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23 fucking words to et rid of in my essay. Hopefully doable.


I hate that I'll do badly, as it's really well written and interesting, but he did say it didn't have enough of the criteria met to scrore that well.


I don't think my new draft has improved enough on that. A mix of liking my original writing on Emin and not being arsed to changed it prevailed this time.

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I would genuinely say that you shouldn't worry about being 23 words over/under ever. you hand it in on paper, so they don't exactly count it word-for-word. If your case presented is worthy, then it is fine for it to exceed the allocated amount :)

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I would genuinely say that you shouldn't worry about being 23 words over/under ever. you hand it in on paper, so they don't exactly count it word-for-word. If your case presented is worthy, then it is fine for it to exceed the allocated amount :)


Well I did get rid of the 23 anyway...I wrote the word count at the bottom, lest they smite me for not doing so.


If I never see Tracey Emin's ugly face again, it'll be too soon.

















I do like her stuff.

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^That be true. In college I, too, had to write the word count at the bottom. Whenever I was over/under I'd just make up a number that slotted close enough to the required limit. They'd only notice if it was an extra page or two over the average!

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Weee! So, I was planning on going to bed at 2:30am this morning. I then had a better plan. Why not..not sleep at all? And so it was done!


Not tired at all. Very peculiar. Normally when staying up all night I'll be feeling my eyes drag or something or a lack of energy but that's yet to hit me. Waking up at 4:30pm yesterday may have something to do with it.


As a result of staying up I've decided to go to uni in 2 and a half hours time to FINALLY sort my shit out. Quit officially and sort out leaving my flat. Actually looking forward to leaving now as I've been talking to a friend who MIGHT have a job for me starting at the end of March, paying £8 an hour or something.


Things might be starting to look up, people. Shower time! :D

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Guest Jordan

Well, nearly shat myself this morning due to money problems. But thankfully all is well, so i'm calm and happy again. Phew.


I was very, very lucky that my wages went in before my bills went out.

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Well, nearly shat myself this morning due to money problems. But thankfully all is well, so i'm calm and happy again. Phew.


I was very, very lucky that my wages went in before my bills went out.


Overdraft innit. Its fine.


Interesting few pages. Lotta shouting/confusion.

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We want to know what happened! And if you don't feel like saying anything about it, then don't post about it in the first place, or tell anyone about it!

The same applies to Molly about her hardcore bra remixing not long ago!

good lord what got your knickers in a twist? :)


*head explodes*

Now don't start using that as an excuse lasseh.

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^That be true. In college I, too, had to write the word count at the bottom. Whenever I was over/under I'd just make up a number that slotted close enough to the required limit. They'd only notice if it was an extra page or two over the average!


Yup. Plus they don't really know anyway. One of my assignments last year was 2000 words, I wrote on it 2,187 (or some figure like that) and it was actually 2,600 odd.


Results from semester 1 at 2pm apparently. The server will get raped and won't be available til tonight apparently. I hate the way it takes 2 months for them to get put up. Most of the students are sports students, why can't they wait and we get ours sooner. Its not like sport students know the alphabet anyway :heh:


Another fun day of uni work lies ahead. And The Fountainhead.


Although this morning I kept waking up every half hour since 8.30. Rubbish.

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Heh oops, managed to stay in bed until now. I was actually planning to skip class to do work this morning.

Guess my sick body decided sleep was the better option! Could still go for some more even, but I guess work is in order. =P

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I'm still feeling the effects of Saturday night, i shall not drink that much vodka again in such a short amount of time (well, not neat anyway).


I shall be dumping my current g/f later today, i've had enough of all her petty excuses and not answering the phone or any messages i send. As soon as i do get hold of her, i shall perform the dumping ritual.


And it will be an achievement for me as well, first g/f i actually dump myself and not being dumped by them.

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I'm still feeling the effects of Saturday night, i shall not drink that much vodka again in such a short amount of time (well, not neat anyway).


I shall be dumping my current g/f later today, i've had enough of all her petty excuses and not answering the phone or any messages i send. As soon as i do get hold of her, i shall perform the dumping ritual.


And it will be an achievement for me as well, first g/f i actually dump myself and not being dumped by them.

How you doing it? Text, email or the face teh face? I can assure you all 3 ways are equally effective.


Whatever the method, you have to start with the deep trouble line.

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How can you get satisfaction from dumping somebody? Its a horrible thing to do, even if its the right decision.

An extreme example perhaps, but a girlfriend dumping her boyfriend because he beats her is a terrible thing? I think getting satisfaction from ending that wouldn't be a horrible thing at all.

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An extreme example perhaps, but a girlfriend dumping her boyfriend because he beats her is a terrible thing? I think getting satisfaction from ending that wouldn't be a horrible thing at all.


True, but that wasn't the case in point was it? :p

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Got told off for reading at my desk on lunch, so had to go to the staff room.


This place is just ridiculous.


Because we're busy all the managers are fluttering around like teachers too. Makes me want to not work as hard, thus I don't intend to.

Are you on lunch now? We could be hanging out. I love how busy it is today *screams*

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Some prick has gotten hold of my email address and signed it up to something as I'm getting strange spam from Chinese businessmen wanting to enter into partnerships for something to do with banking or something. Didn't read them, just deleted them but it's pissing me off. I have a feeling I know you has done it but wouldn't be able to prove it and have no reason why he'd do it. Would change my email address but everything that needs an email address is tied to that one because it's my main one and is more professional for emailing things than from a hotmail account. I'll have to see about getting to the bottom of it.


Apart from that frustrating interlude, today has been alright so far. Just back from Uni and I'm a bit tired. Train was late in getting to Dundee again this morning so I was late for my lecture (really don't know why I don't just get the bus as it's cheaper and always on time). It's my brother's 18th birthday today so I'm hoping this evening we can go out to eat (Nandos plzkthnxbye) as we did on my 18th and on my sisters.


Need to have a little chat with the guys who are running the site I review for as neither of my reviews have been posted yet and they should have been. I'm holding on to the other ones I have until it's sorted but they're being really stupid about it. First wanting them as quickly as possible then taking ages to post them. :shakehead

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I have a feeling I know you has done it

Shit. Rumbled.


Don't worry about that foreign business crap. You get that sort of email all the time. My long lost Mongolian second cousin is on his death bed and his lawyer tracked me down and wants my bank details to wire the cash. Or wants to scam him.


George wants my bank account details because I won a Cash Prize Monies.


I've also won the Super Special Awesome Global Lottery on at least 30 different occasions. Who'd have thought I was so lucky?

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I'm back now. Am loving it actually, havn't had a .....oh just got a call. Spoke too soon.

lol, indeed. Two weeks of 10-6's in a row for me, unbelievable. I tried my best charm with Batman's sidekick and he just said I should have asked reSourceman weeks ago, el bastardo.

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