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im knackered off football. if im honest, i spend the whole game trying not to fuck up rather then scroe or anything productive.


just charge at the oposition, hope i end up with the ball to kickly pass to a team mate.


i hate football.


Why do you play it if you are both scared and annoyed with it?

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Speaking of football. Just got back from 5-a-side and i'm soaked. it lashed it down for the 2 hours we were playing. Felt like I was wearing one of those skin tight tops. On the way home I had quite possibly the most random conversation i've ever had. We some how went from talking about the Chelsea game, to whether any of us split up our coloured glass and clear glass when recycling.


So do you?...

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I'm a little bit pissed off at my housemates. A while ago, we were talking about "donkey punch" and my mate claimed that a donkey punch was when you killed the woman after punching the woman at the back of the head.


I pointed out the fact that this didn't always kill the woman/man. The film itself, Donkey Punch, is when the move goes wrong, said female dies, and is thrown overboard. But no, I was made to feel humiliated like I was the one in the wrong.


Today, almost the exact same thing happened with the same housemate and another housemate. We were talking about masturbation, and I said that "I bet so and so uses two hands."


"How would that work?"


"...one hand on the clit, and one in the vagina."


Her: "But women don't get much pleasure in the vagina, it's just the clitoris."


Me: "...what? You're wrong. I have been told by so and so and another person that you can feel stuff from there."


Her: "Well, I don't."


Me: "But, they do..."


Her: "Well, you're wrong."


Again, I was made to feel laughed at, and like I was the one who didn't know what I was talking about. Has she heard of a clitoral orgasm, a vaginal orgasm, or even an anal orgasm? By the sounds of it, no.


I'm going to have a word with her tomorrow, because I'm sick of being made a joke out of, and especially when it is information that I actually have proof over.

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Her: "But women don't get much pleasure in the vagina, it's just the clitoris."


Me: "...what? You're wrong. I have been told by so and so and another person that you can feel stuff from there."


Her: "Well, I don't."


Me: "But, they do..."


Her: "Well, you're wrong."


Some women only get pleasure from the clitoris, which is what it is in her case, I'm guessing.

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Some women only get pleasure from the clitoris, which is what it is in her case, I'm guessing.


That may be so, but she is not the basis for medical science. Just because she can't do something, doesn't mean others can't either. You're a man of Science, Fish, so you know that you can't argue with cold hard fact.


It's not even the facts I'm bothered about, it's the fact that I was made to be the one who was wrong, even when I had made a perfectly valid point. This is the reason I don't talk much in lectures, because of people like this.

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I'm a little bit pissed off at my housemates. A while ago, we were talking about "donkey punch" and my mate claimed that a donkey punch was when you killed the woman after punching the woman at the back of the head.


I pointed out the fact that this didn't always kill the woman/man. The film itself, Donkey Punch, is when the move goes wrong, said female dies, and is thrown overboard. But no, I was made to feel humiliated like I was the one in the wrong.


Today, almost the exact same thing happened with the same housemate and another housemate. We were talking about masturbation, and I said that "I bet so and so uses two hands."


"How would that work?"


"...one hand on the clit, and one in the vagina."


Her: "But women don't get much pleasure in the vagina, it's just the clitoris."


Me: "...what? You're wrong. I have been told by so and so and another person that you can feel stuff from there."


Her: "Well, I don't."


Me: "But, they do..."


Her: "Well, you're wrong."


Again, I was made to feel laughed at, and like I was the one who didn't know what I was talking about. Has she heard of a clitoral orgasm, a vaginal orgasm, or even an anal orgasm? By the sounds of it, no.


I'm going to have a word with her tomorrow, because I'm sick of being made a joke out of, and especially when it is information that I actually have proof over.


I hate people like that. There's no arguing with them because they are always right. Fuckers.

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That may be so, but she is not the basis for medical science. Just because she can't do something, doesn't mean others can't either. You're a man of Science, Fish, so you know that you can't argue with cold hard fact.


I know, I'm just explaining why she has that view point. As she has one and you (as far as I am aware) don't, she would naturally assume she knew more - it is not an unreasonable assumption. However, her refusal to even consider your proposal (ie ask someone else/look it up) suggests that she is a 'tard.

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I hate people like that. There's no arguing with them because they are always right. Fuckers.


Some people in my flat have accused me of being like this - I only tend to only get extremely "high and mighty" about matters when I know for sure I am right - the most recent that springs to mind is an argument over whether or not you can get concentrated Ribena that you dilute yourself. Having practically lived off the stuff as a child, this was well-trodden group for me.


What was more annoying is the fact that, after about an hour, I went and bought a bottle of the stuff (well worth it - I still love the stuff). They refused to apologise after someone suggested they do so (they'd attacked me for being as Haggis said), but they refused. When pushed about an instance I have stuck to my guns and been incorrect, they could not name a single one. Ironically, it is they themselves who are insistent on their own infallibility.

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Some people in my flat have accused me of being like this - I only tend to only get extremely "high and mighty" about matters when I know for sure I am right - the most recent that springs to mind is an argument over whether or not you can get concentrated Ribena that you dilute yourself. Having practically lived off the stuff as a child, this was well-trodden group for me.


What was more annoying is the fact that, after about an hour, I went and bought a bottle of the stuff (well worth it - I still love the stuff). They refused to apologise after someone suggested they do so (they'd attacked me for being as Haggis said), but they refused. When pushed about an instance I have stuck to my guns and been incorrect, they could not name a single one. Ironically, it is they themselves who are insistent on their own infallibility.


I'm exactly the same. When I know I am right, I'm completely like that, and I will not back down until the other person has admitted he/she was wrong. My friends just say I'm stubborn, and I'm like "Um no...I'm just right all the time." :p

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Ah but, while i can't nescessarily name the instances where will has been wrong, i know they have happened, if only because i remember the uproar that will has been wrong about it.


my lecturer used centripetal and centrifugal force to explain the EEC in th early 60's today, i told him afterwards that the latter doesn't exist and left him short handed about how best to correct himself.

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I'm exactly the same. When I know I am right, I'm completely like that, and I will not back down until the other person has admitted he/she was wrong. My friends just say I'm stubborn, and I'm like "Um no...I'm just right all the time." :p


When I'm unsure about something, I'll normally back down - people only remember when they haven't won, not when they have, so they think I'm always sticking to my guns.

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I know, I'm just explaining why she has that view point. As she has one and you (as far as I am aware) don't, she would naturally assume she knew more - it is not an unreasonable assumption. However, her refusal to even consider your proposal (ie ask someone else/look it up) suggests that she is a 'tard.


Oh, sorry dude, I knew why you were doing it. I think I was just explaining my point again. She did say at one point "You wouldn't know, because you're not a woman." To which I replied "I've had several women tell me the exact opposite of what you're saying." But no, apparantly she is right, and they're all wrong. Ahhhhh.


I'm getting more and more wound up about it. This is the Fierce streak in me. I do get quite defensive, but I will defend myself if I need to.


If I'm wrong, I'll happily admit to it, because it's ok to be wrong. You learn through getting things wrong. But, when somebody does challenge me over something that I believe to be right, I'll be stubborn about it. It never usually happens, and I'm quiet for the most part. But, what can I say? The beast has awoken.


Knowing me, I'll wake up tomorrow and not care. But, I feel like I have to make a point because I'm really wound up.

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my lecturer used centripetal and centrifugal force to explain the EEC in th early 60's today, i told him afterwards that the latter doesn't exist and left him short handed about how best to correct himself.




Mega fail!


Sorry, Dommy, but you're wrong! If you use a circular coordinate system and take vectors, you'll find it falls right out at you as a resultant force!


--------> 1st Year degree-level dynamics



:blank: Dom



This settles an almost 2 year old dispute between our friend Alex (of the Yankee origin) and his and my physics teacher at AS!


Ah but, while i can't nescessarily name the instances where will has been wrong, i know they have happened, if only because i remember the uproar that will has been wrong about it.


That's because I'm a fucking genius. :wink: Alternately (read: realistically), it's because they're about things such as "how long it takes to cook curly chips", and matters of similar gravitas.

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Never argue with me. I am always right. Except when I am wrong.


Finished yesterday on a good note. Also I've been doing exercises recently as in weights and sits up etc (not masturbating, you sickos), mostly just before going to bed, its really working! Love it!

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I agree - why are those six mini roundabouts even there? They serve no purpose other then to complicate things clearly. Though I suppose it's only natural that somebody who plans contraflow obstacles might start to get creatively frustrated. :heh:


Explainzzzzz. Wait...explain contraflow again? Surely the roundabouts are there to prevent the need for traffic lights due to such a large amount of traffic.


Not to mention Milton Keys :D


I don't get it. :(

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I hate people like this.

I was taking the bus and I´m late so I get the pleasure of seeing the bus come before I get the bus.

I of course start running but I´m not fast enough but before I can say: "ahh fuck" I see the bus stop for me, so I get into the bus and before I can thank him for stopping for me the guy starts shouting at me that it´s not his responsibility to stop for me if I´m not at the bus stop and that he should not have to stop for me.

Which begs the question why did he stop if it annoyed him so much.


Then he went on talking into his cellphone while driving a full bus weighting a couple tons.

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I hate people like this.

I was taking the bus and I´m late so I get the pleasure of seeing the bus come before I get the bus.

I of course start running but I´m not fast enough but before I can say: "ahh fuck" I see the bus stop for me, so I get into the bus and before I can thank him for stopping for me the guy starts shouting at me that it´s not his responsibility to stop for me if I´m not at the bus stop and that he should not have to stop for me.

Which begs the question why did he stop if it annoyed him so much.


Then he went on talking into his cellphone while driving a full bus weighting a couple tons.



i demand you report him. O__o!!


had a crappy morning so far... :sad: fell on the stairs coming out of the underground and winded myself >_<

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I would complain but I know not much will be done seeing as the last time I have complained nothing was done and any idiot is hired as a bus driver.


I could write a book about the potentially dangerous situation involving buses :blank:

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I missed out on getting tickets for the April gig of Antony and the Johnsons as they sold out ages ago, so I figured I wouldn't get to see them again any time soon. But now I just read in the newspaper that they'll be having another gig on March 23... Which is the day I'll be going to Italy with schooooool. =(


I'm actually not looking forward to this trip at the moment. It's only three days (leave 23rd, come back late on the 25th), but it'll cost me a small fortune (about €400 probably, including flight, hotel, food, train...). I'm not even sure what we'll be doing there. And I should start on making a portfolio to take with me... bah.


I'd much rather stay home, go to my usual classes and maybe have the chance of seeing Antony and the Johnsons. Oh well. Maybe next time...

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Mega fail!


Sorry, Dommy, but you're wrong! If you use a circular coordinate system and take vectors, you'll find it falls right out at you as a resultant force!


--------> 1st Year degree-level dynamics


I'm sorry, your telling me, after yeeeeeeeears of telling me that such a thing isn't in existance, that it does exist? FAIL


so bond could have died then ;)

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