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First drink was about 12 or 13, didn't get drunk though till I was like 15. Once I got to about 16/17, I started going down the pub rather than hanging out in the park with chavs.


I think it's a good thing to be an early bird, I've seen many people at parties who've never touched a drop of alcohol and get pressured into having some and they end up passing out and vomiting loads.

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I don't drink hardly at all, i like baileys (yeah a womans drink supposadely, but who the feck cares) because it doesn't taste like Alcohol and Malibu!


Thats it, my opinion of it overall; is that it's waste of money. I've known people to spend nearly a £100 on drink and to me, thats ridiculous.


I hate my mates saying 'lets get hammered' it really annoys me for some reason....it's just a pathetic statement.

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The first time I got drunk, I was 14, it was new year and I got absoloutley mortal on around 2 litres of Red wine and 4 cans of beer =P I have never quite been that drunk since, couldn't remember alot of the stuff that my friends say I did/said. I think my biggest drink before this occasion might have been two glasses of wine with a meal =P. I really don't drink as much as I would like but I suppose it's healthier this way. Just be nice to get drunk a bit more often, rarely seems to happen now.

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Im not really sure of the exact age I started drinking I remember my mum letting me have the odd shandy now and again and some babysham :)


Other than that I guess it was just at peoples parties then later at football and gigs then of course when I was able to go into pubs.


And now at the age of 24 my beer belly is coming along well :)

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Started casually at parties at like 15/16 I think. I just drink at parties or when people come round and we chilling, or just watching tv.


Still don't usually drink to the point where I'm wasted. People who's aim for the night is to get totally wasted annoy me because its stupid to aim to get drunk. Drinking and then becoming drunk is fine. It's more fun :)

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I drink. Drinking right now in fact... Tetley's. No particulary nice but there's not much in the house apart from some rum and some cheap vodka.


Can't remember when I first got drunk, but it was probably after drinking champagne with my dad on a new years (possibly 1999 which would make me 12). Then did the whole park+cheap cider thing around GCSE time unitl I looked old enough to get served in a local ale house at about 16. Then at university I got drunk quite regularly for three years on many different forms of alcohol. Now at present I only drink a couple cans every so often combined with the odd pub trip. Also get through a bottle of wine when round my girlfriends.


And so concludes my history of drinking.

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I don't drink, never have. It's also pretty safe to say I never will.


I used to drink fizzy drinks all the time — mainly Dr Pepper, but I was also a fan of Mountain Dew when they sold it over here — but sometime during college I decided to stop and a month or so later I didn't even have to think about it.


dr pepper *high five*

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dr pepper *high five*

You might want to take that back: I've renounced my ways when it comes to carbonated drinks. I'm sure you'll find someone else on here to trade skin with, though.


These days I'm far more likely to be drinking a smoothie or chocolate milk.

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Guest Stefkov

I don't drink.

Only time I've ever been drunk is when I was forced to by some imports. But then they ate food with it aswell so they got very very happy, not throwing up all over the place.

I felt drunk but I recall the night perfectly.

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i guesssssss i started drinking alcohol when i was about 12 ~ i got a glass of wine with christmas dinner ^__^

i don't really go out to drink - i go out to socialize and happen to drink while i'm there... but not a lot - i dont drink very often but when i do it doesn't really affect me that much, so i drink for the taste - if i want to get tipsy i need a silly amount of straight vodka... which is too expensive, and tastes too much like window cleaner for me to ENJOY drinking it. :grin:

don't get hangovers either... at all. i hardly remember new years eve - was at a party at my friends house, took an antihistamine pill (because he has cats and i'm allergic) after my second glass of rose i was completely out of it, and after the third glass i'm told i was very much up for doing whiskey shots in time with the midnight countdown ... 10! 9! 8!... *sigh*

when i woke up i was in a sleeping bag in the living room, and apart from being a liiiittle stiff from the floor... i felt fine. :blank:

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