying that all the CGI in the game is a bit ropey now. It looked amazing back in the day. This didn’t take anything away from the experience though, but that could just be nostalgia talking. I bet one of my nephews would look in disgust at it if he was to play it today.


The controls of the game didn’t bother me in the slightest. I’ve read stories from people saying they couldn’t play the older Resident Evil games anymore due to the tank controls and was afraid this may have been the case for me, luckily it wasn’t and I was fending off zombies as if I was in my teenage years again.


One thing that did stand out more this time through the game was the music. I’m finding that as im playing through older games I’m having a greater respect and appreciation of the music in said games, something I didn’t do a lot of in my early years. The tracks that I have highlighted set off a range of emotions and really bring the game together nicely.


Broadcast Yourself

This one is one of my favourite tracks in the game. It’s just so haunting, yet peaceful. It also reminds me of a piece from Big Trouble in Little China. I would never have picked up on that if I hadn’t watched it just the other day.


Broadcast Yourself

The boss fight piece is one I actually remember from my youth. I have no idea why it stuck with me all these years.


Broadcast Yourself

No Resident Evil game is complete without a track like this. 3 minutes to detonation. PEG IT! :bouncy:


Broadcast Yourself



Surprisingly it only took 2 hours 40 mins to finish the game. I had forgotten how short the game was, but of course it’s only half, or even quarter if you look at it a certain way, of the story and there was more to be done. I did only get a B ranking though, but then I wasn’t going for an A, just the experience of the game. Besides, I can’t really remember what nets you an A anymore. I remember it being something to do with the time, sprays used and how many times you saved, but that’s about all I remember.




After a 24 hour break I set back out to Raccoon City but this time as Claire. Yup, Scenario B here I come!


I love Scenario B! The whole chase between yourself and Mr. X/Tyrant is fantastic, as is the final confrontation. The guy actually made me jump twice in a matter of minutes even though have played the game numerous times in the past.


There’s a part in a hallway where you enter a room. You light a torch and then do a puzzle with the Jack, Queen and King. In the hallway I knew Mr. X would burst through the wall. I was so positive about this that I walked ever so slowly, but he never arrived. I assumed that maybe My memory wasn’t as good as I thought, so I trundled off into the room.


In the room I did the flame puzzle and then all of a sudden Mr X came flying through the wall and came after me. I jumped so hard that the PSP nearly left my hands. I quickly picked up the cog that had been released from the puzzle completion and then pegged it out of the room. I was thinking that I had gotten mixed up and that it must have been in the room that he came through the wall and not the hallway. I was pegging it and then he actually came through the first wall that I thought he was going to come through. Again I jumped out of my skin. Well played, Mr. X! Well played!


I jumped a couple of other times during my play through as well, both times involving Lickers.


First was in the police interrogation room. I knew it was coming, but it arrived later than I had thought. I walked into the room and looked around. I saw the glass the Licker would come through, but he didn’t jump through it. Again, I just relaxed and picked up my items and headed back out and as soon as I stepped towards the door it crashed through the glass.


The other place I jumped was in scenario B. It was very near the start, where you first walk into the room where you place the 2 red gems. I had placed them and grabbed the half blue brick and was greeted by a Licker smashing through the ceiling. Many pairs of boxer shorts were used during the play through of this game. :D


The boss fights are actually interesting and make sense in this game. If you have played Resident Evil 6 you will see that various bosses in that game just morph into whatever the developers fancied. You had a giant fly, dinosaur and some dog thing. It was crazy, but not in a good way. In this I love the way you get to see Birkin change during the different play throughs and you can actually see him becoming the things he becomes. Little touches like having his original face melt into his chest and then stay there are what makes this game so special.


I love the final battle with Mr. X near the train station. The scene where he steps out of the molten metal, all in flames, is outstanding. Then the boss music kicks in and you are in battle to just survive until the rocket launcher is thrown your way. It was obvious even as a teenager that it was Ada throwing you the rocket launcher but when Resident Evil 3 was released and I heard about it being set around the same time as this game, I was hoping they would make it so Jill would be the one to throw the weapon down to you. Saying that, it’s a funny thing to do anyway. They have a rocket launcher, standing away from battle, with a height advantage and then they toss it to you to take the shot. :D


It took a little longer to finish scenario B and I only managed a C rank this time. I think I used a stupid amount of health sprays, which I really didn’t need to do as I kept hoarding my ammo and taking damage instead of just blowing the enemies away. I dunno what I was keeping all the ammo for? I must have thought I was playing Code Veronica or something. :p


I love it how at the end of the game Leon says “It’s finally over” and then Claire replies “ No, I have to find my bother”. Exactly, YOU have to find your brother, Leon and Sherry can get the hell out of dodge.


A couple of tracks from scenario B stick in my mind.


First is the final battle with the Tyrant.

Broadcast Yourself


Second is the rocking ending theme.

Broadcast Yourself


Why haven’t more games done the scenario A and B thing? It really is baffling. Offer the consumer a shorter game experience but give them the story from a different angle. The replay value in this game is great and it’s something that I will, and many of my friends, always remember fondly about the game. Things like having to choose to leave a weapon behind for the next character or take them both, using the fingerprint scanner to open the special door and seeing things happen from a different viewpoint is such a cool feature and it’s a shame it didn’t catch on.


So, there we have it. 2 days and 2 scenarios completed. I’m still itching to play some more Resi and may have to buy Resident Evil 3 when I get in from work. Saying that I could just get my finger out and unpack the Cube so I can play though 0,1,2,3,4 and C.V.


Resident Evil 2. Best. Resi. Ever!

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I remember being a bit disappointed with RE2 on the GameCube when I bought it because it was the same game as I had played a few years before on the PC and not something like the RE remake. It's still a great game anyway and it was the first RE game of the series I ever played on PC but a quick turn feature or a few of the EX files put into the PS port on the cube, a slight graphics tweak for the cube... would have made it a bit special.


I know a lot of people want to see this game come out again as a proper HD remake but I'm not sure that Capcom can really produce the game that 'everyone' wants. The series has changed mainly due to RE4 but I think at present Capcom can just make money on re-releasing old games on as many systems as they can right now.


Anyway, after you play this game a bit more on the PSP, it would be interesting to know if it contains the Extreme Battle mode which the cube version has. I'll have to get back to playing this again. One day I will unlock Tofu!

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Actually, the way to go as far as playing it nowdays is concerned is quite clear:



Edit: Also, I remember as a kid I struggled really hard to complete Resi 2 over at my cousins, took me something like 12 hours to complete scenario A. And I had no idea there was such a thing as scenario B 'till I replayed it years later on my Dreamcast. :D

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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  • 4 months later...

Here's a great interview with Mr. Yasuhisa Kawamura, scenario writer for Resident Evil 3, about how the game came about, what got cut and other interesting facts.




I love the sound of that 3 way fight between Nemesis, Birkin and Tyrant. That would have been epic!. :D

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  • 1 month later...


Future Resident Evil Ideas Shared by Capcom


Capcom has talked about what it hopes to do with Resident Evil 7, confirming the existence of the game in the process.


Speaking to MCV, former Capcom marketing boss Michael Pattison explained that fan feedback to the lacklustre Resident Evil 6 means the next entry will mark a return to the survival horror roots of the franchise.


"We have obviously seen the consumer response and the PR response," he said. "There was some great positives out of that, but it was a mixed bag, as we saw from the review scores. We have got to take that on-board, we can't ignore that, and we have to take that onto the next game when we make the next Resident Evil.


"With Resident Evil 6 specifically, we probably put too much content in there, there were comments from consumers that said it felt bloated. The Leon missions went down very well, and because we did Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS, there was a cry out for us to focus our attention on survival horror, rather than be too many things to all people. You’ll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase.


"A lot is said about the saturation of this zombie, post-apocalyptic survival horror. But it is still alive and well. The Last of Us shows a good direction of what the consumers want. Tomb Raider as well, we spoke to R&D and they looked at that and they enjoyed that experience. I think that proves there is still a strong market for that sort of content."


What do you reckon, would you like to see Resident Evil return to its roots or do you think Resident Evil 6 gets an unfair level of criticism? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

There are so many other games doing this sort of stuff better than Capcom right now... they've got a lot of catching up to do.


The one thing they have in their favour is people love the classic characters, but they haven't half ballsed it all up in recent years!... there was once a story that people were actually invested in too, which Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil 5 ultimately destroyed (Resi 4 could always have been a side story, as it in fact was).


For the next game I'd love a reunion of Leon and Claire, my favourite characters from the series.

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I've been trying to play Resident Evil: Revelations recently in an attempt to get some gaming out of my 3DS as, apart from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, it hasn't been getting an awful lot of love lately :hmm: However, not really feeling any great desire to play the game has made me question if I even like Resident Evil all that much.. ::shrug:


The first one I played was the remake of the original on Gamecube. I was absolutely blown away by the graphics and enjoyed it for what it was, despite finding the inventory management and bosses a little annoying at times. Resident Evil Zero was decent too, though I found it difficult towards the end and it became a bit of a grind.


Resident Evil 4 is, without doubt, one of my favourite games but I fail to think of any other entry with any particular fondness. I couldn't get into Resident Evil 5 and I don't feel like I can be bothered with Resident Evil 6. I can see myself returning to my save file of Code Veronica on Dreamcast in order to finish it but other than that I feel like the series has been somewhat exhausted.


I played Silent Hill 2 this year and found it to be far superior..

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Yeah it's in definite need of a refresh... of course we all thought Resi 4 was that game... but then they used that formula to go on and ruin the series.


Code Veronica will forever remain one of my favourite game... such a great story, use of characters and locations!

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