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Dreams and Nightmares


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The other year on holiday I had a horrible dream that a man came out of the wardrobe and took us all hostage and killed us all :(

For the rest of the holiday I had to check all the cupboards and wardrobes before I went to bed.


This morning I had a strange dream. I was in town with my friends, generally hanging out, in the middle of the day, but then I opened my eyes and I was awake, lying in bed in the dark, but whenever I closed my eyes, I was back in town. I was genuinely confused whether I was actually in town or not. It's a strange feeling.


Does anyone talk in their sleep? My brother does it and some of the things he comes out with are hilarious. Eg. "Yeah David, you're not the one with the broken leg!" So random.

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I get nightmares way too often. Like last night when one of my friends turned out to be a really evil person out to get me.


One that really scared me was one where I apparently tried to kill myself in an old rusty bathtub, but I failed, yet I was completely paralysed. And then my cousin found me thinking I was dead but I couldn't warn her that I wasn't. Then some other stuff happened. Basically it was scary. =(

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When I was younger, I used to have this horrific recurring dream about these shapeless daemons armed with knives cutting me and tearing up my organs. I can still remember them as if I had seen them in real life with my own eyes.


My mum said that I was always screaming in my sleep but couldn't wake me. I can remember desperately trying to wake up from them, sometimes being able to feel myself clutching things and hitting myself against my bedside table, but I could just never wake up. I started developing a weird paranoia of the wrinkles in the duvet, I was so afraid they might turn into the creatures and tear me apart again.


One day my mum just put me in the car and took me to see this preacher for blessing. He just laid his hands on my head, said a quick prayer and that was that. That night I had the same dream, but this time everything brightened and they just faded away to nothing. I haven't dreamed about them since. Not even once.


Incidentally, I don't think I'll ever be willing to totally disregard the spiritual world. I often feel like Scully from the Xfiles - I don't believe, but I cant explain it any other way.

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Does anyone talk in their sleep? My brother does it and some of the things he comes out with are hilarious. Eg. "Yeah David, you're not the one with the broken leg!" So random.


My brother claims to have heard me once say in my sleep "How are ya? How are ya? Ow!".

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I had one a few nights ago where I was running down a big hill with one of my mates. We finished (I lost) and were standing in a group with quite a few of my other mates/most hated enemies. I kept getting insulted, and I ended up saying something along the lines of "why the continuous insults, if you actually like me, then stop". Everyone stopped but one guy (the /old friend)


A slightly wierd dream, but the only dream I could think of that I've had thats had some form of meaning to it. Most the time I have such random dreams, it's great. My worst one was actually watching paint dry, it was pretty strange.

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I sometimes dream about storms and really bad weather like tornadoes and stuff. Those dreams are usually the longest and most vivid. I also have a recurring dream about that spooky looking Amityville house (you know the one with the eyes). I always wake up petrified with my heart racing away.

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Every couple of months i have the same nightmare which scares the living shit out of me, and i've had it since as early as i can remember. I can't even describe; sometimes i wake up in a sweat barely able to breath but i can barely remember what happened in the dream, yet i know i've had it hundreds of times before.



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When I was younger, I used to have this horrific recurring dream about these shapeless daemons armed with knives cutting me and tearing up my organs. I can still remember them as if I had seen them in real life with my own eyes.


My mum said that I was always screaming in my sleep but couldn't wake me. I can remember desperately trying to wake up from them, sometimes being able to feel myself clutching things and hitting myself against my bedside table, but I could just never wake up. I started developing a weird paranoia of the wrinkles in the duvet, I was so afraid they might turn into the creatures and tear me apart again.


One day my mum just put me in the car and took me to see this preacher for blessing. He just laid his hands on my head, said a quick prayer and that was that. That night I had the same dream, but this time everything brightened and they just faded away to nothing. I haven't dreamed about them since. Not even once.


Incidentally, I don't think I'll ever be willing to totally disregard the spiritual world. I often feel like Scully from the Xfiles - I don't believe, but I cant explain it any other way.


Wow, that's creepy, I can't imagine not being able to wake myself up from a dream. That must've been awful; Freddy Kruger style




I remember once having a nightmare where some mad man had escaped from Broadmoore, near my home, whilst I was at school. I then ran out to get my bag, which I'd left outside, and then, finding myself locked out of the school in the playground with this mad man coming my way. However it then sort of changed and stopped being a nightmare and turned into me and mum (I know, sounds gay) chasing this guy around town in a go-kart, Crash Bandicoot Racing style (which I'd been playing earlier that day). That was a pretty good dream.




Do people here enjoy having dreams / nightmares.? For me I'd rather have a nightmare than to dream nothing. If I don't dream anything I feel as though the time's wasted. I mean I must have played out hundreds of different stories in my dreams and that's kind of how I see it; having a dream is like watching or playing the main charater in a film and a nightmare is just like watching a scary film

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I've never had a nightmare. Please no inevitable Rokhed post trying to intiate one. :)


All my dreams are really mundane too. For example, I woke up (in my dream) and got ready for school, only I didn't have school because it was saturday.


Yeah, really that dull. Kinda sad really, sheltered childhood I guess?

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The only nightmares I now have are about a bad person/thing trying to catch me. And I spend the whole dream trying to run away from it/them.


I had more nightmares when I was a child.

I remember a couple of dreams where I couldn't breathe. Those were the only ones where I was desperate to wake up.


Then there's the wacky dreams. I recall climbing a pink mountain, only to find out the Beagle Boys got there first. Then they push me until I fall in my bed.:heh:


This morning I had a strange dream. I was in town with my friends, generally hanging out, in the middle of the day, but then I opened my eyes and I was awake, lying in bed in the dark, but whenever I closed my eyes, I was back in town. I was genuinely confused whether I was actually in town or not. It's a strange feeling.


I have plenty of those dreams. I hate them. I feel like I never slept at all and I wake up tired.


Nowadays, the most common dreams I have is a bunch of unexpected stuff happening in my life.

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Mcoy had a strange one last night, Mcoy had a dream that the girl off fear/grudge/other horror movies appeared and starting killing people in a water logged kind of building, Mcoy was pretty whacked out but for some reason this giant sentry bot (like off deus ex) chased after her with machine guns lol, it sounds alot like bioshock or something but it was nothing like it.


Mcoy had a classic one a few months ago, Mcoy was in the hall of his high school with loads of chairs around when a samauri ninja stabbed him in the back, Mcoy actually felt pain in the dream and it hurt alot! Mcoy yelled for help but no one not even his brother seemed to care, Mcoy woke up in sweat after that one.


Mcoy has LOADS to tell, once Mcoy was in some kind of futuristic market where the elevator led outside to some kind of weird planet, Mcoy met a giant blue dog that was friendly.


Mcoy has also had sex dreams, nothing better.

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I've had many freaky dreams,


I remember once i dreamed I was sitting in this wonderful meadow on a small hill, the sky was blue and it was a great day... all of a sudden i'm covered by a shadow, I look up and see a missile in the sky and it falls right smack on top of me.... weird thing is it didn't wake me up... the dream continued everything was black and i was like, so this is what it's like to be dead? :heh:


I've actually died many times in my dreams but it never freaked me out enough to wake me up in a sweat, the dream usually continues either in blackness as above, or i'm a ghost floating around.


However if i dream of someone close to me dying that makes me wake up, like once i dreamed i was at a beach and my sister was eaten by a shark, i was so freaked out i woke up and wasn't sure if it was a dream or not i had to go to her room and check she was there.


Once when on holiday in the Philippines staying in me cousins house, i dreamed i "woke up", i noticed the girlfriend wasn't in the bed with me so i tried to call her name but couldn't talk, then the door opened and a "shadow" entered the room, I tried to call for help or jump out of bed but couldn't move or speak, it started to reach towards me and i started freaking (still unable to move) just before it touched me I woke and jumped out of bed... at least I hope it was just a dream.


I've also had many dreams of being able to fly or have super powers which are always awesome, i remember have the powers of Goku from Dragonball Z and having an awesome battle with someone (can't remember who, but it certainly wasn't a character from the show), also I dreamed I was Spiderman a few times, haha, webslinging is fun :)



Prolly one of the freakest dreams i ever had though was I dreamed I was at a WWE event, the entrance music for The Undertaker started to play but it was Eddie Gurrerro who came out, I went up to him and asked why he was coming out to Takers music, he smiled and said "it'll be ok"..... next morning I woke up, went down stairs to watch the episode of RAW i set my recorder to record the night previously and found out that Eddie had died....

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I have nightmares once in a while but most of the time its just reall y wierd dreams.


For example last night I dreamed a mate of my was getting married to the son of a Russian fuedal lord in a massive opera house thing, and it was late at night, and every one I knew was there, and they were all dressed up (so obviously I was wearing my kilt). I was working the room, bullshitting my way through conversations. Then for some reason I left and walked home in the dark through what looked like an eatern european city like prague or budapest. On the way back I catch up with an old girlfriend of mine who was also at the party and wa'ked her back. I start hitting on her and thats when I woke up.


Thats actually a fairly normal dream for me.

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Last night I dreamt I had sex with a fat girl who has a male organ as well as a female one. That was... odd.


No wrong thread you should have posted this in hows your day thread.




lol sorry I couldnt resists that.



Been studying surrealism and modernist culture at the moment. Which has loadds to do with dreams. Heart of Darkness which influenced Apocalypse now and surreal paintings. Really fun stuff.


Anyway for my dreams I usually have one every night and they are pretty damn freaky sometimes. Usually about lots of people that know me or me running about scared. Very odd sometimes though if I sleep in the day I get almost lucid dreams or hallucinations which I really hate as they are so damn strong. Like people who are bascailly 3D talking to me. Oh and once I fell asleep in the middle of the day listening to Kid A that was interesting...

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It sure has gotten me thinking. Plus she was alright looking, for a fat lass.


I often talk in my sleep. I once scared the shit out of my landlady at University when I was dreaming I was a general in a great battle between the forces of Animal Good and Animal Evil.


I let out this thunderous battle cry as I waded with my axe into the greasy hordes of rats and suddenly got woken up by the door slamming open to see my landlady in her nightdress. She was totally scared witless as I had screamed out "Eulalliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" in my sleep. Said it was the scariest thing she'd ever heard.

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It sure has gotten me thinking. Plus she was alright looking, for a fat lass.


I often talk in my sleep. I once scared the shit out of my landlady at University when I was dreaming I was a general in a great battle between the forces of Animal Good and Animal Evil.


I let out this thunderous battle cry as I waded with my axe into the greasy hordes of rats and suddenly got woken up by the door slamming open to see my landlady in her nightdress. She was totally scared witless as I had screamed out "Eulalliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" in my sleep. Said it was the scariest thing she'd ever heard.


You're going to have to better than that.

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