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Well the years almost over, post your favorite moments (or leas favorite) here.


Its been a very eventful year for me at school (I won't go into detail on that one)


I had the honor of attending CJ '07 the celebration of 100 years of scouting in canada. Though I also had to wait in an airport for 14 hours after that (stupid wesjet). (for more information on that read my blog)


I've taken up curling


I've made a few new friends


I've learned quite alot tech/creative wise as this year I got Adobe CS3 Design Premium


I've finally realized some things (positive things) that will probably effect me for the rest of my life.


So that was some of the main points of 2007 for me. Maybe I'll try and do a retrospective of 2007 forum events also.


I moved country, got myself a propper job and my own place.


Fucking scared me doing it too! But i got on my own feet and proved myself that i could actually do something.


Still... I miss sitting at home doing nothing and playing computer games all day :p


I have to say this year has been very good. A brief summary of some of the things I've done:


Graduated from Uni

Got to the finals of the West Midlands business awards

Moved to London

Got a great job


I think those are all the key things, the things behind them have taken up a lot (most) of my time this year. Best thing is I've enjoyed pretty much the whole of the year, not ever felt down inthe dumps. If 2008 is this good I'll be very happy indeed!

Erm, it wasnt amazing.


Yeh, it wasn't overly brilliant. I had a good year. Made some great friends, had some amazing trips away and found out I'm going to live in New Zealand. 2008 promises to be better for me tho.


It was terrible. Hopefully next year will be a large improvement!


- Assulted

- Missed English GCSE

- All the crap with being threatened

- Mums car crash

- My dog getting hit by a car

- Old mate dying in a car accident


Only good thing was a trip to Paris in July, that was mighty fun.


It's been an up and down year for me really. But here it is in a nutshell:


- One of my best friends died in March which I still can't believe.


- Then my cousin who was also my Godfather got killed in a motorbike crash.


- My sister got married in May and I walked her down the aisle.


- I got back with my girlfriend after splitting up nearly 2 years ago and it's been great ever since.


- I turned 24.


- I got promoted at work.


Distinctly average. Nothing particularly amazing happened for me, but nothing particularly bad in the grand scheme of things happened either, and nobody close died like alot of people have had happen..


Did my GCSE results. Not bad but could have been a lot better. It just reflects how little work I did.


Enrolled at 6th form and I can't be bothered with it anymore.


Did my cbt. I love riding bikes. Hoping to get a pit bike/crosser soon.


Got myself a gf :D


Been to see The Verve. They were awesome.


- Finally driven to distraction by flatmates, but have own sweet pad now (need job now)


-Moving upwards and onwards at my course, really getting into things now


-... not a lot else really. I need to start finding new avenues of various types next year.


- Went to Villa Park TWICE in one year.

- Applauded the Squad of '82 who paraded the European Cup, then watched the Squad of '07 thump Sheffield United 3-0

- Witnessed Villa beat Italian Champions Internazionale Milano 3-0. And saw players like Figo, Adriano, Materazzi and Ibrahimovic lose to our lads.


- Got Xbox Live, and a Wii


- Started watching WWE again


- Turned 18, on the same day I practically became an anime fan


Well the year started with the very fun new years party I had.


January was pretty average and I can't remember much happening.


Although In February I managed to acquire apendicitus 2 WEEKS before my ski trip and thus couldnt get the insurance to ski. Still went and had a great time though =D.


Went to a few good birthday parties in March and bought an awesome shirt that month =P


April not much happend.

May was the run up to GCSE's so alot of revision was done in this time. Also went away camping with my friends for a few days as a break from revision which was good fun.


June was the month I finally finished my GCSE's and relaxed =). The exams were quite tiring but it turned out I had not messed any of them up which was good. Also had some good times on the beach in this month.


July was fucking terrible. So bored all of the time and the weather was complete crap.


August was very good, got my GCSE results back and they turned out very nice and then on the same day had my birthday party which was quite fun, though being the host I made sure I didn't get drunk like the majority of other people. Also had a nice little holiday in The Bahamas, even if it did get a bit boring.


September I had a brief visit to Miami where I got a new bass and started 6th form. Which I later left because I hated it so much.


October - miserable.


November - Started at a different college which has since been better and alot more fun. Also started the IB course rather than standard a levels and it is fun but alot of work! =P


December- Going well so far. Can't wait till christmas and the new years party I'm sure I will have.


So my year has been pretty eventful overall. I think it's been a good year, heres hoping 2008 is even better. (the summer can't possibly be any worse next year can it?) Also somewhere along the line I seemed to acquire a slight musical ear in that I can figure out songs on the bass without looking at tabs now =D (yeah i'm pretty bored right now)


I liked iPaul's way of breaking the year down.


January - Still hadn't recovered from a rough Christmas. In January, found out my woman-friend of 3 years had been having it off with someone else. 4 or so days before my birthday as well, so that was very shit.


February - My first valentines day in years that I was single. Generally an unhappy month where everything was getting to me. Fell out with people from home, some of which I haven't spoken to since then.


March - I found my second gear, and was getting back on track with the womanfriend. I put in a lot of effort for her birthday, and thought things were getting better.


April - Disaster. Things went from bad to worse. The ex left the house and I haven't spoken to her since. Spent from now until July living by myself. Money became a huge issue as bills were mounting up, and I started a school placement, totally unprepared and off guard. Luckily, I had made some new friends around this time, and they pulled me through.


May - All the problems were mounting up. Money was terrible, I was finding it hard to afford getting to placement and buying simple things like food. Placement was difficult because I was tired and unhappy. I found companionship with a ladyfriend, and it got a bit intimate.


June - Last month of placement, which didn't go too well. There were doubts over whether or not I'd make it through to the next year of my course. At this point, I was down and out, looking for any way to escape the hell I had found myself in. This and January were the lowest points of my life.


July - Started some counciling to get my life back on track. Also started a summer job. Met some friends, they really cheered me up and made my summer memorable. My ladyfriend at this point had to leave for home, and we've hardly kept in contact since. I made a special friend in the form of my housemate, and she's one of my best friends now.


August - Lost my job, but found another one a week later. Met some lovely people, including a lady called Rosie who I had a thing for. Heheheh.


September - Started uni again, and found it hard trying to keep up with friends. As a result of this, people have fallen out with me and it's still doing my head in.


October - My parents made a surprise visit down to see me, which was lovely because I haven't seen them since easter. That cheered me up. I found myself falling for a girl called Laura, and the situation is very complicated because one of my mates liked her as well, although they never had a thing. Ahhhh.


November - I've been eating well, and making sure I was doing ok. I lost my job at the callcentre because they went into liquidation, and my friends who I had fallen out with have been arseholes to me. Hardly talked to them, and when I try to smooth things over, things get worse. The laura thing is a no-go as well, because she doesn't see me in that way.


December - So here we are. The end of the year.


It's been a topsy turvy year. Everytime I slide a piece into place, the puzzle resets into a whole new problem. I can't wait for this year to be over, as I need a new start.


Well the stuff i did and realised this year was:


- I could have worked harder on my GCSE's.

- I've realised how much more work i need to do for A levels and such.

- I've realised what i want to do and where i want to go after 6th form.

- Turned 17 and have started learning to drive, which i now know wasn't really worth looking forward to.

- Saw the Foo Fighters

- I've made some closer friends

- I've noticed im abit more confident.


This was a long and strange year... At the start, I was working horribly hard for a load of January exams, practically all my A levels. ...that was softened by getting an offer from Cambridge. Then I had to finish my chemistry coursework, which I am convinced will the most horrible piece of work I'll ever have to do. By the time I handed it in, it was 92 pages long.


Once that was finished, the pressure sort of... went. I had a grand total of two modules to study for in the summer, and didn't need much in either, but I still found it hard to relax. Revision was kind of frustrating, because I had a really long period where I felt I ought to be working but without much to do. Anyway, it all ended up well.


So, after a long summer, I went to Cambridge. The work's totally different to school work - far harder, and lots more of it, but much more interesting. The place is also great, I really love it there, and can't wait to go back. Magdalene is definitely the best college. :heh:


And one more thing: 2007 is the year I took up go. I love this game for it's depth and wonder, and I can't wait to get better at it.

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