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I watched the entire series of Elfen Lied since yesterday. Now I'm an emotional wreck. ;_;




Crikey, that must be a draining experience. It's a fantastic series, but I'm not sure I can handle that amount of blood and crushed innocence in 24 hours. I mean that kicking of the puppy is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what happens after. :shakehead

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Crikey, that must be a draining experience. It's a fantastic series, but I'm not sure I can handle that amount of blood and crushed innocence in 24 hours. I mean that kicking of the puppy is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what happens after. :shakehead


I no rite? ;_;


Suprisingly though, I didn't cry at the end.

And this is coming from someone who cried at the end of Azumanga Daioh.

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Crikey, that must be a draining experience. It's a fantastic series, but I'm not sure I can handle that amount of blood and crushed innocence in 24 hours. I mean that kicking of the puppy is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what happens after. :shakehead


Seen the Elfen Lied OVA and Boogiepop Phantom WYB?

Edited by Dante
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I no rite? ;_;


Suprisingly though, I didn't cry at the end.

And this is coming from someone who cried at the end of Azumanga Daioh.


It's alright, no tears were shed here either. I was more WTF due to the ambiguous ending. I was pretty much destroyed by

the death of Kohta's sister

but more just open mouthed at the shear horror of it all than sad.


Seen the Elfen Lied OVA and Boogiepop Phantom WYB?


'fraid not, but I just checking them out now using my good friend google.


Righto, after a successful evening of avoiding work I feel that what is required is some rest to reflect on my achievements of today.

Edited by weeyellowbloke
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Righto, after a successful evening of avoiding work I feel that what is required is some rest to reflect on my achievements of today.


Avoiding it, care to share some tips : peace:.


Not that i want to take time off or anything.

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I have to sort out custom made pint glasses for KURACS.


How big are pint glass logos, like the stella logo, usually?

I'm going tell you how my day went as this thread likes. I went to work today and I took some pictures today. That's how my day went, my day was alright.


And I shall post them today and you can marvel at how blurry they are.




Which has Vier running up and down.







Ugly remixed.



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i feel like shit. 6 months on the dole, dosent matter how shit a job i go for, its not happening. dont even get the courtasy of "fuck off, your an under qualified cunt and we hope your family die in a trian crash"


honsetly, i dont even know what im getting up for any more. ive been stopmped down and stomped down, im living in the shit. every thing i do is utterly pointless.


they say reach for the moon and fall into the stars, actual truth is reach well within your grasp and get kicked into rusty nails and human shit.

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I've got the most spiffingly brilliant idea for a novel that I'm giving inanimate objects stiffies purely from the aura I'm giving off.


Ellmeister was witness to the conception of the idea (unfortunately, he is neither mother nor father, but perhaps condom, or viagra pill?) and... Just yes. I'm so psyched for this, it is untrue.


New life plan:


1) Write this book.

2) ???

3) ???


... Yeah success is supposed to go there but FUCK it. If I write this book, i'll be a success. Don't let me forget this!

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I've got the most spiffingly brilliant idea for a novel that I'm giving inanimate objects stiffies purely from the aura I'm giving off.


Ellmeister was witness to the conception of the idea (unfortunately, he is neither mother nor father, but perhaps condom, or viagra pill?) and... Just yes. I'm so psyched for this, it is untrue.


New life plan:


1) Write this book.

2) ???

3) ???


... Yeah success is supposed to go there but FUCK it. If I write this book, i'll be a success. Don't let me forget this!

Sweet, when your book is a success, I want your note of thanks in the book to mention me as your viagra pill ;)

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'fraid not, but I just checking them out now using my good friend google.


Righto, after a successful evening of avoiding work I feel that what is required is some rest to reflect on my achievements of today.


Boogiepop Phantom is awesome mind messer.



"Each episode centers on different characters who sometimes have just a short involvement in the major events of the series. For this reason, many scenes are seen twice, from different perspectives, and some episodes are out of sequence, although there is a slow general time progression. An unusual visual style is employed wherein, for all but the last episode, a much reduced colour palette is used in conjunction with a vignette effect. The sound design features many varied music genres from Gregorian to electronic, and even some sounds that appear to be unique to the show.Through the non-linear style of the series, the characters are used to develop the central themes of the series: Change, Escapism, Memory, and Relationships."

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one day, dante ~ i'ma find out where you live... come to your house and steal your ctrl, C & V keys. *nods*


New life plan:


1) Write this book.

2) ???

3) ???


... Yeah success is supposed to go there but FUCK it. If I write this book, i'll be a success. Don't let me forget this!

like dave gorman :grin:


my new life plan is

1) work/make portfolio for 1 year

b) try and get design job

iii) give up, dispair and become bohemian.

4) invent silent velcro and become squillionaire.


alternate plan//

1) marry some rich guy.



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iii) give up, dispair and become bohemian.


Yesterday was a (a word) day. Had noodle sup for din dins which was awesome. Had some very thin noodles though so I will be getting the other thicker ones next time. At 10 me and a flat mate started playing Gears of War 2. After I don't know how long we started the first Rainbow 5 game, which went on till 5:15 this morning. I awoke 46 minutes ago. Success.

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I just found out that I won that RedBubble contest I posted a thread about not too long ago! First place! Yayyyyy! ^_______^




This made my day, haha. My heart literally skipped a beat when I found out. X3


excellent eenuh!!! congratulations!!! :grin:

so glad you won over the 2nd placer... i've TOTALLY seen that design somewhere before O_O


...cant think where though *brain strain*

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