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Yeh, Kerrang are very slow when it comes to music outside of the mainstream. They have been starting to discuss or show off J-rock more so in the magazine over the last few months. Hell, they did a big concert review on X-Japan (I think that's their name. Either that or X-Tokyo) and since then they've sort of continued to show more of it off, purely because I think those that have been reading the magazine have been asking for more info on the bands. I remember then saying they were getting a lot of letters asking them to show more J-rock in the magazine so guess that's why bands like Dir En Grey are starting to appear in there. But yeh, the line-up didn't look great. Seems the Kerrang sponsored tours aren't getting many of the big bands. Even Give It A Name has had a lukewarm line-up in the past few years.

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Got my chest surface, wrist surface, nose bridge and lip pulled out in the crowd. I didnt even notice my chest one go! My lip got caught in some bitches hair.



dsc01345ne4.jpg (this is next day, looked better last night :D)




Still can't get the fuck over how insane it was.




Oh yeah! And the best part was they only played one song from their new album (which is a bit crap tbh)



lol bloodly letty


You had a great time then?

How did the piercings get pulled out, were you crowd surfing?


On the topic of sugar - sugar ruins tea!!!


Tea isn't meant to be sweeeeeeetttt!!!!


Yes it is!

Two spoons of sugar is yummy!

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Tea without suger = Win


Tea with sugar = Fail


Piercings being ripped out = Pain!! (ow, not that much blood though)


Rest of the day has gone pretty well, managed to get onto Smash Bros earlier online before someone decided it was funny to pull out the router cable and prevent online play for myself.


Still, managed to get a few good games in (cheers JoJo and /nando/, catch ya online again over the weekend)

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Not a bad day.


I had my computer science exam in the morning. It was probably the easiest exam I've ever written. I was done in an hour, but we had 3.


Since that was my last exam, I came home after and played games for a while. I managed to beat World of Goo and MoH:H2.

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On the topic of sugar - sugar ruins tea!!!


Tea isn't meant to be sweeeeeeetttt!!!!


Lady knows! Sugar is a corruption of tea!!! Milk...is not, depending on the tea. I think. I dunno, but I definitely stand by my point of sugar in tea just being plain goddamn wrong. Don't do it!


Day has consisted mainly of alot of Big Bang Mini and even more GTA4, which is the first GTA I've properly played in ages, since GTA1 probs in fact, and I'm quite liking it.

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Last night was good. Socialising with my group doing nothing in particular. All the girls were perming/dying their hair and got a few of us highlights. I'm already blonde so none for me. Although the plan is to dye my hair brown, even though I'm dirty blonde. I said black?? And they said I would look like a 16 year old emo =/ I suggested green, some boys were up for it but the girls definitely weren't.


Today shall be a good day!

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Today is going to be shit. I'm covering both US and EU support at work today. So much fucking stuff to do, no one to help on 2nd or 3rd line support. Fucks sake, this is JOKE.

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Boooooh, I'm sorta ill. =(

My throat is all swollen and painful and my head hurtsssss a lot. My neck is aching a bit as well. And I just feel crappy.


I've stayed home this morning, but told mom I'd probably go to class in the afternoon... but I really don't want to go. >.<;


Perfect timing for me to get ill again. Typical. -_____-;

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Aww boo guys, cookies for Jordan and medicine for Eenuh!


As you can tell, I'm somewhat in a cheery mood, went to my intergrated projects class and met two out of four of my group. Only girl in the group, but that's fine ian and fraser seem pretty decent guys so that makes me feel abit better about the whole thing, yay!


Going to go to the gym at 11 and spend the next two hours not thinking and continue to be happy for a while.


Was offered to go to the pub tonight, not really sure about going..but I may make an appearance..hmm..

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Boooooh, I'm sorta ill. =(

My throat is all swollen and painful and my head hurtsssss a lot. My neck is aching a bit as well. And I just feel crappy.


I've stayed home this morning, but told mom I'd probably go to class in the afternoon... but I really don't want to go. >.<;


Perfect timing for me to get ill again. Typical. -_____-;


Feel better soon Eenuh.


I've been in an oddly good mood the past few days regardless of all the horrible stuff at work that's been going on.

I've been doing my comics and I've felt really inspired and spending hours drawing Red Cadet. It's looking good (I hope), I'm going to post a couple of pages in the Creative Gallery soon :D

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Ugh. Just had such a naive fucking prick. He made a complaint because his plans gone down in value "Every second its with you, its going down"


A) Its gone up the last few days, so thats just a flat out lie.

B) Did you think you were immune from the credit crunch?


Twat. Like a lot of clients are like this, but they're usually young idiotic sounding women who think they sound amazing and really chuffed with themselves when they complain or old people, and its kinda of understandable, but this was a middle aged, smart sounding prick.

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Well I've had a productive day -- I now have 10001 gamerscore and I don't even own an xbox.



Stealing someone with a high scores' Xbox it would appear.


some more sexy doovdes I ordered arrived. Shall probably watch those today. I tried ringing the computer guy to come put in a newer new wireless network card which might actually work, but his answering machine says "don't leave a message, just ring again in a few mins, the showing of missed call will prompt me"

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Last night was good. Socialising with my group doing nothing in particular. All the girls were perming/dying their hair and got a few of us highlights. I'm already blonde so none for me. Although the plan is to dye my hair brown, even though I'm dirty blonde. I said black?? And they said I would look like a 16 year old emo =/ I suggested green, some boys were up for it but the girls definitely weren't.


Today shall be a good day!


Yeah I got that reaction when I wanted to dye my hair black years ago. I did dye it the darkest brown possible in the end and it looked slick. :smile:


Hmmm, might do that again actually...

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I miss being blonde. Shame I canne afford £40 every two or three months anymore to get it done.


Woke up at 12:45 today :/ My sleep patterns are all screwy at the moment.


Not that I have any plans other than read and apply for graduate schemes today but still. Late.

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lol bloodly letty


Yes it is!

Two spoons of sugar is yummy!


Two sugars are definitely needed in tea! It's too bluegh without it. It needs a sweet twang to give it flavour, else its just bitter and nasty.


Day is fun so far. Playing SFIV trying to unlock everybody, no-ones quite sure what you have to do to get the last few though, which is where im at now. Capcom Japan are liers on that subject too, because they were wrong :(

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Last night was awesome. Bowling fun was had, it was Girls 1-1 Boys in the end, although I beat ReZ and spenno182 in both games, just saying :p. I'm not too competitive at all. Then drinks and general lols, followed by a few tears because...


Today is our friend's last day, she's moving to New Zealand for two years, it's muchly sad.

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Two sugars are definitely needed in tea! It's too bluegh without it. It needs a sweet twang to give it flavour, else its just bitter and nasty.


Day is fun so far. Playing SFIV trying to unlock everybody, no-ones quite sure what you have to do to get the last few though, which is where im at now. Capcom Japan are liers on that subject too, because they were wrong :(


Unlock Cammy = Stare at the Pause screen whilst Chun Li is doing an upskirt for 4 hours.

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Stealing someone with a high scores' Xbox it would appear.

Nope! I'm just that sad.


TODAY is... :idea: TODAY! Yes, oh yes. Email tutor to excuse self from going in? CHECK! DO nothing until pub tonight? IN PROGRESS. What else? Uh... READ! Yeah, reaaaady-read-read.



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