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How did/do you know what to do with your life?


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Ok, So I've been thinking a lot recently about which direction I should be going in. And I have a lot of friends who have known what they wanted to do with their lives since an age which seems, frankly absurd. However, I've never really known what I want to do and so I've had lots of different jobs and although I've been successful in many I've always found that I've wanted new challenges and so have left. I currently find myself living at home again (after being so dependent for years) and it's soul destroying as I'm surrounded by friends who are in their mid 20's and have "always" known what they wanted to do with their lives. I can't understand it. They seem really happy yet I keep on reassuring myself that they will, at one point maybe wish they had tried something different.


I know we are all different people but is it better to be forced down a path or is it better for a person to choose which direction they want to go to, thus equalling some sort of paradise of enjoyment in their life. Even if it is much further down the treaded path?


For those who were kind of "forced"...is it better?

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Guest Jordan

I wanted to do something very different. I mean, at 16 i never thought i'd be living 600 miles from home, 2 countries away with a hot girlfriend i met off the internet and a well paying tech job.


I thought i'd be in uni studying journalism... Life is so unpredictable, so don't bother trying to predict it.

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I have the backup plan of lecturer in television studies (preferably not in this country) because that kinda stuff comes easily (and as a friend pointed out; I sometimes say perse which is totally a lecturer thing) and I would enjoy it....but it just seems a bit too mundane of a plan for life.


I dunno what my A-game will be. We'll see how it goes. Take life as it comes as they say.

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My life has been a ride, kinda like a drama series.


I grew up in Wales, and then I decided to make a big step and move away. So, I'm here in Brighton, and I moved down here with a ladyfriend.


Leaving Newport, I was a boy full of ambition and future. I had the woman of my dreams, the future was whatever I would make of it.


Almost 3 years or something later, I can't help but look back and think I have failed in some way. I haven't done some (perhaps many) of the things that I had thought I would be doing. I'm no longer the boy I once was though, I've definitely grown up and become a better man than I thought I could ever become.


How did I know what to do with my life? You need to always have something to reach for. When you reach that point where you have everything you need, then what is the point in living? There always needs to be a goal, or a distant point. Moving away was the next step, and it was what I had to do for myself.

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I want to go to America eventually and get involved in something there. Plan at the moment is after doing my MA get work experience over there then do a phd and teaching history in some american campus to pay for said phd. Bonus is my stupid surrey accent may actually come in useful for chatting up american chicks. Oh I mean yeh will come in useful when im communicating the finer points fot he crimean war.

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Guest Stefkov

When I was young whatever I watched on TV I wanted to become.

Miami Vice inspired me...in German.

Now I'm going to take Games Design at Uni when I hardly have any knowledge/experience with 3D modelling.

Also I'm taking Japanese on the side with that. Purely because I want to.

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I don't know what to do... and I chose a bad course. But I chose it because I know it's something I love.


I'd rather be watching and writing about creative talent, then researching and compiling essays on mundane things such as politics and economics, but hey, maybe that's just me.

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I think it's just something some people discover and others don't. Some people will see something and instantly know that that is what they want to do, while others will never find that thing.


Personally, I know I want to go to Uni, and probably study Computing Science, but from there I don't particularly know what I want to do for a living afterwards.

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I finally decided what I wanted to do a grand sum of 2 days ago. A little too a late for my collages liking. I've dropped ICT and am taking up biology. But I have to spend £300 on the biology AS and do it at home and then join the A2 course in september without having completed the AS. I need to get A's if possible too. Bye bye social life.


It's going to be hell, but I need to work my arse off to get on the course I want at Bristol Uni.

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I just improvise, and see what happens. It's all been good so far.


I did that for a bit.


When I left school I really didn't know what I wanted to do, I only knew I wanted to go to University. So I took 3 A-Levels and an AS-Level,I knew I'd enjoy, Maths with Mechanics, Physics, Computing and Electronics. And after a year or two it became clear what I wanted to do. And my look on life, especially working life became clear. I don't want a job I'll hate, I want to go into work and enjoy what I'm doing and feel good about it.


So now got myself studying Games Development, because it suits my interests and look on life.

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i've also adopted a "go with the flow" agenda, but not so much for stuff that seems easy, as stuff that seems interesting and exciting ~ i've been pretty lucky so far :grin:

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I go where I feel I can do my best, at this point, I have zero regrets. It is a tough lifestyle, and one which will only become more difficult, but I feel I've made the best decision and at this point, it is only a matter of execution.


And for all those who aspire to be writers, my hat is off to you all. :)

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