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Eww that man sounds creepy chairdriver. D:



A big "whoops!" to my day so far. Managed to oversleep, which is the result of staying up too late last night. I could've still made it to school in time (or just a bit late) if I had hurried, but to be honest I feel a bit too tired to hurry. So just decided to skip the class (againnnn) and not go until my next one, which is at 1:30 and is basically a 20 minute talk about my paper. Which I should work on right now. >.>;


Sorry. :(


Today has been ok, so far. I've woken up early with the intention of doing some of my dissertation. So far, I've had breakfast, and browsed here for about...2 hours.


Words written on dissertation in this time: 0


Shit you, N-E. :(

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Sorry. :(


Today has been ok, so far. I've woken up early with the intention of doing some of my dissertation. So far, I've had breakfast, and browsed here for about...2 hours.


Words written on dissertation in this time: 0


Shit you, N-E. :(


Haha, you fail!


Though so do I, as I managed to sorta fall back asleep at a certain point. So barely got any work done. One hour left to do something before class, whoops! X3


Also, yay! RedBubble finally purchased those 30 shirts of me (as my prize for winning), and it's earned me €114. ^___^

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Haha, you fail!


Though so do I, as I managed to sorta fall back asleep at a certain point. So barely got any work done. One hour left to do something before class, whoops! X3


Also, yay! RedBubble finally purchased those 30 shirts of me (as my prize for winning), and it's earned me €114. ^___^


Do not laugh at my failure! :(


Haha, you need to stop bum dancing and start doing some work. Then, dance afterwards.


Aww, you have loadsa money now. :D

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Yesterday was depressing. Me and my g/f cant go out as we're trying to save money, have been doing so for months, so all we do at night is watch TV shows and films, and i occasionally play SFIV. The worst part is, we're staying with my g/fs parents so we pretty much stay couped up in our room. Its enough to drive a couple mad. I think its because we lie in bed all night, which y'know, is nice and everything, but when it comes to sleeping its hard to switch off. A bed shouldnt be somewhere you stay for too long, at least not before you try to sleep. Its not a couch.


Anyway, we were both just like, urgh, this sucks. Cant afford to go out, cant bear to watch anything anymore, cant do anything fun as her rents go to sleep at like 9 o'clock. We cant take it anymore! There's only so much we can talk about as well, we've known each other for near five years now, both have pretty boring lives at the moment due to the saving so all there is to talk about is work, and that gets rather dull rather quickly.


On top of all that, i'm not sure if its our situation or whether we just arn't a good couple anymore. I'm trying not to think that, as is she, as we know we love each other, its just getting hard to cope and entertain each other every single night without some freedom and ability to spend and do exciting things.


It will all be worth it when we go travelling, which is the cause for all this suffering. Have to keep telling myself that.

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I'm trying to have a spiffing day off from work. The current plan is:


Go food shopping

Go on Lost and Damned

Watch 2 movies

Chill out


So far, zero of the plan is working. I shall be heading out in a moment or two for the shopping, which will be nice.

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I did it! I went for a run. I ran for 3 mins, walked for 2, ran for 3, walked for 2, ran for, like, 1 min, then walked for 5 to the post office. It was only about 1.3 miles, so not massively impressive, but it's a start. Picked up the games McPhee sold to me *glee* but fucking got blisters - one on me ankle that burst and skin ripped off which made running back a hassle, so I only ran one 3-min bit and hobbled with my foot more on my shoe than in. Used my card to buy some water at sainsbury's (they had no plasters) and now I'm contemplating using cotton pads and selotape...


Got a headache and dizzy and blisters and sore lungs; a lot of side-effects to getting fit, there are! Smoking isn't a great idea, so I definitely need to cut down there.


TODAY! I MUST READ ALL OF THIS RUBBISH. I MUST! 4 tabs worth of information including the epic satire Rape of the Lock, which I read in my first year so it shouldn't take too long, and 57 pages of other stuff. Maybe after an episode of Friday Night Lights. Or two.


For now - sit ups/press ups/crunches! Go!


I too would prefer lucy liu to a child molester, but that scene really did nothing for me.

I agree *nods* I was wating for something to actually happen...

Teehee. WOOOOO! £794 pre tax = post tax = fuck knows*Update - if my maths are any good £619 Thats quite good for my situation. Awesome. (Would have been practically double) :( :(


But ah well. Considering a week ago we didn't even know if we were getting one.

Not bad at all ReZ! Things are looking up eh :)

Sorry. :(


Today has been ok, so far. I've woken up early with the intention of doing some of my dissertation. So far, I've had breakfast, and browsed here for about...2 hours.


Words written on dissertation in this time: 0


Shit you, N-E. :(

I feel you. A quick "I'll just check on n-e" becomes a furious refreshing session for a few hours, while flicking to facebook every now and then and, when in serious procrastination mode, msning and stumbling too. ESSAY TO WRITE!


~Jav's depressing situation~


I can't imagine your situation very well as I only lived with a girlfriend for two months, once. That was over the summer months so boredom would be avoided with walks, duck-feeding, and general childish games like "who can find the biggest leaf" and stuff like that. I do know the feeling when you don't really have anything new to say, though. That's not fun at all. I'm sure it's not a sign that you're a bad couple, or anything. Spring is definitely on its way, so you'll be able to investigate the outter world for free and for longer.


When are you travelling? How much is it costing you? Is frisbeeing down the park a viable option, or do you older folk not do that sorta stuff...

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Used my card to buy some water at sainsbury's (they had no plasters) and now I'm contemplating using cotton pads and selotape...

Do it. I recommend it. I had some weird mole thing under my arm that stung like shit whenever it brushed my t-shirt, just appeared out of nowhere. Had no plasters, but plenty of those cotton pads because you always endeavour to use the Clean and Clear everyday but end up not. The doctor was well impressed by my resourcefulness as I ripped the sellotape off my shoulder.

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Certainly not going to read all 10 pages I've missed D:


Had my best friend here since Thursday and epic, epic times ensued. I ended up watching Total Recall another 2 times over the weekend, both times with people who hadn't seen the film before, and the entire weekend was just made up of reminiscing the film and the quotes, plenty of "TWO WEEEKSH" and "See you at the party Richter" and "MY NAME IS NOT QUAID/YOU BLEW MY COVAAAHH" etc etc etc. Pretty much everything and anything comedic.


Also at my final night in 60 Million Postcards last night, there was a Guitar Hero 3 competition, which my friend won, winning himself £16. Interesting way of doing it - you buy a raffle ticket and two people are drawn out at random to play Co-op together and have to get the highest score possible. The pair with the highest score then have a pro face off against each other for the prize fund.


Unfortunately for me the guy I was paired with randomly was shocking, and kept dropping notes, and seemed pretty confident on his "Bulls on Parade" skills, meaning low score (though second place, tyvm. 99% for me as well, only dropped one note) but good fun regardless. Watching my buddy beat the other arrogant guy's arse on Knights of Cydonia was worth it. :D


On top of that, Plenty of green smoked throughout the weekend, my second time I've had a decent amount to smoke and enjoy it. Good times!


Oh, and as a belated birthday present, he bought me a bottle of Absinthe. We had some. It was awesome. :D

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I can't imagine your situation very well as I only lived with a girlfriend for two months, once. That was over the summer months so boredom would be avoided with walks, duck-feeding, and general childish games like "who can find the biggest leaf" and stuff like that. I do know the feeling when you don't really have anything new to say, though. That's not fun at all. I'm sure it's not a sign that you're a bad couple, or anything. Spring is definitely on its way, so you'll be able to investigate the outter world for free and for longer.


When are you travelling? How much is it costing you? Is frisbeeing down the park a viable option, or do you older folk not do that sorta stuff...


Yeah, its not so much that were bored of each other, just constrained and frustrated. Hopefully going travelling in June, trying to save as close to 9 grand as possible, although my dad is helping with half so i need 4-5 grand myself. Not easy on my pay.


I think we are just going to go for walks and stuff like an old couple in the meantime. Its getting lighter at night now so we can go for cycle rides to the beach and stuff perhaps.


Congrats on the run by the way!


And Dyson, when are you leaving?

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i feel rather insulted that my dad decided to phone me to remind me to go on the bsm website today to sort driving lessons. he seems to think i only do things if im told. in actual fact he just dosent notice me doing anything cos hes in his own bald little world.

That's actually what happens with my brother. Except he needs to be told several times to do something before he can be bothered to do it.


I heard him this morning saying to mum he couldn't do his community service hours today because of something wrong with his wrist [i wasn't listening hard enough and his bullshit bores me to tiredness], but has since gone out to kiss his girlfriend's arse because of some dispute:


She phoned inviting him to join her at someone's house, he said he would, he didn't. So she wasn't best pleased because he didn't contact her informing his non-attendance. He told me he was giving her some space and didn't want to seem clingy... Admirable quality but bullshit in this scenario.


I've just had a call from the unpaid work shizzle for him... I'm wondering if he phoned in sick or not.


And I'm just about to sign him up for an Army joining pack, if he's going to fuck about not getting a job because he's going to join the army, I'm not going to let him waste time.

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Do it. I recommend it. I had some weird mole thing under my arm that stung like shit whenever it brushed my t-shirt, just appeared out of nowhere. Had no plasters, but plenty of those cotton pads because you always endeavour to use the Clean and Clear everyday but end up not. The doctor was well impressed by my resourcefulness as I ripped the sellotape off my shoulder.

Not found any sellotape yet! Definitely a pr0 thing to do.


Your bro does sound like an idiot, but he might have a similar condition to me; when someone tells me to do something I will most likely not do it.

Certainly not going to read all 10 pages I've missed D:


Had my best friend here since Thursday and epic, epic times ensued. I ended up watching Total Recall another 2 times over the weekend, both times with people who hadn't seen the film before, and the entire weekend was just made up of reminiscing the film and the quotes, plenty of "TWO WEEEKSH" and "See you at the party Richter" and "MY NAME IS NOT QUAID/YOU BLEW MY COVAAAHH" etc etc etc. Pretty much everything and anything comedic.


Also at my final night in 60 Million Postcards last night, there was a Guitar Hero 3 competition, which my friend won, winning himself £16. Interesting way of doing it - you buy a raffle ticket and two people are drawn out at random to play Co-op together and have to get the highest score possible. The pair with the highest score then have a pro face off against each other for the prize fund.


Unfortunately for me the guy I was paired with randomly was shocking, and kept dropping notes, and seemed pretty confident on his "Bulls on Parade" skills, meaning low score (though second place, tyvm. 99% for me as well, only dropped one note) but good fun regardless. Watching my buddy beat the other arrogant guy's arse on Knights of Cydonia was worth it. :D


On top of that, Plenty of green smoked throughout the weekend, my second time I've had a decent amount to smoke and enjoy it. Good times!


Oh, and as a belated birthday present, he bought me a bottle of Absinthe. We had some. It was awesome. :D

Shame on you for not catching up with WHAT MATTERS!! I bet you'll do it when you can't sleep anyway. Very pleased for you, having a good weekend and such. Keep it real, homie.

Yeah, its not so much that were bored of each other, just constrained and frustrated. Hopefully going travelling in June, trying to save as close to 9 grand as possible, although my dad is helping with half so i need 4-5 grand myself. Not easy on my pay.


I think we are just going to go for walks and stuff like an old couple in the meantime. Its getting lighter at night now so we can go for cycle rides to the beach and stuff perhaps.


Congrats on the run by the way!


And Dyson, when are you leaving?

Wow, that's a lot of money! I guess it's a serious trip you're going on. I'm sure it'll be worth it. Walks/bike rides are good, and bournemouth beach is fairly nice ;) Cheers on teh congrats! I feel happy that I've actually done something with myself, for the first time in ages.

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Not found any sellotape yet! Definitely a pr0 thing to do.


Your bro does sound like an idiot, but he might have a similar condition to me; when someone tells me to do something I will most likely not do it.

The thing with the army bullshit is that [i think] he pulled it out his arse all by himself. Although I do bet his friends had a hand in it.


Which would imply he'd speed up the process of doing it, however this doesn't seem to be the case.


Plus, it seems an abnormal amount of work goes into applying for an army info pack, almost a test.

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Just received my game package for reviewing for the site I work for and it's all crap. Guess we have to take the good with the bad. The highlight is Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party and that's not much of a highlight. Oh well, free games that I should be able to get out of the way very quickly. Will start working through them in awhile.


Had two lectures today and they went fine. Also had an enquiry about my DS that I'm selling so hopefully that sale will go through (Selling my original DS, which is a launch unit from 2004 in the US).

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Shame on you for not catching up with WHAT MATTERS!! I bet you'll do it when you can't sleep anyway. Very pleased for you, having a good weekend and such. Keep it real, homie.


I do not know what you speak of and thus it makes me feel more ashamed! Whatchu talkin' bout?


But yeah, epic weekend, not bad for my last true weekend in Bournemouth.


Jav, I'm leaving this Saturday!

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I have 300 words left of this essay and my god can I not be bothered to write them.


Swapped playlists with my friend on Spotify. So awesome. I can't wait until it get's developed a bit more. I wouldn't mind a personal rating system and such. A friends list as well is a must.

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