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Fancy A Curry?


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Alright, I'm very angry right now...and I have absolutely no idea why the hell food is popping into my head.


I just had a txt argument with a mate, but, for some reason, all I can think about now is devouring a Chicken Korma.


Simply question, how do you feel about curry? when you visit a curryhouse, what do you eat?


Maybe you could even recommend a place? There are a lot of londoners and liverpudlians here, so recommendations would go down a treat.


If you ever go to Brighton, go to the Chilka House, they do Indian and Goanese food. Their specials are some of the best I have ever tasted.


Chicken Korma Nrangi, which is quite orangey, with pea rice. mmm-mmm-mmmmmmmmm.


Just cheer me up, already. Post about curry.

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I love curry's, the Saffron in Balfron is a great place to go out to eat or to get a takeaway from - Balfron's in the middle of nowhere though so no one here will have heard of it (apart from CVD who doesn't come on here anymore).


I usually go for a Chicken Korma but I do like a change some times if I'm feeling adventurous. Haven't found a decent Indian takeaway in Glasgow yet, the one which was just up the road from me has closed down. :(

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The best indian restaurants I've seen in the Brighton area tend to be along Portland road in Hove. I Think it's still called the Taj Mahal. They did mega awesome prawn currys and always generous with poppadoms :)


Erm... Curry isn't an angry food for me :P just a nice, rare, spicy treat!

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Simply question, how do you feel about curry? when you visit a curryhouse, what do you eat?



Whats the alternative, eh? What else would you go there to do...? Deliver the post? :heh:


A curry is always good, whether it be Chinese, Indian or whatever. Hmm, what to have for dinner later...!

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What exactly is a curry though (I'm sure I've asked this before)?


I only know the curry sauce I eat with my rice and chicken... which is simply yellow sauce.



*has never had Indian food by the way*


It's generally rice with a meat of some sort and a spicy sauce.

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I'm not a big curry person. Personally, I prefer Chinese takeaway or good old fashioned fish supper.


Same here gags ;).


I generally don't like spicey foods, theres only a couple of Indian's in Shetland and 3 Chinese.


No take out pizza (apart from where i used to work at the tattie shop), 3 fish and chip shops.

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Indian stuff doesn't have to be spicy. When I was young I always used to get a madras/vindaloo as some sort of manly thing but then I realised that it wasn't too pleasant. If you just get a plain curry, or something like a bhuna, or a balti, then it has the same taste but little-to-no fire in the mouth and little-to-no fire in the ass the next day. Or a Korma if you want a different taste entirely.


Standard Indian takeaway for me is Lamb Balti, chips, popadoms and a naan bread. I prefer chips to rice as I'm a scruffy lad from deprived Teesside.

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God I love curry so much. Its made of win, literally win in spicey and ricey form.


I tend to (see;always) have either Chicken Passanda or some variation therof or Chicken Korma. Ie, the other day I had a Pistachio Korma which was very much made from awesomesauce.


If I go out for a meal in a curry house I usually have the same thing meal wise ;


Meat Samosa

Poppadoms (of course)

Chicken Passanda/Korma (as mentioned)

Pilau Rice

or if they sell it

Keema Rice

Aloo Saag (Potato and spinach)

Keema Nan (Used to have Peshwari, but I tried Keema (spicey lamb/mince stuffing) recently and fell in love)


Occasionally Kulfi (Usually if Im with my dad...as A) he pays and B) its awesome)



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Just reading this thread has got my mouth watering.


Chicken Korma is my fave - it's tasty and doesn't burn your mouth out (never understood the appeal of eating curries that cause physical pain).

I also like the occasional prawn dish. Tikka, tikka masala, bhuna and dopiaza are all good too.


If I'm cooking, it has to be Sharwoods Korma with fried chicken breasts, mushrooms, basmati rice and fresh naan. Mmmm.

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Guest Stefkov

I love Korma. There was this English place in Spain, when I went with High School, and they did amaing kormas.

Then I had a korma when I came home from Spain because I wanted one so much.

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What exactly is a curry though (I'm sure I've asked this before)?


I only know the curry sauce I eat with my rice and chicken... which is simply yellow sauce.



*has never had Indian food by the way*


*Has also never had Indian food*


I still seriously haven't had a Curry!!! :o (and i eat everything!)


The closest i have gotten is Rice with a Sauce. :heh:

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